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Izuku POV

I woke up on Katsukis chest, I yawn and scratch my neck. I walked to the bathroom stretching' I looked in the mirror and scream "AHHHB HOLY SHIT-"

Bakugo POV

I shot up as I heard Izuku scream and I ran to the bathroom "WHAT WHAT HAPPENED" "AHHHH WHAT DID WE DO LAST NIGHT?!" he yells with his eyes wide "NOTHING you were just drunk and some things happened but we didnt have sex" I say trying to calm him down "What the hell did you do then?" I explained to him and his ears turned red.

" im so sorry" "Its ok but we have a free day so what do you want to do?" His eyes lit up "Lets ride our pets for a while" "Mm ok" I say walking out so he could get dressed. I heard a knock at the door and groans and open it "We came to get yalls clothes" Mina says and I let them in.

They grabbed everything and left out. Izuku came out as I then went in. 30 minutes later we left our room and walked to the dining room. We sat down and ate "Izuku honey whats on your neck" my mom asked and I choked on my drink.

Izuku patted my bad "U-uhm nothing" "mmmm" we finished and left out. We came to the dragons room and seen them playing "Hiii Jadeeeee~" Izuku says running towards his wolf. The wolf started panting licking him.

Draco ran to me "Hey bud were going for a ride today" I say he got excited as spreaded his wings. I opened up the back door to the garden, I seen Izuku hop on his wolf. "Just follow me" he says. I nod my head as I hopped on my dragon, Izuku rode off as I flew off.

I watched him ride his Wolf as I flew, He stops at a place and gets off, I flew down as Draco landed, "Were here" he says "Um where?" "Just wait" he says, he pulls on a branch and a door opens "what the-" "Shhh" he shushes me and he walks in with his wolf. I led Draco inside and wow.

It was a big place with an underground waterfall with a giant hole in the 'sky' and animals everywhere. "Woah Nerd how do you know about this?" "I come here to visit" he says sitting down laying on his wolf. I sat beside him "Who do you visit?" "Jades parents" he says as his wolf perked up. His wolf got up and stood there "Oh shit dont tell me-" We then seen two giant wolfs but one was bigger than the other. My eyes felt like they were about to pop out of my head.

"They're so big" I say and he just laughs "Well they are full grown" he says getting up to pet them. The bigger one looks at me and growls in a fighting position. My dragon got infront of me in its position. "Hey Hey calm down" Izuku tries to calm them down until Jade growled at them and they stopped.

They calmed down as the smaller one came to me, Draco was still infront of me so I told him to back down and he did. She sniffs me then licks my face which covered my whole face. "BHAHAH YOUR FACE" Izuku says laughing. "Be quiet nerd" I say wiping my face. I came and sat near him as he sat beside me. Draco was playing with another animal so I let him be, "You know the ancient Wolfs could communicate with us" "Really? " so they say in the books. But all of them are extinct" "Ohhhh" I said.

A blue fox came to me "Ah thats a Rare blue fox. Its only about 20 left" he says. The wolf hops on me and I pet it. "You know alot dont you" I say and he smiles "Yea....." he leans his head on my shoulder "Im really the only one who knows about this place, and the only one who can protect it from hunters" he says sadly. "Well you are queen now so you can keep this place hidden from people" I say letting the fox go.

"Yea, I honestly dont know how to be a queen" he says "All you have to do is be by my side. And when I fight in wars you rule until I come back" I said to him "......Wars?" "Yes when there are threats I have to go out which potentially war" "Hhmmm" he says.

I lay down on my back and look up to see birds flying everywhere. It was peaceful.....Izuku was looking up when Jade ran into him knocking him on me. "I-im sorry" he says blushing "Its ok.....your eyes are pretty" I say holding his face. He blushes as smiles "Thank you" he says.

My gaze turns to his lips as I slowly leaned in but he pushes my face "No Katsuki-" "Aw but can I have one?" I say really wanting his lips "" "Only one" I say he laughs a little as I sit up. He pulls my head as our lips connected. I licked his bottom lip as he gasped so I snuck my tongue in. He moans a little and I then pull away and lick my lips.

He blushes and sits up "Come with me" he says, I got up and looked to see Draco asleep. So I walked with him he led us to the water fall. "Oh nerd I know your not thinking what I think your thinking" I say as he just smiled at me. He stripped getting into the water.

(No they aren't naked)

"Come on Katsuki and stop being a scaredy cat" he says laughing as Jade came in too "Tch fine" I stripped and got in. The water was warm so it didnt bother me. "Hold me real quick" he says swimming to me, He wraps his legs around my waist as I hold his thighs.

We both caught eye contact and it didnt break, we started to lean in until-

Author here and thanks for viewing im gonna come back to this story a little later. I have other books so check those out if you want to also.

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