Liam Sick But No One Believes Him

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This is part 3 of the 'sick but no one believes him' series for Liam. Enjoy :)....


Liam's POV

"Why today?" I mumbled as I felt my stomach turn. My head was hurting like hell and I felt like absolute shit. We had a crazy schedule for the day. Loads of interviews, short but loads and a 2 hour long sound check for our concert the next day. I checked our calendar and saw that our First interview was at 8:30 in the morning. "Ugh" I groaned, how I hated early interviews, I mean, I didn't really mind them but it was a task to get the others out of bed.

My thoughts were cut off by a loud bang. 'who could possibly be up this early?' I thought as I got out of bed only to find Harry in the kitchen. "Sorry, dropped the glass" He said as I walked in. "It's OK, what are you doing up this early anyway?" I said, trying to ignore excruciating pain building up in my head. "Just getting some water, was gonna ask you the same question" He replied instantly in his slow voice. I was glad it was Harry and not Louis. Louis was just loud loud loud. He would just make me feel worse. "Heard a bang, you do know my room is literally 5 meters away" I said as he chuckled. "Off to bed now, we have an interview at 8:30 in the morning" I told Harry as he went to his room, leaving me to clean up the glass.

When I woke up the next morning it was already 7:03 and I wasn't feeling any better, in fact it was worse. I went to my bathroom and washed my face and midway into brushing my teeth, I gagged and threw up all of last night's dinner. Luckily, Harry had woken up Niall and was waking Louis up. I knew I had to wake Zayn up, he was the laziest and wouldn't listen to anyone else. "mornin' Payno, looks like someone slept in" Niall said when I returned from zayn's room. "Don't feel good, Ni" I said. "C'mon Liam, we all are tired, cut with the act" Harry snapped. "besides you were perfectly fine earlier this morning" he added. "You don't looks sick to me mate" Louis said siding with Harry. I sighed. They thought I was faking, Only if they knew.

We had to drive to the interview ourselves and I wad the only one who knew the directions. I wasn't feeling myself and in no condition to drive on the busy LA roads. "Harry, drive please, I'll give you the directions" I said handing him the keys. He took them without a word and drove off. He was probably pissed at me because he never ignored anyone unless he was annoyed at someone.

"Harry" I mumbled. "Harry" I said a little louder. "What Liam..." He said, very obviously annoyed. "I'm talking to Louis" "feel sick, can you check if -" I was going to ask him to check if I had a temperature though I was sure I did but he cut me off. "We really aren't buying this Liam" He said and turned back to Louis. I got up and left, feeling like I had to puke. I went to the stall farthest from the studio and gagged for roughly 3 minutes before bringing anything up.

I went to the room where the interview was going to take place once I was sure that I was done. It was 8:23 so it hadn't started yet. "Where did you disappear, Payno" Zayn said. "Bathroom, threw up" I said. "Seriously Liam, we aren't believing you and you decide to continue with this stupid act of yours" Louis said partially screaming. It was no point arguing with them so I just let it slide.

With a little bit left of the interview, I started feeling very sick to my stomach and just as it ended and the cameras stopped recording, I sprinted across the room to the trash in the corner and immediately heaved up everything my stomach had to offer. I could tell by the sudden silence that they were shocked. "I'm so sorry" Niall began. "we all are" he added. The others just mumbled soft 'ya' s under their breath. Then I felt a hand rubbing my back while I continued to gag and vomit my meals from the previous day. "Should have believed ya, Li" he said. It was Harry. They took me back to the car and Zayn called the management, asking them to cancel the rest of the events. They said that they could not cancel anything and that we ha fto do them. "What do you mean he can't sit them out!!" Zayn screamed into the phone. "He's sick, definitely got a fever and he puked his brains out into a trash can barely 5 minutes ago." "He's not doing any of it, whether you like it or not" he said after a short while of silence. "Fuck off" He mumbled as he cut the call. "They said that you can sit out sound check but have to do the interviews, you don't have to, if you don't feel up to it though that's what I would suggest" He told me in a much more gentle tone than that on the phone.

I ended up sitting out all of the remaining activities of the day, even after the management trying to get me to do them. It was just a 24 hour stomach virus, so lucky for me, I got to perform in the concert the next day.

Here's part 3.... Hope you liked it.. :)...


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