The mind is a strange and complex part of ones existence and for me I find how it works or dosen't seem to during the night while one should be dreaming while sleeping. You see for the most part I usually never recall a single thing when I wake up, and when I do recall something it's usually just snippets here and there and they seem to fade faster the more I try to recall them. So keeping a dream journal is not an easy task. I mean how many people can actually write with pen and paper every single word they think as they think it? I know i can't. My mind goes a mile a minute while my spelling goes at a snails pase and with all the spelling errors I tend to make corrections make it even slower still.
I can recall still a few snippets here and there from different times of my life but exactly when I had these dreams is not easy except like say time of year by season or if it was from a nap during the day while not feeling well. But to give each dream a time frame such as month or day and actual time of day/night I can never do, I'm very bad with important information recall like names places and dates. But it's funny how one can think of one thing that brings up another thought and it's like your going back in time recalling something from when ever, be it a week ago a month or several years it just pops into your head and replays like an old movie.
Like this one dream I know what year it took place during the spring or early summer of 2003 only because at the time there was talk of a big move from the city and my opinion was some how important. Any how in my dream I was sitting in my bedroom window legs hanging out over the roof of the kitchen, there was the occasional breeze that moved my hair away from the side of my face or past my ears. the sky was a nice ocean blue with a few clouds scattered about having me think it would be a great day at a beach swimming as the sun was shinning when not playing hide n seek among the odd cloud passing by when all of a sudden right before me there looms this huge plain flying just above the roof tops. now there are plains seen all the time in the city but in my area they never fly this low ever that I can think of. just as the nose of the plain passes the house and it seems like the wing would rip the roof off our home and I could just reach out and touch it ....... I wake up with a cat landing on my face cutting my lower lip with a claw. It turns out the cat had tried to jump out the said bedroom window that in my dream was open but in reality was not. I'm not one to be overly fascinated with huge metal things like plains cars and trucks and I never watched more then one movie with plain in it's ti tel, so why I suddenly dreamt of a plain I'm not sure.
Perhaps it was signifying my future travels after all there was a big move being discussed on a regular basis, when we did finally move several modes of transportation had been used. there were cars and a truck moving luggage and people to a train station after that a huge boat was used this would have been my second time on such a ship only this time was a bit rougher with apparently high waves but the trip during the night was uneventful as I slept most of the time. But the first time i made this trip I watched for the first time pay per view and seen I think a Popeye movie with robin williams and a few hours later a guy walked through a set of glass doors that was some how left open but the shipped shifted some and the doors closed without any help from anybody, when the same guy came walking back after talking to somebody he never noticed that the doors had moved and so he banged so hard and loud against the closed door that he made another guy who was sleeping on a ledge jump awake it was so funny to see I still smile as I think of that time.
Years after this my mother visited the city we left behind for a family matter and left me behind so I would not miss any school, This dream was a bit scary to me as it had cat's one chasing the other all through a strange two story house that I've never been inside of before, for some reason the cat that was doing the chasing did not seem right some how I can't put my finger on it but he was not normal. both cat's in the dream was our family cat's same mother different litters both from the city and apon waking I could describe this building from ground floor to top floor but not the basement area at all. when I got home from school that evening i finds out that a cat we was looking after that did not like our cat's in him home what so ever some how got it's head stuck under a door of all places and I slept though all the noise. this happened right across from my bedroom door. Two weeks later my mother is still in the city but soon on her way home after visiting family and friends between the impotent matters she had to deal with I never did find out what needed her presence so much but we moved from a small three bedroom bungalow to a two story house with three bedrooms and it turns out to be the very house from my dream. that was kinda spooky at the time
I was foolish and quit school for a time and once had a dream of sitting in a school desk in an open feild on a clear sunny day, one could see and hear traffic coming and going and watch plains take off and land over the building and there was trees every where. I can recall thinking why am I here and in a school seat ? if I'm to learn anything at all we should have been inside where the sounds could be blocked out so one can think and concentrate some. but that's all there was to that dream a school seat in an open Field with trees all around and loud trafic. about five or six months later I'm offered space in a school to get my grade twelve or level three education called adult basic education. When I start I notice that the parking lot is huge and all around two sides of the building are trees and beyond them on one side of the school is the highway. Yes indeed the mind sure is a strange thing I'm some times very glad for those many day's when I wake up and can't recall a single thing ever or when I do recall something it's usually something embarrassing like no pants in a public place or some how getting stuck on a roof top that's like many stories tall and no way down that's safe.
It's funny how the mind interprets things in dreams so much so I've thought of getting a book to decipher them but I've never got a book seeing as how those that I do recall are so few and far between.
Lately I've been reading stories that involve were wolves and or vampires , I had a dream and in that dream I was walking along a wooded path that eventually neared a flowing river and a narrow beach section that maybe spanned about four feet from water to land and was about eight to nine feet long, Now the part of the path I stand one before landing on the beach is about three to four feet above and looking down and across the length I notice that the sand is in a crescent moon shape like before the new moon phase. in the dream I jump down onto the beach and I heard a lone wolf or coyote Howell in the distance and pay no mind to it exploring the landscape before me, just as I get near the water I spot movement to my left and noticed among some rocks a large brown snakes head, Had I never noticed it moving I never would have seen it at all for it's color so matched the dark brown of the wet or damp sand in the area. so I make a jump to my right away from the snake and I've noticed it's huge about the size of my fist but I can't see how long it's body is for the rocks and over hanging bank. I make my way to the center of the beach and move closer to the dryer forested area wondering if I can make it back up to the path I left and get back to where ever it was I came from when I hear the howl of the animal once again only this time it's sounding ever so much closer. It's at this time I notice I've nothing on my feet and I for the life of me can't recall if I had anything on or not before seeing the snakes head move, very strange I thought. So I'm trying to climbe back up the embankment that' is nearly half as high as I'm tall I make a few steps up only to stumble back down. I'm looking to my right now keeping an eye open for any more movements from the snake that's closer to the water where the rocks are, when all of a sudden this furry mussel suddenly looms over my head just as I'm about to reach for the top of the embankment to get up once more. There I am laying stiff as board all my Wait on my right arm and my left arm streatched out and I felt my fingers just barely touch the wolfs tung and lower canines and my breath is come in and out real deep like I've been running for miles and I've had to stop and catch it.
Now I've got this animal hovering over my head I'm stood still as a statue with my hand practically in it's jaw playing with it's tung and I'm mostly worried about the large brown snake head to my right ...... and my cat wakes me up for his morning meal I'm not sure if I should call this a bad dream or a nightmare of sorts for although I was breathing deeply I never noticed if I had a heart rate or beat at all. After I woke up and thought of this another dream I had a nice while ago came to me about another canine I think it was part wolf part husky it was as large as a saint bernard with white and Gray fur, the poor thing was chained up and here too there was a hill like mound and the animal did not seem to be at all pleased that it was restricted of movement but that's all I can recall of that dream. where I now live there are wolves and coyotes in the area in the two places that I've lived in over the years there are bears and I've seen a few on the highways I'm just glad so far I've not dreamt of one. Now I wonder if I'll catch a glimpse of a wild dog when I go out for a good walk to the next town as I've seen rabbits swans ducks geese and so far only once I nearly ran into a deer in this area, back in the other place I got use to moose and beavers as well as bears.
A/N well that's all I can think of for now.
Took me a while to find the spell check :) strange it don't know how to spell a body part any better then me :/ lol