Chapter 12

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Niall's P.O.V

The....The nerve! To think I was actually on my way there to defend his honor, to make sure this stupid 'initiation' wouldn't ruin him. But it looks like he'd rather go through that initiation, even if I tried to stop the others. He wants to be in the group, even if his part in it is degrading. I knew he wanted to be his friends, but it seems like he is trying to trade me for them. Trying to use me as a pawn to get in, what is wrong with him? We're supposed to be best friends, and not only that but he knew of my feelings yet he has just been ignoring them for his own selfish reasons. He hasn't even properly rejected me. This is a loud of cunts. Raining bloody cunts....That's actually a horrible thing to say or imagine, bloody cunts? What the hell is wrong with me? 

I stomp back into school for my leasons and end up bumping into something soft - but with so much force I end up on my back. I hear someone giggling from above me and I raise and eyebrow. Who did I bump into and why were they so soft. 

"So we meet again, Queen." 

Oh the wierd girl. I pick myself up and dust off then give her a once over to make sure I didn't hurt her, before storming off on my merry way. She follows me, somehow I knew she would.

"Where you going?" She asks, her voice high and annoying.


"The Kings cancelled class today, early dismissal." 

I stop in my tracks and stare at her. "They have that type of power?" 

"Oh, they can do more then that, I'm sure." The fake blond nods, I groan and slide back onto the floor. "Names Ashley, by the way."


"I knew that, everyone knows who you are, Queen."

"Stop calling me Queen." I groan,

"Sorry, force of habit?" She giggles and slides down next to me. "So, you are the one who pirked Zayn's interest?" 

"Sadly." I chuckle, I actually don't mind Zayn's attention, he can be sweet when he tries. I guess I just never wanted to accept it, never truly wanted to get over Liam, just in case there is a chance our feelings would be the same...But now, now I don't even care. Liam doesn't deserve me, right? He practically sold me off to the highest bidder, and there might be a day he would do it again.. 

All those years as friends, I never actually knew him. I never knew what was going through his head - or saw what he was like off the computer screen. He is completely different from the boy I met at the X factor auditions all those years ago. This is an empty shell where my friend once was. My cell phone beeps and I pull it out and see a Text from Zayn. 

Meet me in the front, now, please?   I roll my eyes, that boy can be comanding and polite in the same sentence, I stuff my phone in my pocket and stand up. I look over at Ashley - but again, she is no longer there. I'm starting to think she is just a figment of my imagination with the way she appears and leaves so randomly. 

I stomp out to the front yard and see that It's just Zayn leaning against his black escalade. No Louis, no Harry, and certainly no Liam. I look around, I'm sure I must have had a curious face on because Zayn speaks up.

"Just you and me today, Niall." He smiles, opening the passenger door for me. "We're going on a date."

"A date?" I ask, climbing in. I haven't been on a date in a while. I might as well go with the flow.

"No rejections?" Zayn fakes a gasp and holds his chest. "Does this mean you are actually giving me a chance?" 

I roll my eyes and buckle my seat belt as he climbs in and starts the car. "Yes, I'm giving you a chance. I mean, Liam is giving you a chance to 'wine and dine' me."

"You heard that, huh?" Zayn looks at my from the corner of his eye and opens his mouth to speak again but I cut him off.

"I also heard you reject him and say you will do it on your own terms. One point for you." I give him a sly smile as I lean back in my chair. Closing my eyes as he drives me to whatever destination he has in mind. 

Zayn's P.O.V

"Yes, I'm giving you a chance. I mean, Liam is giving you a chance to 'wine and dine' me." 

Shit. He heard that? Did he also here me say I didn't want his stupid chance? That I wanted to do this on my own terms? I don't want to seem like a complete bloke - or that I gave Liam a position to get him to date me. 

"You heard that, huh?" I panic, wanting to set it straight, but Niall smiles at me and cuts me off before I have a chance to explain.

"I also heard you reject him and say you will do it on your own terms. One point for you." He smiles, slyly and leans back in the chair with his eyes closed. One point for me? Is he doing this on a point system? How many points have I built up until now? 

Why am I panicing so much, I got him in the car and now I just have to use my player ways to get him to like me. I really want him to like me. But what if he doesn't like the date? What if he choices Liam?

Zayn. Stop. STOP PANICING.  Where has my confidence gone? Time to man up.

Louis' P.O.V

Zayn sent us ahead to set up his little shin-dig for him and I can't help but realize how awesome of a decorator I am. Pats on the back to you, Louis, pats on the back. 

"What are you doing?" Harry asks, coming out of the kitchen with his two plates of food. He sees me with my arm stretched over my head, trying to pat myself on the back. I drop my hand and give him my sexy smile. 

"Patting myself on the back for having such and amazing man like you?" 

Harry's eye brow raises and he gives me 'The Smirk'....Everyone knows which one I'm talking about. That smirk he gives when he is interested, where his eyebrows raise and his lips start looking ten times as delicious. You know, the smirk that makes you go weak in the knees? Yeah, that one. Boy, does Harry have an effect on me. He puts the food down on the table and leans down to whisper in my ear, when did this boy get so tall anyway? I'm older, I should be taller.

Snap out of it Lou, Harry is trying to talk.

 "How 'bout we finish up and I can show you how amazing I really am?" His voice is husky and my eyes widen. Oh yeah, I'm up for that. I quickly run around giving the place finishing touches before grabbing my mans arm and high-tailing it out of there. 

It will be a good night for us all. 


Had to add some Larry, sheesh, xD .

Anyway, Comment & Vote, my lovelies. 

:3 you are all so amazing. 

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