🎀Chapter 5🎀

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"Bye Kam I love you and have a good day" I kiss her cheek as she's about to walk into her school. "I love you mommy" she says "and remember grandma is picking you up" I say "I remember" she smiles and I kiss her cheek again before waving goodbye. Ugh I still get sad seeing her walk into those doors. I make my way back to the car. Now I have my boring a*s meetings to go to

(4:30) I'm finally done . I had meetings with people wanting to buy houses today and just regular meeting with my employees today. All went very well today. I pull my phone out as I sit in my car.
I text Edwin

"I just got done with my meetings , so we can meet up now" I text

about 2 minutes later he text

"I'm leaving now , see you there"

I start my car and begin to drive to the same cafe we met up at before

: I walk into the cafe where he is sitting in the same spot we were sitting last time . I walk over to him as he's in his phone "hello" I say and sit across from him "Oh Hey Desiree" he sets his phone down .
"How was your day" he says "it was good , the meetings were so boring and they took forever" I say "yeah I get the feeling" he says "but besides those , my day was good" I nod "how was yours"

He shakes his head "a lot of singing" he says "well you are inna boyband" I say "we was in the studio all day today making new shii" he says "yeah my daughter really wants some new music out" he chuckles "tell her soon" he smiles "her name is Kamryn right?" He ask "yeah , how do you know that , I never said her name" I say "I remembered from the meet and greet" he says "good memory"

He shrugs his shoulders "i remember kid names more than adults" he says "I don't blame you" I say "you should really come over my place sometime" he says "I don't know" I say "this is still a little ..... off to me" I say "why?" He ask "I mean Kamryn is in love with you guys and now we are ..... talking I guess you can say" I tell him "it's kinda weird" I say "well it won't be weird forever" he says

"Forever?" I ask and I smile "what makes you think this gonna last" I ask "we do nothing" I say "and I don't even know what your intentions are" I add
He chuckles "we  gotta wait and see" he ask "no seriously why did you want my number" I ask
"So at the meet and greet there was just something bout you" he tells me "I needed to know more , maybe even do more" he says "so what's the plan with me" I ask "I'm getting to know you now , as time goes on we will see what happens"

I tilt my head and try to hide my smile before nodding "well okay then we will see" I say as a waiter comes over to see if we would like anything

(1 hour later) "Kamryn loves Theo" I say "I love when Austin and Ansley bring him over" Edwin says "He's super cute" I say "I sometimes miss when Kamryn was a baby but I love that's she's a little older" I say "time flies" I complain "it does , it's been 5 years of Prettymuch a month ago" he says "oh I know , Kamryn talked about it all day that day" I say and he chuckles "she knows what's up" he says "since she's a fan and she's listens to us a lot , do you listen us" he ask "I have no choice"

I take a sip of my drink "but I do love you guys music honestly, I know all of them because one Kamryn plays it all day and two I actually like them" I say "what's your favorite" he ask and I think "that's hard" I say and he laughs "top 3" he says "umm 1. Eyes of you , 2. Blind and 3.Phases" I say "good choices" he says "what about the new ep" he ask "smackables" I giggle "hey I came up with that name" he says "did you?" I ask "yes I did" he says "well it's a great name" I say

"But I like Free the best" I say "it hits" I say and he nods "trust me I know" he says "and I like Corpus Christi" I say "everyone loves that one" he says
"Kamryn was sitting with me in the living room and she said "she suck all the life out of me lipo" and I was shocked" I say and he laughs "I was like what did you say and she told me it was a Prettymuch song" I say "so she's lucky it's you guys" I add

"Prettymuch has grown up" he says "I can tell" I say "went from if I pulled you closer would you mind to she suck all the life out of me lipo" I say and he smiles "growth" he nods "i see"

-(30 minutes later) "what's my name in your phone" he ask "Edwin from Prettymuch" I say "wow" he says sarcastically "I don't know what's going with this , I just knew you from Prettymuch" I tell him "you will change it soon" he says "oh will I?" I ask "yes ma'am" he says "To what" I ask
"Something else" he looks me in my eyes "maybe"

"Edwin i had a good time" I stand up as he does the same "I did to" he says "so-" I cut him "when are we meeting up again , I already knew you would ask" I say "well when?" He says "not sure , Kam goes on summer vacation next week" I say "but she still has 5 days left" I add "you should come to my house" he says "I know you said it's weird but you don't gotta bring your daughter over ...... yet"
I giggle "I'll think about it" I say "okay well lemme know" he says and I nod "so I'll see you soon" I add "yes you will"

(2 days later) "fine I'll come over" Edwin has been begging me non stop to come over . We been on the phone for a little over 30 minutes now "yes , I'm good at convincing" he says "you mean begging" I say . Edwin and I went for ice cream yesterday. I'm really getting into the feeling of being around him or maybe even liking him. "Kamryn is still in school for another 3 hours" I say "since she has a after school pizza party" I say "aww I remember having those" he says "so when will you be here" he ask "I'm gonna shower and then I'll be there"
"Can't wait" he says "see you soon" I hang up

I pray this isn't gonna be awkward. I don't who all will be there . Obviously the other 4 boys but I don't know about their girlfriends or other friends
I grab my things before going into the bathroom

(Edwin) "quit doing that Desiree will be here soon" I say "bro relax if she knows us she knows how we are" Nick says "she's nervous and all , I don't want her to be upset or something" I say "it's gonna be fine Edwin trust me" Maggie says "yeah she can be our Bestie" Ansley says and Maggie agrees

"it will be nice to have another parent especially a mom to have around" Ansley adds "we will welcome her with open arms" Brandon says and we laugh "that was stupid" I laugh "is she bringing her daughter" Zion ask "naw , not yet at least" I add as my phone rings and it's a text from t "Desiree🦋" saying "Hi I'm here"

I close my phone "okay she's here , be nice please" I say "man don't worry about that" Austin ask "yeah we gonna be good" Zion laughs "don't play zion" I say "I ain't I swear" he says and I walk to the door "goooo , I wanna meet her" maggie says
"Okay okay I'm going" I walk out the house

I park my car before texting Edwin that I'm here.
He comes outside and I get out my car "hey" he says "hi" I say "you seem nervous, are you nervous" he ask "uh yeah" i say "don't be , it's gonna be fine" he says "Maggie and Ansley are also here and of course Theo" he says "they all know your coming tho" he smiles "okay" I say and he opens the front door "don't have me walk in first" I say and he chuckles before walking in front of me in the house

"Everyone this is Desiree"

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