Alternate Ending Part 2

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Harry slept for the rest of the day and through the night. The only time I left his side was to go to the bathroom. The boys brought me food once, but I could hardly eat. I was tired but I couldn’t sleep. I knew I wouldn’t be okay until he was awake.

The fans had donated more blood than the hospital could hold, so they began shipping it to other hospitals nearby in need of it. Even the ones that didn’t have Harry’s blood type donated. It was remarkable.

Not only fans, but reporters, and cameras surrounded the hospital. The story was all over the news. I only watched long enough to see that the guy who had fired the gun was caught and put in jail. I hoped he would get the death sentence. He deserved it after what he did to Harry.

The boys were talking quietly amongst themselves at a card table the nurse had set up, but I wasn’t interested in talking. I just held Harry’s cold hand and waited for something. Anything.

Anne’s flight had been delayed, so she wouldn’t arrive for another two days and my mum wanted to come with her. I wasn’t in the mood to argue, so I just agreed.

There were multiple pictures of me sitting by Harry’s side, clutching his hand as if my life depended on it and a couple of me kissing his forehead, temple, or cheeks. The fans had figured out what happened and they were furious, but not at us. Our management team was dogged, but I didn’t care.

Liam, Niall, and Zayn confirmed that Harry and I were dating via twitter. We had lied so much to the fans and had made a promise from that moment on that we would be completely honest with them. In just five minutes #LarryStylinson, #LouisSaveH.arry, #LarryShippersWereRight, and all of our names were trending. The morning after the shooting twitter crashed from all the activity.

I was looking at a text from my sister when a grunt pulled my attention. My breath hitched when I saw Harry’s eyes flutter twice then open, revealing teary green eyes. The ones I loved so much. His fingers twitched against my hand and his eyes focused on me. I hadn’t realized I was crying until he reached up to wipe my face. I launched myself at him, practically laying on top of him, but being careful to avoid the spot where he was shot.

“I didn’t mean it!” I rasped against his neck. “I-I was just scared and I did the worst possible thing, I’m so sorry.”

He threaded his fingers through the hair on the back of my head and his other arm wrapped around my waist in a weird hug.

“We’ll give you two a minute, it’s good to see you awake Harry.” Liam sniffed. He herded Niall and Zayn out the door, leaving us alone.

I laid beside Harry instead of on him and reached for the glass of water I had abandoned. I held it to his lips as he gulped it down in one go.

“I can get some more, if you're still thirsty.” I started to get up, but he pulled me back down, wincing slightly at the movement.

“Stay. I’m fine. I just want to cuddle.”

I cuddled him as much as possible, considering his stitches from the bullet. My tears had slowed, but my mind hadn’t. A million thoughts were buzzing around in my head.

“Why aren’t you mad? I almost got you killed.” I croaked.

“Lou, it wasn’t your fault and I’m fine. I’m right here, living and breathing. There’s no reason to be mad.”

“And this is exactly why I hate myself!” I sobbed. “You’re such a good boyfriend and I’m just awful!”

“Baby, don’t say that. I love you. You’re a great boyfriend, I wouldn’t have anyone besides you.”

I wiped my face with the back of my hand, before moving in to kiss him. Everything in me screamed the same thing and I pulled away panting after a few minutes of tongue tangling, breath taking, kissing.

“I need you. Now.” I pulled my shirt over my head and pulled at the stings of his hospital gown.

“Louis, I’m not- I can’t. The stitches.” He moaned as I sucked a mark onto his neck.

“I’ll ride you.” I palmed the bulge in his boxers and he grunted. “Gently.” I added.

He barked out a laugh and I took advantage of his open mouth, shoving my tongue inside. He sucked on it and I ripped the gown off his body. I pressed kisses over every inch of his skin and around his bandage. I helped him lift his hips so I could slide his boxers off and then he was grabbing at my pants and whining out a weak ‘Off’.

I complied, taking off my remaining clothes and settling myself kneeling over his torso. I took his cock in my hand and pumped it a few times, spreading the precome over it. I spit into my other hand and shoved two fingers inside myself, prepping myself so he didn't have to.

“Fuck Lou.” He moaned, clutching at the sheets. He tilted his head back and somehow I mouthed at his neck while continuing the motions of my hands.

I stopped when his thighs started to tremble and slowly lowered myself onto his cock. He held my hips and I focused on not hurting him as I bounced up and down repeatedly. Sweat trickled down my back, making me shudder and at that moment Harry moaned my name loudly and I felt him spill deep inside me.

The site of him lying there in pure bliss brought me to my climax and I lifted myself one more time, this time letting his cock slide out completely.

I pressed a chaste kiss to his lips before going into the bathroom and grabbing a warm washcloth and wiping both of us off. I felt an uncomfortable ooze between my bum cheeks, but I ignored it as I slipped my underwear and pants back on.

I helped Harry back into his gown and he pulled me into his side. I kissed his jaw softly and he hummed, turning his head and kissing my nose.

“I love you.”

“Forever and always.” I whispered. “It’s never gonna change. You’re the one for me.”

I meant it. No one made me as happy as he did. I loved him with everything in my being. He sniffed, pulling me in for a deeper, but still sweet, kiss.  “Knock Knock.”

His jokes were terrible and I didn’t understand why he wanted to tell one at that precise moment, but I loved him, so I indulged him.

“Who’s there?”


“Marry who?” I giggled.

“Marry me.”

My heart stopped and I looked up at him with wide eyes. “Did- Did you just propose?”

“Yeah.” He smiled, happy tears falling down his cheeks. “Who cares if we’re young. I want to be with you. Forever. That’s all that matters.”

“Forever and always.” I murmured.

“Is that a yes?” He asked hopefully.

“When have I ever been able to say no to you?” I laughed tearily.

He wrapped his arms tightly around me, but flinched away when he stretched his wound.

“Careful baby.” I reminded.

We kissed for a long time and my mind eased.

Harry was awake, he would be okay, he still loved me, and we would be getting married soon. everything was falling into place.

I snuggled into his side, ignoring the nurse as she checked him over and the boys who came in to talk with him. I was just glad to have my Hazza, my fiance, back.

I rested my head on his chest, my ear directly over his heart. The thump-thump of his heart like a lullaby. My mind finally stopped spinning and I slipped into a deep sleep with a smile on my face, thinking of our future together.

The End

A/N It’s over!!:’( This was the last part of the book. I hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading, commenting, or voting!! I love you all:) Check out my other books and Kaity’s other books if you want!:)

Bye!!! :’(   -Claire

The Bet (Larry Stylinson) {Co-written with @bradfords}Where stories live. Discover now