The Doll

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Based on true story (no kidding!)

Long ago, in Korea, a man had lost his wife to an accident - a malfunctioning lift. He had not told his daughter this, only keeping the grief to himself and a few friends as well.
So here he was, taking care of his only child, grief throwing him into depression. Until one day.
He walked into the doll store, when his eyes fell upon one that looked eerily like his wife. In fact, it looked so much like her that he bought it and took it home. When he had arrived, he had told his daughter: "Mummy's coming back soon, okay? But for now play with this and pretend it's mum."
"Mama." Was her response.
Now, remember he is a man, and his wife is dead. Who would clean the child? She had become scruffy in the past few days. But the next day, she was cleaner - as if his wife had actually come back. But that was impossible.
Some time after that, he received a phone call from school, telling him of an event he and his wife had to attend.
"My wife is dead." He replied in a monotone voice.
"What are you talking about?" The receptionist asked. "She visits school often!"
He was confused; it can't have been his wife. She's gone, and she can't come back alive, can she?
One night, he had asked his daughter to sleep in his bed, but she had refused, claiming she wants to sleep with her doll.
"Why don't we all sleep together? You, me and mummy."
So she had agreed, and soon they fell asleep.
Only to be woken up at night by the sound of shuffling.
The father had opened his eyes to see a woman sitting on the bed, stroking his daughter's hair. No, their daughter.
His wife.
He ignored this, thinking it was a dream.
The next few days disaster struck in the apartment building; everyday at noon, the time his wife had died, the elevator would fail, sending someone to plummet to their death. And each day this happened, the doll seemed to grow.
A few days of this happening scared him. Did his wife have anything to do with this? No, that was an imagination. It had to be.
After that, he had once returned home to see a smear of blood on one corner of his daughter's mouth, and on both corners of the doll's mouth.
"What did you eat, sweetie?" He had asked as he wiped the stain away.
"Meat." She replied cheerfully. Could it be... No, it can't, it can't. It wasn't human.
Later on, he had started to notice some changes on his daughter's doll. The seams and the stitches slowly started to disappear, and it was becoming more and more human.
Finally, he had enough. The doll was creeping him out, he couldn't tell anyone because no one would believe him, but it had to go. Maybe I'll take it away while she's asleep. He thought.
When he tried to pick it up with one hand, grasping it's arm, it wouldn't lift easily. The once light-weighted doll was nearly human in its features.
So instead, he attempted to carry it bridal style. This is déjà vu.
When he had put his arms under the doll, her eyes snapped open and looked at him.
After that, he wouldn't look at the doll.
Soon he had to go on a fifteen-day business trip, and called his mother to take care of his child in his absence, and left with the comfort that she'll be alright.
After fifteen days, he had opened the door, but his mother was nowhere in sight.
And the he heard a voice call out.
"Is that you, honey?"

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