Chapter 10: Date Night

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"This part of the story is summed up quite nicely with the following segment"

6:30 - Arcade
7:30 - Dinner
8:30 - Vigilante justice
9:30 - cud- Wait...

A few of them started snickering

"I think I'm gonna like this part" said Yang

Blake had been a jittery mess for most of the morning. Ruby had kicked them all out of the room immediately while she grabbed everything she wanted to bring on their date. Blake honestly had no idea what that entailed because nothing had changed by the time they were back in. Later in the day Yang kicked them out, once more there was no difference.

"I know we're still going out but are we certain leaving isn't an expulsion worthy event?" The other three didn't even dignify Weiss's question with an answer, each just continuing with their activities. "Alright, I get it. I worry too much."

"Would Ozpin really expel us though?" The three glanced at Yang. "I mean seriously, would he? Think of how dangerous we could be to him, to everyone? Would sending us out possibly resenting him really be a good idea?"

"Yang raises a point. It certainly isn't a good idea logicly. But that begs the question, has Ozpin considered that?" Weiss herself didn't want to consider it but she'd had little choice. The four of them were dangerous and not the kind you would want to risk turning into an enemy. "Is he manipulating things?"

"Doubtful, in theory it sounds like a good move. But in practice? In practice manipulating us is just as stupid." Blake marked her page and set the book down. "He can't manipulate us without risking us going rogue but he also can't not manipulate us for the same reason."

"I say we drop it." Ruby hopped off her bed and stood in the middle of the room. "We know our goals and we know how to reach many of them. If he manipulates us then so what? So long as his intentions are wholly good I say let him, neither of us can stop the other."

"Wow, that's actually really insightful" said Jaune

The group thought about that for a moment. It was true enough they all supposed, neither side could actually stop the other so why dwell on it? Perhaps if Ozpin manipulated everyone then it would be a worry but until such was proven it would be a minor annoyance to them at best. They spent much of the day getting ready for their nightly activities. Discovering that their gems always hung from their waist, regardless of their being a means for them to do so.

"That complicates things." Weiss was growing more and more frustrated. "We need some kind of belt to look normal."

"Well I don't really see an issue." Ruby grinned at her team. The three laughed it off and Yang threw a pillow at her.

"Everything you wear includes belts Rubes." Yang's laughter cut off with a shrike as Ruby threw the pillow back at her.

"Belts are convenient!" Ruby called out. Yang while still laughing fell from her bed. The rest of the team fell into their own laughter at that.

The people in the theatre followed suit

"The two of you I swear." Weiss shook her head at the sisters. "Have you always been like this?"

"From my experience, they have." Blake walked around the room briefly. "Now I believe it is my turn to kick you three out of the room."

"What? No we are not taking turns doing this!" Despite her words Ruby and Yang reached out and scooped the heiress off her feet and dragged her out of the room. "Put me down! I swear the three of you will be the death of me! That's my room too!"

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