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Here again, Kings Cross Station, Platform 9 ³/₄. Going into 6th year doesn't seem as daunting as some of the other years, we have no O.W.L exams nor do we have N.E.W.T exams until end of the next year.

The events of the last day of school last year replay through my mind as I manoeuvre my way through the crowded platform full of kids and their parents. I didn't have my parents here this year as I was supposed to stay with the Weasley's, but we all know why that it didn't end up happening. I stayed in a motel in central London instead as I didn't want to face the questions from my parents "What happened?" "Why are you home and not with your friends?" "Want to talk about it?" "Are you alright?".

Finding an empty compartment is trickier than you may think, especially with no one to go to. "1... 2... 3... 4... 5... and 6" I sigh as I walk past all the compartments until I eventually reach my one that I sit in each year. Ever since 1st year, George, Fred and I always sat in this specific compartment as we all became friends here on our first time to Hogwarts.

Sitting here seemed different this year, I was questioning where I should stay in here or not. Just as I'm about to get up and grab my trunk to leave, the door slides open and I come face to face with the last two people I want to see right now.

Their laughs and smiles drop as they see me standing in the middle of the compartment. My stomach does a flip as I'm not sure what I should do. Do I leave? Do I ask them to leave? Do we sit in awkward silence for an endless four hours? I think the last would be the best if I'm honest, we can't spend all year avoiding each other.

"Hey Amara, do you mind if we sit in? All the others are full." Fred finally blurts out as he could feel the obvious tension in the air, I mean you could cut it with a knife.

"Uhm yeah sure, why not." I sign out as I sit back down near the window and they sit opposite me.

I was right, the awkward silence filled the room as I grabbed a book out and read silently with my head leaning against the cold window sill. About 2 hours later, there was a light knock at the door. A beautiful, fair skinned girl stood at the door and waved into the compartment. I didn't realise who she was waving to until George stood up and opened the door and wrapped his arms around her tightly. You've got to be fucking kidding me.

"Issy, my love, how are you? It's been too long" George whispers into her hair as he wrapped his arms around her waist, hers around his neck.

my love? What? Why did that hurt as bad as it did? Is she... oh Merlin she is.

My thoughts put each piece together as my eyes are stuck on the pair, who are currently snogging right in the middle of the room which their arms wrapped tightly around each other.

"It's only been a couple of days Georgie, you couldn't have missed me that much could you?" Issy says sarcastically as she kisses his cheek, making him flustered.

'Me, Me, Me, all attention on me'. This girl is already starting to annoy me. I return my attention back to my book as i feel a presence sit down beside me. "What now Fred?"

"I missed you this summer, I know that you and George aren't friends but I miss us being friends. The pranks we continuously played on each other and the rest of the family, and even the ones we did with him." He nods his head towards George.

My mind wanders back to the memories of us playing pranks, the quidditch matches and the last night conversations with George and Fred in their room.

"I miss being friends with you too Freddie, I just didn't feel like I was welcomed over the summer which is completely understandable. But I do hope we can rekindle a little bit maybe?" I say, placing my book into my lap.

"I'd love that Maz." We exchange slight smiles as I lean to whisper in his ear.

"Are they, y'know, together?" I whisper so quietly i could barely hear it.

"Yeah, they've been inseparable since the second week of the holidays. They met at the annual summer fair in town and I think they might be making it official soon."

"Oh, alright then."

My heart stung, tears welled in my eyes at the thought of George having these amazing memories with another girl, even if we were never dating or together, it still hurt.

Turning the corner of the page in my book down to mark the spot I read up to, I try and push all my thoughts aside and figure out why I was acting like this. The last thing i heard before falling asleep was the giggling of the new trio having a good time without me. I've now realised it's going to be a long year.

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