🎀Chapter 3🎀

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(Edwin) the boys and I are sitting in the studio "have you called , what's her name again?" Zion ask "Desiree" I say "yeah , have you called her yet" he ask "no" I say "what you waiting for" Maggie ask as she walks out the booth "you finally found her again and he now you have the chance to call or hang out so do it" She adds as she sits wit Brandon

"Maggie is right , now get to it" Austin says "what if it's weird I mean her daughter is a fan" I say "man BEANZ would love for one of us to date they moms" Zion says "and plus she's 5 most of our older BEANZ be talking nasty bout us" he adds
"She's five she just wanna be friends wit us or some" he says "and she's super cute" Nick says
"Ight Ight fine I'll call , but what do I say" I ask "man you acting like you ain't never did this before" Austin says "he's a little rusty with the dating side ya know" Zion says and I pull my phone out before going to her contact .

The next day) "Kamryn stop playing with your food and eat it" I say "mommy I don't want no pizza" she says "you just told me you did" I look at her "I changed my mind" she says well then what do you wanna eat" I say and her face lights up "ice cream" she says "no Kammy you have to eat food first"

She sighs "fine but I don't want two pieces I want one" she says "okay you can just eat one piece then" my phone rings and it's mf an unknown number "Who's calling your phone mommy" she ask and I look at her "I'm not sure maybe some job number" I say "mommy you have to leave?" She pouts "no love I don't" I say "stay here and I am going to answer the phone"

I walk into the living room and I don't know if I should answer it. I don't wanna be mean tho. I answer the phone "uh hello" I say and it's silent for a couple seconds "hey Desiree it's me Edwin" my eyes widened "oh hi" I look back at Kam to see her just eating . "How are you doing" he ask "I'm good , you?" This seems so awkward right now .

"I'm doing good too" he says "umm I was wondering if maybe you wanted to come over or meet somewhere just to hang out" he says and bite my lip . Mhm this is all so weird to me "I would love to , but I can't" I somewhat lie "Oh okay that's fine" he says and I feel kinda bad "I have to do things with my daughter today" I add "yeah I get it" he says "I'll talk to you soon" he says "o...k" I say and hang up . Ugh what the f*ck was that

I walk back over to her "who called you?" She ask "I was right it was my job" I smile "all done" she holds her plate up and I smile "I guess that means you can now have ice cream" I say and she gets real excited "finally" she smiles "we have strawberry and Oreo" I turn to her after opening the freezer

"Both" she shouts "both?" I ask "it might be nasty if you mix them" I say "mhm okay just strawberry" she says and I put some in a bowl for her before handing it to her "thanks mom" she says "Of course baby" I say "you know Prettymuch is releasing a new song tomorrow" she says "oh really" I ask "yep it's called Corpus Christi" she says "oouuu" I say "it's gonna be amazing" she adds "I bet it will be" I giggle at her

(Edwin) she hangs up "she has things to do with her daughter" I say "understandable" Austin says "she probably doesn't just want to see me , I mean it's probably weird for her" I add "man don't be so negative" Brandon says "she's a mother , she's gonna be busy" Maggie says "yeah , damn Maggie you always right" I say "yeah I'm just that good"

(The next day) (evening) "she suck all the life out of me lipo" I look at Kamryn "what did you just say" I ask "huh?" She questions as we sit on my bed "What are you singing" she looks back at me
"Prettymuch" she says "Prettymuch said that"
She nods "mhm uhh okay" I turn my attention back to my laptop as I do some things for work

"Can I stay up late tonight" she lays on my arm "you have school in the morning love" I say "ugh I don't like school" she says "why?" I ask "cause I wanna be home" she says "you only have like a week left then it's summer vacation" I say "can't I just skip" she says "no" I say "the next week will go by fast and then you're home everyday" I say

"Only a week and then I'm never going back" she says "for the summer but then you go back and you will be in 1st grade" smile "so you have only an hour left then it's bedtime" I say "I wanna play" she says "play what?" I ask "with my dollhouse , can you play with me please" she begs and I smile
"Okay but I want the doll with the purple dress"
I say "and I want the pink" she says and we get up

(Edwin) "Corpus Christi is getting a lot of love" Brandon comes in the living room with Austin and says "they love it" Nick says "definitely one of my favorites" Ansley says as she bounces Theo on her lap "so you talked to Desiree today" Austin ask

"no" I say "slacking" Zion says "she might be busy" I say "well you don't even call her to find out" He adds "well it's late now" I say "dude it's 7:00 , you can call her and make plans for tomorrow" Nick says "you guys are real bossy" I say "we are helpful" Brandon says "fine I'll call her" I say "just not now" I say and Zion laughs
"I don't wanna bug her , she has a daughter"

Nick sits down "Edwin you do whatever you wanna do just don't take to long" Nick adds "I won't"

(Later that night) "I love you Kammy goodnight" I say and she closes her eyes "love you mommy" she says. I turn the nightlight on before exiting her room. I walk into my room and sit on my bed after changing into my pjs. My phone rings and I saved Edwins number yesterday and he's calling now

"Edwin from Prettymuch" I decide to answer
"Hello" I say "hi" he says "hey Edwin" I say
"I know you were busy yesterday but I was wondering if you wanted to maybe hang out tomorrow" he suggests "what time" I ask "umm whenever you can" he says "around noon is good for me , my daughter has school at 8 and I have to get her at 2" I say "yeah that's fine" he says

"Where are we hanging?" I ask "there's a cafe about 10 minutes away from my house , I can send you the address" he says "yeah sounds good" I say "okay well I'll see you tomorrow" he says "yeah see you tomorrow" I say and hang up . Well tomorrow will be interesting if you ask me

The next day] I'm getting ready to go meet Edwin now . I dropped Kam off at school 4 hours ago would 8am . Now it's 11:41 , Edwin already sent me the place it's only 15 minutes away.

I take one more look in the mirror with a smile

I take one more look in the mirror with a smile

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"Lookin good" I say to myself . I grab my purse and phone before walking outside to my car

I park my car in front of the cafe . I sigh , I'm nervous this may be a little awkward . I mean he's Edwin Honoret , Prettymuch member , my daughter is obsessed. He knows nothing about me and I know a lot about him from Kamryn lmao. I get out the car and walk into the cafe . I spot him towards the back . He waves me over . I take a deep breath before walking over to the table he is sitting at .

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