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(A/N: I feel like at this point we all knew I wouldn't be able to wait until Wednesday for the update. <3

I honestly don't know how to write in a 'child's voice' so I'm sorry in advance. I tried giving Harry a lisp because I thought it was cute but looking back, I'm not sure if his words make any sense. I was too lazy to change it, but let me know if you think I should!)

Harry lifts his head and pouts. "I want daddy pweathe."

Liam raises his eyebrows at the boy who has now brought his thumb into his mouth. He shakily grabs his phone out of his back pocket. "Um...s-sure. I'll get your daddy." He says, now dialing Louis' phone.

Louis doesn't answer, as expected because usually doms won't answer anyone when in class who isn't their sub.

He thinks for a moment before ultimately deciding to call Zayn. "Liam? You know I'm in class. Speak." Zayn commands after answering.

"Well um, Harry needs Louis right now." He says, starting to pace around the tiny room.

Seeing this makes Harry nervous and he begins shaking with cries again so Liam offers his biggest smile to the boy and sits down in front of him, holding out his hand and wiggling his fingers. He's seen Harry play with Louis' hands at lunch before so he hopes this will calm him down.

"Liam Payne, we are in class. How important is this?" Zayn says into the phone.

Harry hesitantly grabs his friends hand and thoroughly inspects it, pulling his fingers open and turning it while trying to sniffle away his runny nose.

Liam's chin begins trembling and he mumbles into the phone. "Please, s-sir. We're in the bathroom by Mrs. Turns." He explains before hanging up, not being able to talk anymore.

"Big handths!" Harry points out and takes Liam's wrist to press their hands together, but frowns when he sees his hands are actually bigger.

Liam grins and flutters his fingers so their finger tips pat together. He pulls back his hand and reaches forward. "Boop." He pokes the boys nose. "Boop." He pokes his cheek. "Boop." He pokes his chest, leaving Harry in a fit of giggles.

Not even a minute later, both doms rush into the room, going straight to their subs and Liam stands up, moving to the opposite corner.

Louis bends down to his sub, "What's going on, baby?" He asks.

The sub keeps his chin down but looks up. "Daddy was being a meanie!" He explains with eyes beginning to glass before sticking his thumb back into his mouth.

Like Liam, Louis stiffens and his eyes widen before softening them at Harry's words. He reaches forward and removes the boys hand from his mouth, pulling him into his lap.

Even though the boy is upset at him, he thinks he should wait to talk to big Harry about why. "It's okay, baby. Daddy's here now. Do you feel any better?" The dom asks as Harry keeps his face into Louis' chest and nods.

Zayn comforts Liam in the corner so he is no longer freaking out as much. "I want you to go back to class, Li. We'll talk more later but I'm gonna check on Harry." He says.

Liam leaves and returns to class and Zayn walks over, crouching down to Louis' side. "Is everything okay?" He asks.

This sparks Harry's attention and he turns his head, resting his cheek against his dom's shoulder, looking to Zayn while sucking his thumb.

Zayn smiles and looks to Louis before looking back to the boy. "Hi, Haz." He says, waving.

Harry smiles around his thumb and turns his head away, moving to Louis' other shoulder and giggling loudly.

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