Chapter 39: Rage of Gods

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Penny spread her arms, her blades rotating slightly as she rushed forward. A swipe through the air liberated the two halves of nearly a dozen grimm from each other and blasted ice and snow into the faces of a dozen more. Penny jumped once, flipping over and landing on a nevermore before slashing through it's back with a lance of ice.
"Where do you need us?" Harriet appeared in a flash of yellow lightning next to her. Penny stared at the grimm ahead of them for a moment.
"Locate Ilia, her navigation skills and boosting ability will be needed." Penny watched as Harriet let her mask slip back over her face, the other woman grinning as she did.
"Good to know that I'm needed" said Ilia
"Got it. Sukukaja! " Her mask faded into flame and her persona formed at her back. Light bathed over her and Harriet rushed off far faster than a lightning bolt. Penny looked at the other soldiers and white fang agents struggling against the hordes of grimm. Drawing in a breath she closed her eyes. By the time she opened them the flames that danced from them had erupted into twin inferno's of power.
"Stand back!" She called, drawing both hands towards her body her swords spun together. A circle of blades forming just in front of her as energy gathered between them. By the time Penny released the energy it had grown nearly three times her height. She fired, a beam of green engulfing the entire street in front of her. Penny began to slide backwards before anchors slammed into the ground from the sides of her boots.
The beam of semi magical energy tears the street to shreds, the grimm it catches being all but vaporized under the attack. Penny turns the beam to cover more, revealing the cylindrical creator running along the street as she does. Once Penny stops her attack there is almost nothing left of what was infront of her, including the grimm.
"That gives an opening! Regroup!" Clover said, his line returning to him as he lifted a scroll. "We've got six ammo drops incoming. Good work holding this line as long as you have, Vale and the Atlas military owe the White Fang."
"You owe us shit." the lieutenant says brandishing his chainsaw. "We wouldn't be here if we didn't want to be."
Blake and Ilia smiled, this was what they wanted for the faunus
"Still though I think we- What is that?" Clover cut himself off to look at the dawning light coming from above the arena. Penny stares as the clouds part and an orb of light slowly descends to the battlefield. She knows.
"The god of light." She says. Penny brings a hand to her ear and tapps twice on the communicator. "Ozpin what do we do."
"Oh boy, here we go" said Qrow
"We wait. If the god of light sees my mission as failed he will kill us all." Ozpin said, his voice clearly shaking as fear drove through him. Penny could understand why, they had taken one of the gods gifts and thrown it into space like a piece of trash.
"Sir team RWBY still hasn't left the arena, they are just standing there." Port said and Penny frowned. She knew how strong her friends had gotten but she doubted they could take a god in a fight.  Ozpin's next words surprise her though.
"Then hope is not lost, continue the fight. Protect everyone that you can and hope team RWBY can handle this." Penny blinks and looks back to the still falling orb of light and frowns. "The god of light would not be the first god to fall against persona users."
"Damm, right" said Yang
"Right." Penny pulls her hand away and looks back at the gathering behind her. "The fight isn't over. Now we have to put everything into it."
Ruby stood in place, watching Salem slump over mid sentence with a detached expression. To the observers it was as if she wasn't there, like she had taken the action but had never stepped into her own body. Some would think Unity pulled the trigger and Ruby Rose had stepped back.
They were wrong. Ruby Rose turned on her heel and walked back to her team, not even sparing a glance over her shoulder. The plague of anger, of vengeance had finally been ended. She feels the heat of the light before any of them see it. They share a look with each other before turning to face the landing site of the god of light.
"One more eh?" Yang says, her gauntlets clinking slightly as she lets them unfold once more. The other three members of the team held their own weapons at the ready even as the light gods feet touched the earth.
"So this is what becomes of humanity." He looks around at the gathered audience. "Watching battle for sport, how far you've fallen."
"Oh like you have room to talk deserter. " Ruby's voice carried through the silence like a bladed whip. The god turned his gaze down to her even as she continued. "We're not interested in the words of someone who abandoned us."
"Your bitter and angry with me. It seems with increasing accuracy that I was right." The god looked back to the crowd. "Ozpin has failed his mission. You will be the first to fall, begone."
A beam of bright white light lanced through the air, covering the distance between them far faster than any normal human could react. Not faster than Blake though, the cat faunus had launched over her leader's head and held one hand between her and the beam as it came. The beam impacted hard enough to crack the ground around her but Blake held firm. Once the light faded and dust settled Blake remained, her hand still held high. The cat faunus couldn't help the grin form spreading over her face.
"Damm Blake, that was awesome" said Yang
"Wait, the god of light uses bless magic" said Jaune
"The gods arn't all that special" said Rex
"Bless magic won't work on me." Blake's oath cracked and shattered. Danica rose behind her as she stared the god down.
"What an odd power. I will have to deal with you four immediately then." He brought a hand up and let loose another beam, a pure beam without any elemental taint this time. If he could frown he would have as power whipped beneath the four. A circle linking each of them to the other three formed at their feet and their gems flowed together.
"UNITY!!!"   They called. The fire flared and a woman formed from the heat directly in the way of the beam. The energy crashed into her and she seemed to barely care. Once his attack ended the god of light looked this new player over.
"Here we go, god vs god killer" said Nora
"Why hello Lumin Drakonvil." It said. The god paused as the words reached him. "Surprised? You should be, after all your name is known to all who reside in the sea of souls. I may have not been born there but my parts were."
"Lumin Drakonvil? That's the god of lights real name?" questions Ruby
"Yes, and his brothers name is Nox Drakonvil" said Rex
"You dare to use that name?" The god of light, Lumin, sounded angry to those around the fight. A rage that all of humanity knew to fear yet not why. "I should wipe you away where you stand."
"Of course, another gods arrogance. Tell me Lumin, how will you stop me?" Unity stepped forward, her tiny size compared to the gods doing nothing to diminish the statue of power she held. "How will you best me?"
"It sounds to me like you think yourself a god. I have taken care of all who've made that mistake." Lumin charged more energy into his hand, careful to keep its power neutral once more. "I am disappointed you cut Salem short, her curse was meant to be a lesson."
"A lesson she wasn't willing to learn" said Jaune
"One has to be willing to learn, she wasn't." Unity smirked and stretched her arms over her head. "Let me stop you there. Wolf's Howl. "
Lumin grabbed his head as the waves of cursed sound crashed into him, the pain growing every moment he felt its power. Unity cut the attack off and stared up at the god as he got his bearings once more.
"A god, weak to curse. And here I thought you'd be above such things." Unity flared and grasped both her scythes with a smirk. "I am."
"He actually has a weakness,okay he's not really that impressive anymore" said Weiss
"Claiming to be better than a god now." Lumin sighed and fired another series of energy beams at Unity. "Children should understand that playing at something you aren't is a poor choice."
"No I don't think myself a god. I can't create, I can't destroy, I do not hold the seeds of life in the palm of my hand as you do, nor do I carry the answer to all questions as Jinn does." Unity spread her arms as she spoke, power dancing over them in the colour of the eight elements. "A god I am not, you are a god. I do know what I truly am and I think you'd be interested."
"Go on then. Tell me what you are." Lumin almost laughed.
"I am a persona, a power belonging to someone, or in this case four someones. I am the manifestation of their ideal, their being, their strength. I am everything that they are. I am the innermost thought they don't hear, I am the beat of their heart." iUnity tapped her chest once and glared up at Lumin. "I am power crystallized at the waist waiting for their call. Do you see?"
"Perhaps I do. It matters not."
"Oh it does because I am their freedom, their life and I will not allow any to take it from them." Unity snarled, magic gathered around her like a hurricane as she stared at the god of light. "Not Salem, not fate, not even Philemon and most certainly not you. So come, fight and see just how little godhood means."
"Before you ask, Philemon is the creator of the velvet room, Igor just looks after it" said Rex
"It is clear now. Your elimination would be necessary regardless of my plans." Yet more power flared from Lumin. A wave of all mighty light erupting in all directions and impacting against Unity. The persona slid back and smirked at him.
"That's it? Gaurdyne! " Green blades of energy crashed against the god, forcing him backwards rapidly. Unity blurred forward in a burst of petals, bouncing off a glyph and surging up to Lumin's head. The god bat her away only for her form to flicker into shadows.
Lumin felt a sharp sting to the back of his neck, the persona having slashed through him with both blades. Unity burst into a cloud of multicoloured petals and reformed back in front of team RWBY. Lumin stared down at her in anger for a moment.
"She can use our semblances too" cheers Ruby
"Clearly allowing you welps to live at all was a mistake. I should have just left this world to rot." Lumin allowed yet more energy to build. "Good bye pest, it seems I will have learned well this time. No more mistakes."
"Mistakes? Is that all you see humanity as?" Lumin remained silent to Unity's question and her anger boiled over. " Hurricane Force, Concentrate, Heat Riser, Debilitate, Charge, Shattering Blow! "
Energy exploded to life around her as the boosting skills took effect while light slammed into the god of light. Multiple layers of defense falling away as new weaknesses were applied. Lumin stared down at the beacon of rage even as the air seemed to simmer around her. Her anger seeped into the very air around her as she stepped forward, the rock beneath her feet melting away.
"Never call us a mistake. Wolf's Howl, Atomic Meteor!! " Unity vanished into a blur even as the waves of cursed sound traveled into Lumin. The god of light nearly fell to his knees as the sound hit. The newly added weakness to wind coupled with his already present curse weakness and the other alterations to the skills power made for a deadly combo.
"They're actually winning" muttered Ozpin
When Unity reappeared above him the god tried to move only to have the meteor strike impact on his chest over his head. The magical skill felt nearly as bad as Wolf's howl and did drop him to one knee. Unity reappears in front of him in a swirl of green wind and quadcoloured roses.
"I see that humanity has some strength. But this power is not natural, which god gifted it to you?" Lumin nearly growled, no he was above such pettiness. "So I may deal with them."
"The sea of human souls, we'd love to see you try and fight a multidimensional place linked to every human like being through all of reality." Unity laughs, she dares to laugh at him. "You know, I told you what I am but not why I exist."
"Why would I care."
"Because, persona of the world arcana are meant to keep gods in check."
"Damm, that gave me chill" said Qrow
"There is an entire class of persona, dedicated to fight gods who abuse their power?" asked Winter
"Yup" was Rex's answer
Penny watched as the grimm once more slowly began to gain on their forces. Her attack had only bought them a short time to recover and she lacked the power to repeat it. She felt some kind of presence behind her briefly but kept her gaze on the fighting, that is until she heard it.
"Holy shit is that the dark god?" Penny turned at the agent's words to find a towering purple man.
"Okay, he's here, let's see what he does now" says Jaune
"False life." Normally Penny would find the words infuriating, but there was something in his tone. An odd kind of pride, not for her but of her, for humanity and what her presence meant for them. "Tell me, do you have any hope in this fight?"
"No." She replies after a long pause. The dark god nods and looks over the grimm.
"My connection to my own creations may have withered but I can still effect them to some extent." The dark god steps over her and waves a hand, the grimm around them fall away, as if they were never there. "My brother cares so little that rather than lend aid he seeks a fight. Continue to protect these innocents false life, by days end this will be over."
"So he can't completely destroy the grimm" said a disappointed Weiss
"Maybe not, but he can help turn the tide in the war against them" said Rex
Penny watched as several agents gathered together, some offering medical aid while others made sure to stock up on weapons and ammo. Some dropped and took a rest where they were standing while even fewer made their way forward to scout ahead. She turned back to the dark god just in time to see him walking towards the arena.
"I have had enough of your-"
"Brother." Lumin turned to face his brother as said god stepped into the arena, bypassing the shields as if they weren't there. He stepped down and spared a glance to Unity before carrying on. "Leave these people brother, Remnant has not been ours for many millennia."
"So you will stand besides this failure?" Lumin said, he looked over the crowd before turning back to his brother. "This is what you want?"
"No brother, look. Look at them. Look at this planet and see what suffering we have caused! Do not put the blame for this hell on anyone else, we made it! And why brother did we cause them such pain?" the dark god spread his ars as he spoke and sounded angry. " Because we were angry? Because we were betrayed? It shouldn't matter, we created them to think for themselves and now look at them! They stand ready to fight you once more and this time they have not been tricked. You are the villain they think you to be."
"True, we aren't fighting him to gain power like the army Salem raised did, or for revenge like Salem did, we're fighting so humanity isn't wiped out" said Blake
"Have you forgotten their place brother? Have you forgotten your own?"
"No, and that is why today you will not face humanity." Dark lightning crackled to life around the god of darkness as he stared his brother down. "You face me."
"Woah" was heard throughout the theater
The brothers stood in silence for a time, no one daring to move until Unity's voice cut through the air. Lumin still never looked away form his younger brother. Nox turned to face the persona.
"Nox, you sure? I can end this here and-"
"Ending this is not your responsibility. I owe humanity much for my crimes and if fighting my brother for the rest of time is what I must do to repay that debt then so shall it be." The god of darkness, Nox leaned down and tapped the persona on the head. A warmth filled the area around them momentarily. "Thank you, for both your call to action and your offer. Continue using my gift to protect the people, I only wish that my control over the grimm had not degraded."
"What did he just do?" asked Ruby
"Gave you the gift he gave humanity so long ago, Magic" said Rex
"Wait, like full blown, maiden level magic" said Jaune
"More like Salem and Ozma level magic" said Rex
Everyone's jaws dropped
" Just deal with him, got it." Unity cracked her knuckles and began to fade from the ground up. "We'll deal with the grimm."
Unity faded and team RWBY turned and bolted. Ruby grabbing at her teammates and bursting apart once more. Nox turned to face3 his brother again and glanced at the crowd. Looking back forward he met his brother in a clash of power, creation and destruction warring against each other.
"Your a fool."
"I'm not the one incapable of learning from their mistakes." The two continued their clash, inevitably turning into their draconic forms and blasting up into the sky. The dark god hammered blow after blow home but took just as many. Nox spared one look down to watch as Unity ran through the grimm like a tsunami engulfing a city and made his choice.
"I will not let you bring harm to this world brother. Not now, not ever." Nox reached out and grabbed his brother and blasted both of them upwards and away from the planet. He refused to stop even as his brother battered him with more and more attacks, not until he could no longer see Remnant.
Both would remain unaware of what was happening on the planet for centuries as they fought, neither giving ground nor gaining any. Meanwhile team RWBY would slaughter enemy forces and continue to protect humanity for as long as they could. Salem's forces slowly being pushed back bit by bit, even her most trusted and powerful minions falling quickly.
The screen showed Unity weighting her way though a horde of grimm, before leaping into the air, blades raised to strike and a triumphant grin on her face as the screen paused
"So, what do you think" said Rex
"That was so cool, but I'm not sure what else we could see after that." said Ruby
"Well, we only have one more chapter, and it's an epilogue really" said Rex

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