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Stuffing my face deeper into the pillow, I roll over… and fall off the side of the bed. Ugh. That doesn’t feel good. My head pounds and I want nothing more than to climb back under the covers of my blessed bed, but my sister skids through the doors.


I groan and rub my head. “Ugh. I’m hunting elephants. What does it look like I’m doing?” I retort sarcastically. But something’s wrong. Fear and worry shines in her eyes.

“Did you completely forget?!”

“What?” A tint of panic was in my voice. Then I realize what she was talking about. My throat closes up and my eyes go wide. Brynne sees the recognition across my face. I jump up hurriedly, my headache seeming small and unimportant, and sprint out the door with my sister, pulling on my sandals as we go.

I am late. Again. They could punish me for that. What would happen? We twist through the town, stopping by the lake to grab the bags Aunt Phoebe had packed for us. Everyone always grabs their bags before the drawing. Just in case. I have the chance to swipe my knife while Brynne isn’t looking. Then we run as fast as we can toward the drawing stage, where everyone in town is crowded.

Felix is on stage telling everyone how the chosen two, along with the youths from the other towns, are going to go to Crete. Brynne guides me towards Aunt Phoebe, who’s standing in the back waiting for me. She looks less than pleased. My sister and I are breathing heavily, and she is red in the face, so I’m sure I am, too.

“So then everyone will arrive at-- Oh.” He locks eyes with me and frowns. “Look who decided to join us. Dragging your sister down with you, huh?”

All eyes are on me. I look down, then feeling guilty at Felix’s words, look to the right at my sister. She looks at me sadly and shakes her head. Felix doesn’t stop there, though.

“You know, Lukas. You haven’t been exactly helpful around the village since, well… ever.”

I look up at him, hesitant at what I’m about to say. “I don’t see anyone thanking you for your crappy services either.”

He chokes out a fake chuckle and shakes his head. “I think we just got our first volunteer!”

My eyes go wide. Brynne shoves me aside, standing protectively in front of me.

“You can’t do that! He has to be drawn! That’s not even legal!” Tears are already streaming down her cheeks.

“I don’t see King Aegeus here to argue.” Felix raises an eyebrow. King Aegeus doesn’t come to the drawings anymore. There are legends that he used to, but now he doesn’t bother. All the crying and misery was probably a little too much. Not exactly entertainment.

My sister shakes her head violently. “That’s not fair! You know that!” She screams.

The man looking down at us from the stage glances at our Aunt. “I’d control that girl if I were--”

“Go to hell!” She spits at him, interrupting his sentence. Whoa. I was actually starting to think she wasn’t gonna do anything about my “volunteering”. I was seriously wrong.

“You are a horrible man who no one appreciates! I have an idea! What if we send you into the maze? Hmm?”

Sounds of agreement shake the crowd.

“N-now everyone! Everyone! Calm down, please!” His words are futile. Everyone is already too loud. I try hard to suppress a grin. My aunt sees me and smacks me on the back of the head.

“Why are you late!”

Not answering her, I look down and grin so hard my cheeks hurt. It’s hilarious to see Felix having this much trouble with the village, especially seeing them all gang up on him. My sister elbows me in the ribs, but even she is hiding a smile.

Felix picks up a large rock and slams it repeatedly on the stand in front of him. “Everyone shut up!!” He bellows to the crowd, his face scarlet. Then, he points at me. “You are going into that maze! And so is your sister!” He spits through clenched teeth. “Too bad your aunt has passed the age limit…”

What?! “WHAT?! Why?! I’ll go! I’ll go without a word! Just keep her here! Please!!” Now I’m panicking. Brynne can’t go. She’s too young! I’m a useless brat, but everyone loves her! She has to stay. Everyone in the crowd yells at Felix, shaking their fists and and grabbing at him on the stage.

“It’s already decided!” He says with a smug look on his face, glaring at me as if trying to break me. Felix leans towards another guard, telling him to load us up. He shoots me one last glance before stepping into the fenced area behind the stage and jumping onto his horse. Everyone throws rocks at him as he races away.

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