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3rd Person POV

They made it to the library as Izuku looked around a little bit. He kept searching until he bumped into someone "I-Im so sorry" I said and the man stood up quickly "It is alright your majesty" he said bowing and sticking his glasses back up.

"Who are you?" Izuku asked curious "Im the Intel Wizard, Iida Tenya" He said. "Oh im Izuku Midoriya well Bakugo now" I smile shaking his hand "Lovely to meet you, now what quite were you searching for" he said looking and picking up a book.

"U-um I was wondering w-where I could find the Male Pregnancy books?" Izuku asked and Iida looks at him "You're conceiving a child soon?" Izuku nodded his head "GREAT, Is young King here?" Izuku nodded once more.

Izuku took Iida to the Katsuki who was asleep snoring. Izuku flicked his forehead "Ow damnit" he said hissing rubbing his forehead. "Kats Iida sais he'd help me" Izuku said happily "Oh its four eyes, cool" he said getting up as Iida sighed from the nickname.

"Kats baby stop giving people these rude nicknames" Izuku said shaking his head "No" Katsuki said holding his head high. Izuku didn't even bother anymore. Iida took them to his room, more like a house but same old.

Inside were a lot of books, magic, prophecies and more. "Woahhh" Izuku said wowed by the place. "Stay here. The book is just beyond section 45b" he said walking away. Izuku and Katsuki sat down on the huge couch that Iida had.

"I love you" Katsuki said plopping his head onto Izuku's shoulder. Izuku laid his head on Katsuki's head "I know, I love you too" He smiled and then he had a thought but he'd ask about that later. Hopefully Katsuki lets me still fight. Izuku thought fiddling with his necklace. Eh it wouldn't be so bad to ask him now Izuku thought "Katsuki I-"

"Alright here it is. You can sit here or you can take it with you" he said pushing his glasses up reading in a book "I want to take it with us" Katsuki said and thats what they did. Katsuki laid on the head board with Izuku right in between his legs as they read the book.

"This is too much work for a baby to pop out of you" Katsuki said sighing and complaining. "Hey stop complaining, you put the work in too" Izuku said shaking his head. Since Izuku is a male he is going to have the baby a lot earlier than a woman would.

"Izuku what did you want to ask me?" Katsuki said and Izukus heart pounded a little, "U-um am I still going to be able to fight in the ambush?" Izuku asked timid of his husbands answer "No, not when you're carrying my child. Your more at risk" he simply said. Izuku sat up facing Katsuki.

"But Katsuki-" "No, thats my final answer" he said and Izuku being Izuku, he doesnt like the answer no "Katsuki its not like I cant protect myself. So why cant I" "Because im not loosing you to your psychotic father" he said straight into the green haired boy eyes.

"Im not going to let people fight a battle for me. I dont care who you are he wants me so hes gunna have me, im in danger anyways" Izuku said and Katsuki didnt want to continue this conversation so he got up.

"Izuku would you really put your life on the line for you child and me......your husband just so you can fight" he said and Izuku thought deeply about it, if it meant protecting his family even if he has to die he will do it.

"Yes, that man took almost everything away from me-" "And hes gonna take everything away from me too if you try to fight Izuku. Im not letting you, you're not fighting while pregnant and thats final" He said sternly.

"Katsuki I want to-" "No! Im done with this conversation. No matter what you say my mind wont fucking change simple" he said walking away rubbing his temples. Izuku did feel hurt, not because his husband yelled at him but because he felt weak that other people are fighting HIS battle between HIS father.

He sat there angrily, "Forget it" he mumbled to himself getting up and walking out closing the door silently not wanting to signal his husband. It was still bright in the afternoon so he decided to let Jade go see her family.

He was to angry right now to even tell anyone where he was going. He went to Jade and Dracos room, until a guard stopped him "Sorry your highness but former Queen Mitsuki has requested you to stay inside of the castle" he said. "Im taking a walk around the castle, dont worry" Izuku said smiling.

The guard couldnt help but let the boy pass, Izuku went inside to see Draco eating a goat as usual and Jade eating a cow. "I always forget you too have lunch at this time" Izuku said walking up to Draco rubbing his head.

He stopped what he was doing and leaned into Izukus touch. "Such a handsome boy" Izuku said as Draco became happy "Hi jadeeee" Jade was done with her cow as she wanted to lick Izukus face but he stopped her.

"No ma'am" she yawned and rubbed her head on Izukus stomach "Jade you wanna see your mom and dad?" She got excided and pranced around happily. "How about we go now?" She clearly understood but Draco came in-between the two. "I'll be back I promise. Dont tell your dad im gone, im angry with him right now" Izuku said.

They let the gate open and let him out as some guards followed his every movement wanting to keep him safe. He rode around and Jade, He wanted to go to the hidden forest but guards watched him with ease. Then a sudden fight broke out as they guards got distracted.

"Hm? Wonderful timing" Izuku smirked riding off into the forest.

Katsuki 3rd person POV

Katsuki came back from cooling down and he didn't see Izuku anywhere......."Where the hell did he go" he thought. He walked outside with no shirt on as the women maids stared at his abs and gushed over him. He made it to his parents main room where Mitsuki, Masaru and Mitsukis twin sister and her husband.

"Hag where did Izuku go" He asked his mother who was confused "Was he not with you?" "No, dad? Auntie? Uncle?" he asked as they all shook their heads "We need to find him quickly" Mitsuki said getting up.

She and Katsuki went to Draco and Jades room but they found Jade missing "Draco where is he?" Katsuki said and Draco bowed which symbolizes he couldnt tell. "Shit: Katsuki muttered.

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