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"you can be fixed Ophelia, you just need to give it to time. Look at Pietro and Wanda, they were the bad guys, now look at them, Wanda is a world known superhero."Peter tried to reason with me "yeah and where's Pietro? Six feet under somewhere, he's dead Peter, that's what happens when you try to be good, Wanda was never bad, she was always deep down good Peter. Pietro wasn't, he was a bad guy who wanted Tony, the man your trying to be today, dead, and I guess he got his wish huh. Even after he joined us he was still bad, not to burst your bubble or anything but Pietro and I were villains even if we were avengers, we would go steal, kill innocent people just for the laughs and enjoyment of watching someone beg for mercy their faces while they die, their souls leaning their bodies is so pleasing to watch, and we'd do that every single damn night. You know that terrible plane crash that your parents were on? That killed them? What do you think caused that?"I asked "the pilot passed out.."he whispered tears filling his eyes "the pilot didn't pass out Peter, he was shot, in the head, by a Springfield Hellcat. It only had one bullet before it was tossed to the ground. He was shot in the back of the head, flying the plane that your parents were on before they bit the dust."I told him "how do you know all that?"he whispered not looking at me "cause I was there Peter."I whispered coming closer to him "what?"he looked me in the eye tears rolling down his face "I was the one that shot that pilot, I pulled the trigger on that Springfield Hellcat killing that pilot. I caused your parents death."I spit causing him to look at me with fear/anger/sadness/confusion/disappointment and betrayal in his eyes he clenched his jaw "your the reason why my parents are dead?"he balled his fist, I noticed his fists "punch me, I know you want to, but I'm warning you, this isn't a fight you want to have."I grinned he raised his arm arching it throwing a punch at me which I dodged.

"Ophelia, Peter, stop!"Bucky yelled as I pinned Peter on the ground my foot on his upper back holding his arm behind his back up in the air stretching it. "He started it."I let him go backing up taking my mask off, he sat up taking his own mask off glaring at me "what's he doing here?"Bucky pointed behind us, I turned my head seeing John watching us "I was enjoying the show."he shrugged "that's it."I used my mind control to grab the AR I brought pointing it at him "Ophelia stop."Bucky took the gun throwing it somewhere "either you find that gun or you replace it."I growled "calm down, your eyes are glowing green."Sam warned me "you expect me to calm down? I came here to kill that man, the man that tried helping America and protect them now that my dad can't. I wanted to kill a man that tried to help people, I still do."I spit "you don't have to be like this, look at me kid, I'm not a killer anymore, I'm not bad I'm not the Winter Soldier anymore. You can be fixed like I was."Bucky came up to me "you weren't fixed, Bucky, you got told you can do better by your stupid therapist, you think your fixed, but deep down your not, deep down your still the Winter Soldier that you once and always will be. The Winter Soldier that killed so many innocent people, the man that killed Tony Stark's parents, the man that killed an amazing sweet sassy but kind old man's son and won't even tell him you know how he was killed. That man mourns his son every single god damn day not knowing how his son died, yet we both know how he was, yet you won't tell him that you, James Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier, killed his son."I snapped he looked down clenching his fists and jaw "I could say one word, and you'd kill John, Peter, Sam, damn even me. Your still the Winter Soldier Barnes. No matter how hard you try you always will be."I slammed my index finger into his chest multiple times I started to say his trigger words in Russian. "Kid stop, don't do this to him."Sam yelled "what is she doing?"Peter asked John standing up Bucky let out a loud groan and yell. His head snapped towards John that famous smirk on his lips. He ran towards John I let the force field down, John screamed taking off around the garage Bucky chasing him "I told you! Just a couple words and your the killing machine you were made to be."I yelled laughing throwing my arms up "your a maniac."Sam whispered I turned to him my eyes glowing green tilting my head "your just now figuring this out?"I smirked

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