Chapter 15

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A/N: I know, I usually do these at the bottom, but hell - I just thought 'Why Not?' and put it here today. So, this chapter would have been up earlier, but I've been having some technical difficulties, so my apologies >x< - ANYWHO, this chapter is dedicate to Larry_Shipper298 for messaging me and calling me awesome and the coolest person in the world.  That made me smile :)   - SO, you know the deal, comments, questions & fans are most welcome <3 :DD

Niall's P.O.V

I slam my hand down on my alarm as it starts to ring, rolling around lazily in my bed. I don't want to get up, or go to school.

The main reason, is because I don't want to face Liam. He was drunk last night, but what if he remembers everything? What will he do? Will he confront me and try to apologize like the guilty little kid I know he is on the inside, or will he pretend it never happened?

I'm hoping for the second choice, or him not remembering at all.

I mean, he practically tried to rape me last night, I'm lucky he passed out before he took it further. I was scared for my life, I have never been more terrified of Liam then I was in those few moments.

I finally roll out of bed and shuffle to the bathroom. I strip my clothes and hop in the shower, turning the hot water on. I sit through the first few agonizing minutes of cold water pouring on me before it finally starts to heat up. I smile groggily as I pick up the shampoo and start to sing Demi Lovato's song, Unbroken.

Locked up tight,

Like I would never feel again.

Stuck in some kind of love prison,

and threw away the key.

I rub the mint smelling shampoo in my hair and bob my head along to the silent beat inside my head. I ignore the shuffling outside the bathroom door, knowing already that it was Liam. He is probably only getting ready for school, or going downstairs to make breakfast, like usual.

Terrified, until I stared into you eyes

and then you start to realize the possibilities.

So, so.

I grab the body soap and use it as a microphone, swaying my hips as I open my mouth to sing the chorus.

I'm gunna love you like I've never been broken!

I'm gunna say it like it's never been spoken!

Tonight, tonight I'm letting go, go, go, gooo~

I'm gunna give it like its never been taken!

I'm gunna fall like I don't need saving!

Tonight, tonight, I'm letting go, go, go, go!

I hear the bathroom door open and immediately shut up, I peak out the shower curtain and see Liam standing there with a confused expression. He motions to his wrist, silently telling me to hurry up, I roll my eyes and close the curtain, washing my body up quickly before turning the water off. I grab the towel and dry myself quickly as I step out. Liam is no longer at the door, thankfully, and I wrap the towel around my waist as I pad to my room in a hurry.

I quickly throw on my clothes and run downstairs, running my fingers through my wet hair and grabbing a piece of toast on my way out the door.

Again, Zayn's escalade is parked outside waiting for Liam and I. Without a second look back to see if Liam is following, I hop into the front seat, next to Zayn. He smiles when he looks at me, before turning to make sure everyone is in the car and buckled in. He drives, peaking at me from the corner of his eye.

Tell Me a Lie [Niam/Ziall] (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now