Chapter 14

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Niall's P.O.V

Zayn dropped me off, but not after trying to convince me to stay. I couldn't do that, no matter how angry I was with Liam. I finally came to the conclusion with myself, it's time to move on. It's time to be happy, It's time to see someone else be happy.

I can do that with Zayn. I realized that he makes me happy, he causes butterflies in my stomach and makes me feel all giggly, like a pre-teen girl with a crush on a super hot guy - actually, that's not a far cry from the situation.  Only, I'm a teenage boy - I mean, Zayn is certainly hot. 

I walked up the front steps and let myself in, telling Liam I'm home as I walk into the living room. The lights are all off. I flick on the telly and sprawl out on the couch. I hear a door open from inside the house and shuffling, before another door closes. Liam probably went to the bathroom.

I turn of the T.V and go into the kitchen for a drink before bed, but I stopped when I noticed the cabinet wide open, with all of Liam's Alcohol out in the open. Liam always has alcohol, but never drank it. 

One of his kidneys are smaller then the other, it's so small, that the doctors thought it wasn't there, that he only had one. He isn't allowed to drink in large quantities. I rush to his room and bang on the door, we can't have a repeat of six months ago.

Liam brake down after Lilith died, almost drank himself to death. Put himself in a damn stupor, had to have his stomach pumped. I bang louder, after there was no answer, and hear him grunt louder.

"Go away, Niall - I'm trying to sleep." 

"Liam. Let me in." 

"No." He sings, childishly. I slam my fists into the door again.

"Dammit, Liam!" 

I slide my hand around the base of the door, Liam had a key up here for every room, emergency use only. In Liam's case, this is an emergency, maybe not to him right now, but it is. 

I quickly open the door and storm in, grabbing the half empty bottle of tequila from his bed side table. He whines at me, but I ignore him, storming out again, I quickly dump it down the kitchen sink, along with every other alcoholic beverage in the house. He isn't dying on my watch. 

"Niall, don't be a cunt."

"Dirty language is my thing, Liam" I sigh, turning to face him. "You're the responsible one, remember?"

"Oh!" He giggles. "I forgot."

He slumped against me, momentarily forgetting how to walk.

"Niall!" He whines against me. "Carry me to my room!" 

I blink at him and shake my head, Liam isn't heavy, but I am not known for my muscles. Actually, compared to Liam, I'm a twig - but I can try. I lift him up and carry him to his room, only stumbling once or twice on my way. He clings to me with a small smile on his face. 

Once I lay him in bed he gives me a childish, toothy grin.

"Niall, you're mah best friend," He giggles, hiccuping. "I'm sorry for selling you."

"It's fine." I pat his head and turn to leave, not wanting to have this conversation with a drunk Liam - but he stops me by grabbing my shirt.

"No, no it's not." He shakes his head, his voice sounds groggy and by the look in his eyes, I can tell he is forcing himself to keep them open. "I am a bad friend."

"I wont deny that," I chuckle, "But it doesn't change the fact that you are my best friend. You always will be."

"I wish I could love you like you want me too." Liam says, letting go of my slowly. "I really wish, but I can make you feel better." 

He leans up in bed and moves quickly for a drunk man, I didn't see it coming. He smashed his lips against mine and he pulled me into bed with him. His strength is more then I expected, I try to struggle away from his grip. I look into his eyes, which are blood shot, heavy lidded. He isn't himself right now. 

"Shh." He puts one of his hands to my lips, covering my mouth as he uses his other hand to hold mine up above my head. "It's okay, I will make it all better."

"Stop." I try to pull my arms away from him. He kisses up my neck, something I always wished for, but now - it feels disgusting. I don't know what changed, maybe it's because of the rejection this morning, maybe it's because he is drunk....Or maybe it's because of Zayn.

I don't know.

But, whatever changed, I'm glad it did. If I liked this that would make my pitiful. I kept struggling, but Liam doesn't budge. 

"Liam!" I scream.

Then, his body slumps against mine, his grip loosens and soon, I head soft snores leaving his mouth. I sighed happily and rolled over my drunken friend and slink out of his room and into the bathroom. I hop in the shower and cleanse myself thoroughly, and then I go to sleep. 

Liam's P.O.V

I wake up hung over. My eyes are super sensitive to the light, I have a throbbing headache and the serious urge to up-chuck....But those are meaningless problems. The real problem, I remember what happened last night perfectly. I remember pinning Niall down and trying to rape him, and yes, it would have been rape. He didn't want me. Something that supurised me, and hurt me. 

He didn't want me anymore. 

I gave him away, and his feelings changed. 

Now, it was time to suck it up. This was my idea, my plan. I wanted this and now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I had to give up on him, for my happiness, for my friends, for me. 


Who are you rooting for? Liam or Zayn? 

Are you for Niam or Ziall? 

Comments, Votes & Fans are appreciated ! :3 

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