Harry is sick but tries to hide it

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Hello! I'm back! Kinda wanted to write more of these and I have a couple of requests that I had previously turned down so I'll be updating this book as well! it's gonna be Larry and all 5 of them will be included. Hope you enjoy!


One Direction were in a radio interview with Nick Grimshaw when Harry started feeling a bit sick. Nothing too bad, just a slight stomachache. "So boys! Your fans have been trying their hardest to get your song, 'No Control' from your latest album 'Four' to radio stations across the world, I'm pretty sure you know about that. The song doesn't give off the most innocent vibe, let's just put it like that. What's the song about boys?" Nick asked them. Harry smirked, Niall pointed at Harry and Louis and laughed. Liam was also smiling and at that moment, Louis regretted ever writing it. "It's pretty self explanatory, innit Grim" Louis said and everyone laughed. Harry held a firm grip on his middle feeling a cramp ripping through it. 'Fuck!' he thought and winced. Harry was glad no one noticed. He didn't want anyone to know or they'd be fussing over him all day. 

They waved Nick bye and left. Louis noticed Harry's hand rubbing his stomach and immediately knew something was wrong. He waited till they were all in the van before talking to him. "Harry, you feeling alright bub?" Harry nodded and replied. "Yeah Lou, I'm fine" Louis wasn't buying it one bit. "Ok, tell me if you start feeling unwell, you look pale" Harry sighed and nodded. 

Harry slept through the ride back to the hotel. He was woken up by Liam saying "Harry wake up! You're far too big for any of us to carry now!" Harry groaned and got out of the car. His stomach flipped over and over again making him extremely nauseous. "Harry?" Liam said in a questioning tone. "You alright?" he continued. "yeah Li, just lost my balance for a second don't worry" Harry lied. Liam looked unconvinced but he brushed it off. 

Niall and Zayn had the same question the very moment harry stepped in. "JESUS GUYS! I'M FINE. LEAVE ME ALONE FOR A MINUTE" Harry snapped. "Sorry, that wasn't necessary" harry apologised. "It's ok Haz, tell us if you feel sick, you really don't look good" Niall said concerned and Zayn nodded in agreement.

Harry went to his room and tried to sleep, unfortunately, the building nausea in him wasn't planning on letting him rest. A couple of hours later, Louis came in and plopped down on the bed. Harry was sweating buckets and shivering at the same time. Louis noticed the shivers racking Harry's body and cranked up the heat in the room. "Harry, are you seriously alright? You're shivering and it's over a 100º in here" "i'm fine Lou, i promise" Harry tried his luck, Louis shook his head and turned off the lights, dozing off leaving Harry to nurse his angry stomach and throbbing head. He eventually fell asleep only yo wake up at 3am feeling like he was going die. Harry couldn't hide it any longer, he felt miserable and he wanted Louis to cuddle him. "

"Louis, Lou, Louis please, Louis" Harry said gently nudging Louis. Louis woke up and looked at his pale faced boyfriend blankly. "I f-feel sick" Harry stuttered out. Louis snapped out of his daze and asked him what was wrong even though it was quite obvious that it was his stomach bothering him. "feel sick" Harry said. "What kind of sick? puke sick or hurting sick?" Harry let a few stray tears roll down his blush coated cheeks be saying "both". Louis helped Harry into the bathroom, flicking on the light causing Harry to wince. "Stay right there babe" Louis said and got a washcloth soaked in cold water. He returned to find Harry gagging and dry heaving into the bowl. He rubbed his poorly boyfriend's back and kept the cold washcloth pressed against his neck. Louis could see Harry struggle to bring stuff up so he did harry a little favour. He balanced the washcloth and slipped his under under Harry's shirt and rubbed little circles into it. Harry's back muscles instantly calmed before Harry threw up everything his stomach had to offer. What seemed like months worth of semi digested food came barrelling up his throat and into the bowl. Once Harry was back to dry heaving, Louis left the room to get a thermometer. 

He shoved it under the curly boy's arm figuring it would be better than taking the risk of triggering his gag reflex. The reading left Louis spellbound and he dashed off to Liam's room to get some medicine for Harry. He came back a couple of bottles of pills, one that looked like stomach relaxers the being some sort of paracetamol. Louis gave Harry 2 pills of each and some water, hoping it would settle Harry's stomach and reduce his extremely high fever. 

Harry woke up the next morning feeling loads better but still not his best. Management wouldn't give them the day off so Harry tagged along everywhere they went. Louis was glad Harry was feeling better or he'd probably end up in the hospital. It took Harry another couple of days to recover fully but not before he passed it on to the entire management team. 


Did you like it? Sorry if it's a bit shit, been really out of practice lately! Thank you for 40.5K! Stay safe, take care. Love you all! A.

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