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New Years Eve

The past couple days have been better. They've spent a lot of time cuddled close on the couch watching movies or outside playing soccer—apparently Harry isn't quite as 'qualified' as his dominant, but they still had a great time.

When Harry had his panic attack, the aftermath had him becoming more anxious in general, a lot. Louis notices that whenever Harry is unsure of anything or is unaware of plans for the day, he bounces his leg up and down quite fast or he'll pinch his skin roughly.

They've each had a virtual meeting with Sally, Louis' going very well while Harry's not so much. He was closed off even more than he had been on his very first meeting, not even saying anything except a simple 'hello' and a 'good' when asked how he was. Louis and Sally privately agreed to try and let him process in his own way and give him time.

It seems as though time is exactly what he needed because the fast pace of his mind and everything along with it, has now slowed and given him chances to talk to Louis.

Louis is sure Harry, along with little Harry, is probably scarred from what happened. Harry hasn't slipped back into little space for a while, even after Anne left, which Louis was sure he would have.

Harry has also been extremely clingy and longing for positive touch. He's always standing close to Louis, no matter the circumstances. Louis doesn't even think he's had a shower alone since, which means Harry's sex drive has also increased, although, he's only wanted slow sex where he can look into Louis' eyes to make sure he's still there and not going to loose him.

Anne stayed a few days after Christmas, helping Jay pack up the array of decorations and cooking meals for the large crowd. She left only a couple days ago which put a damper on Harry's mood. Though, that didn't stop Louis from trying to cheer him up with borrowing one of Lottie's fancy face masks and watching a plethora of Friends episodes.

"'Morning, my love." Harry giggles, rolling himself flat onto his dominant's body, parting his knees around the boys torso, and tucking his head into his neck to suck on the skin there.

Louis yawns and wraps his arms strongly around his sub, giving his head a kiss. "'Morning, my monkey." He says, causing Harry to laugh again, but louder.

"What're we doing today?" The sub asks with a content sigh, holding himself tighter to the older boy.

Louis isn't surprised by the question because it's been happening everyday, like he needs reassurance that they'll be together the whole time.

Louis slides his hands down his submissive's sides then runs them up under the boy's shirt, brushing against the skin on his hips before using his finger tips to play with the band of his boxers.

The dominant slips his hands underneath the tight material, making Harry let out a small squeak, and he cups the boy bum, kneading the soft skin.

"Lou," Harry whines right up against his dom's ear, sounding raspy and needy. "Don't start something we can't finish." He warns.

Louis begins nipping at his sub's ear before licking around his neck. "Who says we can't finish?" He questions, lowering a finger to brush overtop Harry's hole.

Harry quickly rolls beside the older boy and onto his back before sliding off the bed. "Me." He responds. "I want ice cream." He explains, bending down to grab his pants so his hard-on isn't noticeable.

"Can I lick it off of you?"

The younger boy tosses his head back, groaning and pouting his lips—because this is definitely not going to help his issue.

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