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"there you are! Why didn't you answer any of our calls or texts?"Bucky yelled at me as he walked up to John Lemar and I "oh you texted and called me? I wouldn't know, I chucked my phone into a river."I smiled sarcastically "you still scared the shit out of us."Sam yelled "did I? You cleaned it up right?"I teased crossing my arms "your definitely your mom's daughter."Bucky sighed "I'd hope so."I pressed my four fingertips against my chest leaning forward some "that's enough your going home."Sam tried reaching for my arm "the hell I am."I backed up looking at them disappointedly "I'm gonna go see Wanda, bye."I ran over to the side of the bridge turning around in the air after I jumped flipping them off as they looking over the side, I made a portal going through landing in front of Wanda. "O? What are you doing here?"Wanda smiled hugging me "I came to check up on my sister."I hugged back smiling "every time I see you, you look more and more like your dad."she giggled looking me up and down "do I?"I smiled teasingly "you do, so how's this new Captain America? I'm sure you've already met him."she asked as we continued to walk "oh I did, he was a prick at first but the more you hang around him, the cooler he gets. But I'm still pretty pissed at Sam for giving the shield up. And John did say at first all the time he was trying to be like my dad, but he's learned if I hear him say it one more time, that I'm going to actually rip his arm off instead of threatening to so he can be like Bucky instead."I faked a smile she giggled "O? Wanda?"someone said in front of us, I looked over at the person "Peter?"I yelled running towards him hugging him "what's up kid, I haven't seen you in forever."I laughed as we did our handshake Wanda coming up to us the two hugged "nothing much, still pretty hard taking Iron Man's place. How's it going with the Captain America thing?"he asked I tilted my head furrowing my eyebrows "you took over the name, right?"he asked I chuckled looking down "no kid, my dad gave the shield to Sam. Then Sam gave it to the government just so they could announce a new Captain America, I'm surprised you haven't heard of him yet, his posters is all over, that's all people are taking about."I told him "really? Have you met him?"he asked "yeah, I've been growing close to him so it's easier to take him down."I admitted "Ophelia!"they both yelled at me "what have literally all of the avengers told you about doing that?"Wanda yelled hitting my arm "you promised us you'd change after he died O."Peter looked down looking at me through his hair. "I know I know, I'm sorry it's just a habit ok. I won't take him down."I lied closing my eyes seeing where John was now "I gotta go."I opened a portal turning around getting in it not realizing the two had followed me in it. "John don't!"I yelled as John raised his shield over a man I winced screaming his name as he lowered the shield slamming it into the man's chest repeatedly blood splattering all over I ran to him taking the shield. "John what did you do."

"Is your Captain still so great?"Sam asked pissed walking up to Wanda Peter and I. "I never said he was."I whispered "you acted like it."Bucky added coming up to us glancing at the two besides me "what even set him off? Why'd he kill that man?"I changed the subject looking at them "Carli killed Lemar."Sam looked down my heart stopped for a second "Lemars dead?"I asked they nodded "why are they here?"Bucky pointed at them "I don't know, they just followed me through the portal."I told them "nice to see you again Wanda."Sam nodded at her she smiled waving. "Kid."Sam and Bucky nodded at Peter he nodded back pressing his lips in a line. "What are they gonna do to him?"Peter asked as we watched John walk out of the court building coming over to us. "You must be the Scarlett Witch, pleasure too meet you."John held his hand out to Wanda, who declined the handshake. He sighed turning to me "why'd you kill that man? He didn't kill Lemar, Carli did."I whispered taking him away from them "even if she did it I was still pissed, plus he's a bad guy anyways, I don't get why people are so mad about it."he started to get angry "probably cause you did it in public, on video, that video is literally everywhere now. You killed him in a very bad way a very gory terrible way in front of so may families with their children. People are gonna get mad."I started to get angry myself he yelled turning to a pole punching it causing a very big dent in it as it almost broke falling over. I squinted my eyes at him before chuckling shaking my head "what?"he asked "you took the serum, you got a hold of some of the serum and took it, you are so unbelievable Walker."

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