Zayn & Liam

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(Soooo...I had no ideas for Ziam and I couldn't come up with anything for how their relationship would look like now, so I thought it would be interesting to see how their relationship started. There's no sex or punishments in this (I know, boring), but I seriously had to switch there names around so many times because I cannot imagine Zayn as a dom. Anyways, enjoy :) Everything between — is written by original author.)

Zayn & Liam

Back to the beginning...

"What do the letters underneath each other spell?" Mr. Taylor asks as he underlines the first letter of each word that make up the name of the school.


Harry chokes on his own spit. What the actual fuck?! He's obviously heard about that, but only a little. What he knows is that one is the 'Master' and the other one's practically his slave. But what exactly those letters stand for...Harry has no idea.

"Who can tell Mister Horan, Mister Styles and Mister Payne what BDSM stands for?" the teacher asks as if he read Harry's mind.

A boy in the first row raises his hand and talks after Mr. Taylor gave him permission. "BDSM stands for Bondage/Discipline, Dominance/Submission and Sadism/Masochism."

"That's correct." Taylor says. "And now, what is BDSM?"

"It's a lifestyle." Another boy, third row, in front of Liam says. "It's between two or more people, where - most of the time - one is the dominant and the other - or others - is/are submissive."

Liam looks worried at his friends, feeling the same as Harry and asking himself the same. Do his parents know what kind of school this is?

"Yeah, I don't feel so good." Harry lies smoothly, having done it so many times before. To that he gives his best hurt puppy dog eyes. They are good, but Liams are way better.

After Harry leaves, Liam starts to get a little worried. He's not against the idea, but he knows Harry is and that's enough to make him against it too.

"Alright class, your assigned dominants should be here any moment, please have your chins lowered and I'll send your dominant to you." Mr. Taylor says and as if on cue, there's a knock on the door with feet piling at the entryway—Liam only knows because he might have looked up a little, only a little though.

Mr. Taylor begins calling out names and the only one he has recognized has been a Niall Horan—which doesn't help since Niall is a sub too.

A few more names are called until Liam hears his name. Of course when you hear your name you're going to be curious and look up.

Coming towards him is a fit god who must be from the heavens Liam's read about somewhere at some point in his life.

His face is stern and kind of a teensy bit intimidating, but Liam thinks he could just punch him to knock him out and he'd be okay...only if it comes to it though because he's really fucking hot and Liam would never do such a think unless he had to.

Liam doesn't drop his face again, wanting to challenge the superiority. The god—yes, god halts in front of him and he's not quite sure what to do in this moment. He really just wants to reach his finger out and poke him just to see if he's real, but he won't do that, not yet at least.

Instead of ordering Liam around like most of the doms are doing with their new subs, the boy plops down and sits criss cross in front of Liam, grinning widely. "Hi," He starts, voice like angel. "I'm your dominant, Zayn." He reaches his hand out.

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