Harry has Strep

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This is a request by HarryGoldenAngel. Also if anything of the facts are incorrect, please inform me because this is purely based on whatever, HarryGoldenAngel told me. Hope ya'll like it!!!


Harry's POV

"Get up Haz. We have a radio interview in 2 hour!!" I heard Louis say excitedly, his LOUD voice echoing in my head. 'Ugh, why today out of all days' I thought. My throat felt like sandpaper and it hurt like hell. I could feel a migraine coming along, a bad one. I groaned, rolled over and buried my face into my pillows.

"Haz? You feeling alright?" He said. I groaned again and mumbled 'no' in response.

"What's wrong, stomach hurts?" he said obviously concerned.

"No Lou, Head and throat does" I replied. "I want medicine"

I could tell he was shocked. I never wanted medicine, It's gross and fucking disgusting, but I wanted it. "uhm...ok haz..I'll get something just hang on a second" he said after a moment of rather awkward silence. I nodded and fell back asleep.

I was woken up by Liam. "Louis said you aren't feeling good?" he said. "Feel like utter shit" I croaked, upsetting my already rather sore throat. He played with my curls and stopped very abruptly, pressing his hand against my forehead. "Geez Harry, you're burning up" he said removing his hand from my head. "Let's get you something to eat, shall we?" he said. I nodded.

Niall was making pancakes for and already ready Zayn. Liam asked him to make some for me too. "What do you want on your pancake H" Niall asked me. "Honey, jam or chocolate sauce?" "Any" I mumbled.

"Haz, you've barely eaten anything mate, what's wrong?" Niall asked noticing the tiny ant sized bites I was taking. "He's got a fever and says that his throat and head hurts" Liam said. "Called Paul" he continued "and he said that harry can stay with Louis and that he'll tell the radio that both of them are sick, but we all have to do the interview" "Hurts" i said and pushed the plate away from myself.

After a few minutes of staring blankly Zayn spoke up "How high is his temperature?" "Dunno, Didn't check, pretty high though" Liam responded. "On a scale of 1 - 10 how bad does it hurt Harry" I held up 8 fingers "feels like I'm swallowing knives" I said "It's Strep" Zayn announced. "What?? How do you know Z??" Louis asked completely shocked. "He's got strep, 100%, I just know it" Zayn said. "Also, Louis won't manage alone, I'm calling Paul.

He came back and we looked at him. "Niall, you and I have a sore throat too and the interview is going to be rescheduled." Zayn said. "Only problem is that management doesn't believe it and is going to send someone to check on us" "Be right back" Louis said and returned a few moments later with a bag of strawberry candies. "Suck these and hold them at the back of your tongue. Try not to gag, choke or die." Louis said. "Louis, you fucking genius!" Zayn exclaimed while Niall stared at them as if they were aliens. "Sorry, but why in the world would I do that?" Niall said letting confusion get to him. "Niall you Stupid Irish lad. It will make your throat appear red, now just do what I say" Louis said.

10 minutes later a man was looking around. I felt worse than ever but he seemed interested in Zayn and Niall for the time being. "Looks pretty red, you both have pretty bad sore throats" he said and turned to me. "This one's really bad, worse than both of you, let's go to the hospital before it gets worse" They took us to the van parked outside and drove off to the hospital.

As soon as we got in a nurse came up to us and said "How can I help you boys?" "There is a man outside who thinks that both of us have sore throats but it's only the curly one" Niall said looking partially at Zayn and partially at the nurse. She nodded and took us to a room and asked us to wait "The doctor will be with you shortly"

I sat there with Louis by my side and waited for what seemed like forever. When the doctor came, He asked me a few questions but I had Louis answer them because it hurt too much to even talk. "Ok, Mr. Styles, open up please" the doctor asked and I obeyed. "I can see white patches, looks like a case of Strep here" he said. "We will just run a test to make sure" with that he swabbed the back of my throat which made me gag and throw up all over myself and Louis. "Aww, Hazza, we'll get you cleaned up" Louis cooed, not caring about his own clothes. "It's completely normal Mr. Styles, you are not the first" the doctor said.

All 5 of us waited in the waiting area for the test results to come back. The doctor came a few minutes later. " Mr. Styles." He said. We all nodded. "Harry has Strep and I have prescribed antibiotics that he will have to take for about 10 days and I would recommend vocal rest till the end of the medication course. Since you are singers I would suggest to pick between either singing or talking. Also, he is contagious and will be for 24 hours after the First dose of medicine" He said.

"Wait, He's contagious?" Niall asked. "Yes he is Mr. Horan" the doctor said "guess who ate that stupid pancake of yours Styles" Niall said "I'm sure I've got it too" he added. "Shut up Niall, you're fine" Louis said. "Guys, I swear I'm getting sick" Niall tried his hardest to sound sore. We all ignored him and thanked the doctor. We picked up the prescription from the reception and grabbed the medicine from the pharmacy. I slept on Louis the whole while to the tour bus and did exactly what the doctor said. I picked singing over talking mainly because we had to do about 4 concerts and 2 gigs in those 10 days that I was supposed to be on vocal rest.

No One POV

Harry felt better after 3 days of medication and his throat didn't hurt much. Niall was adamant that he was ill even though he was perfectly fine. The boys had to explain the whole story over and over again as he would say that he's sick in every single interview they went to. They decided to ignore Niall pleading to go to Nandos for dinner as punishment.


Hope you liked it!! Again, please tell me if there are any factual errors and thank you so much for all these prompts HarryGoldenAngel


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