11 2 7

Walking into the great hall after 2 months away was always an amazing feeling. The smell of candles and the freshly cooked feast filled my nose as I walked over towards the Gryffindor table. shit. I mentally curse myself as I realise that I have no one to sit with.

No George or Fred by my sides keeping me company and whispering cringe-worthy jokes during the feast and Dumbledore's annual snooze fest speech. I mean, I have other friends but I'm just not as close with them as I am with George and Fred.

Approaching the table, trying to find someone I'm relatively friendly with, I can feel my heart rate increase rapidly. Right as I find an empty seat, heading directly towards it before anyone else takes it, I feel a hand grab my wrist and start pulling me to the other end of the table. Looking up I see the one and only Fred Weasley pulling me in the direction towards the two people I most definitely do not want to be near at the moment.

"Fred, I don't wanna sit with George, it'll be too awkward!" I whisper yell but in good Fred fashion he ignores me and forces me to sit next to him, across from George and Issy.

Seeing him be all chummy with her made me feel physically ill. He was never really interested in girls, well until he discovered his little crush on me but we were just friends. But I guess he always put his brother's and friends' happiness before his own, so seeing him happy with Issy made me happy aswell, to a certain extent.

Throughout dinner, my thoughts of George and Issy slowly slipped my mind as I caught up with Fred on everything that's happened over the two months away.

"AND AND AND" Fred says excitedly while slapping the crap out of my upper arm, "We have even talked and made plans about opening a joke shop in Diagon Alley next year or something, which is exciting. But it's a long shot since we don't have much money but it's a dream of both of ours."

"Oh Merlin that's so exciting Fred! I would definitely be the first in there when you open. AND I better get family and friends discount, to prank George of course..." I nudge his shoulder, beaming at the fact that we are getting along just like old times.

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After the feast and Dumbledore's speech, each table make their way up towards their common room entrances as Fred and I walk through the portrait hole. To the left are the deep red couches, fire place and a couple of little tables, to the right there's a couple of book shelves along with some tables for studying and eating. Straight in front of us are two seperate archways with stairs leading upwards behind them, taking you to the male and female dormitories.

Taking a seat on the couch with Fred in front of the burning fireplace I could almost feel my stress being physically lifted off my shoulders. Even with that sudden relief, some comes rushing back at the sound of George and Issy giggling away at the table behind me, completely infatuated in each other's own little worlds. I slightly sit up and turn my head to see, one of his hands is on her thigh and the other is holding both of hers on the table.

Not being friends with George is hard enough, let alone seeing him all giddy with a girl he barely knows. He hasn't even said hi to me.

A feeling of sadness rushes over me as I see him lean in to kiss her temple so softly. Why am I feeling like this? Do I just miss him in my life? It's been a couple of months so I guess that makes the most sense.

"He'll talk to you eventually Maz, I just know it. You guys were too close to lose each other so quickly." Fred whispers to me, looking in the same direction I am.

"I hope so Freddie." I say in a hushed tone while slumping back down onto the couch, Fred's arm draped over my shoulders.

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"I'll see you in classes tomorrow Fred, goodnight."

"Goodnight Maz." Fred hugs me before walking towards the archway to head up to the boys dormitories.

Wandering up the stone cold stairs up to my dorm, tracing my hand along the cracks on the wall, with the only sound being my black shoes on the stone stair case. Reaching my burgundy coloured dorm room door, I twist the extremely squeaky handle and make my way inside. Luckily, my dorm mates are still awake, which is surprising since it was near 1am.

"Hey Hermione, how were your holidays?" I say walking straight across the room to my four post bed.

"It was alright, bloody Ronald was annoying me all of the summer holidays though but I guess that's a given at this point. What about you?"

"It was alright I guess, missed everyone though. I wish I was at the Burrow instead of a stupid London motel." I sigh angrily.

"You still could've come Amara, we would've loved you there. But I do guess it would be a little bit awkward with the whole, y'know, George and Issy."

I almost had forgotten about them until just now. Reading in the common room really put my mind off things.

"Was she there for summer aswell?" I question wondering if I miss heard her.

"Yeah she started staying about two weeks into the holidays I think, after the summer fair."

"Oh alright. Anyways, goodnight 'Mione." Quickly tucking myself into my bed and turning off the lamp next to me.

"Goodnight Amara."

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