Chapter 5

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Hey guys, Kaity here. I decided to write this chapter on my computer, since when I write chapters on my phone, they come out a little shorter than expected. & I'm wicked wicked WICKED sorry for the long wait. I've been so busy with homework and life... :c

\ Harry's POV \

    I woke up early, smiling, expecting Louis to be cuddled up next to me, under the covers in my bed. But when my eyes fluttered open, I looked next to me and the boy was no where to be seen. I strutted all around our apartment looking for him. I checked every inch of every room two, even three times in his favorite hiding places, but still - he was out of sight. After a while, I plopped down on the couch to watch some tv, thinking Lou must've just gone out to the market or something, but after an hour of tv, I started getting really worried .I dialed his cell number, it rang twice but then the call completely stopped. That made me feel somewhat better, knowing Louis rejected my call, so I know at least he's alive.  

But why did he reject my call?  

I shot him a quick text, maybe he just didn't want to speak out loud.     

Harry: Lou, what's wrong? I've been looking for you for hours! :(  

Louis: I just went out for a while, I'm fine, don't worry :) x 

Harry: Why didn't you leave a note like you always do?    

Louis never replied to my text, which made me all the more nervous. I stressfully ran my fingers through my dark curls while pacing around the room.  

Harry: Louis! We have an interview in half an hour where are you?  

Thankfully, the Doncaster boy walked in the door right after I sent the text. "Mornin' Haz." He greeted me with a warm smile and a kiss on my cheek.  

"Lou, where have you been?" I asked him.  

He smiled and handed me a teddy bear. "I got you another gift. This one you can name boobear, and think of me everytime you cuddle with it."  

I laughed and looked at the bear. "Cute - just like you." I flirted. "C'mon, let's get ready for the interview. Liam, Niall and Zayn will be down here any minute for us."  

 The boys arrived shortly after Louis and I got ready. On our way to the interview, which was just five minutes away, we listened to Niall talk nonsense about something he has watched on tv the night before. I remember what I did last night. I cuddled with Lou. And it was damn fun.

Finally a woman greeted us at the door of a building, so Niall had to stop talking. The five of us went upstairs with her as she introduced us to every worker that we passed on the way up the six flights of stairs. "And lastly, here's Johnny and Marie. They'll be the ones interviewing you."

"Thanks for you help, it was nice meeting you." Liam said politely and smiled to the woman. She smiled a warm smile back and walked off.

"Well you guys must be One Direction! Take a seat. We have a girl coming in who's won the chance to play a dare game with you. She can only dare one person, one thing." Johnny said.

"Here she is now. You must be Daniella." Marie greeted the teenage girl who walked in. She was dressed in a coral pink sweater she paired with tribal print leggings and combat boots, along with some jewelry that hung around her neck.

"Hello Daniella." The boys and I chorused.

She laughed quietly to herself and waved, "Hello."

"We're on the air in 3, 2, 1." A man said while pointing at Johnny and Marie, cue-ing them to speak.

The interview consisted of more Larry Stylinson questioned that Lou and I brushed off, and then some questions about the rest of the boy's love lives and our upcoming album that we're working on.

"Great!" Marie ended. "Now, Daniella is our lucky winner of the Dare Direction contest. She's got one dare for one of you that she's chosen."

Daniella nodded. "There's been a lot of talk about Larry Stylinson. My dare for Harry, is to kiss Louis. On the lips, for fifteen seconds."

I felt a rush of happiness and eagerness explode inside of me.

Everyone in the room chanted "Do it! Do it! Do it!"

I leaned in with no hesitation, letting my right arm stay grounded on the bench beside Louis so I would stay up. Within seconds, our lips were touching, and I leaned in a little more, suddley, hoping no one would notice. Liam, Zayn, and Niall started their countdown from fifteen. Louis started moving his lips slowly, and also suddley, probably hoping no one would notice. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" I didn't want to stop, but I had to.

The boys obnoxiously cheered. I shrugged. "It's easy to kiss someone you love." I winked at Louis.

/// Back Home. Harry and Louis have been separated most of the day. Now it's ten pm and Harry's alone in is room on his laptop. ///

"H-Harry can we talk for a minute?" Louis walked in, nervously playing with his fingers.

"Of course Lou, what is it?"

He sat down on my bed next to me. "That kiss...You didn't feel anything right? Coz I mean..." Louis laughed nervously. "I didn't..."

"To tell you the truth..."

Louis closed his eyes tightly, letting cute little crinkles form around them. He quickly leaned in and pressed his lips hard against mine. I moved around my lips, starting an unexpected makeout,

"Did you feel it that time Lou?" I asked when he back away.

'I felt it ever since we kissed the first time. The night before out first 'date'." He stated.

"Are- Do you want to try-"

"I wanted to prove Zayn wrong though." He interrupted.

"But isn't a real relationship better than a fake one?" I asked. "We wont have to pretend."

Louis sighed. "Ask me the question again."

"OK. Louis, will you go out with me?"

"Yeah Harry, yeah I will." He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Do you want to sleep here tonight?" I asked him with a cheeky smile.

Louis cuddled into me, and I could feel his award winning smile form across his face as he lay on my tummy. I cuddled him back and waited for him to fall asleep so I could move and get under the covers.

The Bet (Larry Stylinson) {Co-written with @bradfords}Where stories live. Discover now