Yes I'm A Girl 1

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I walk out my dorm for the last time and shut off the lights. I'm gonna miss this place. I take a deep breath and walk out with my head held high. I've made good friends here. "Jay-dog!" I hear Blake shout from the right hallway. Blake was one of my best friends, most of my best friends were mostly all boys and the only girl friends I had were the ones that I played with for the SLU soccer team. "Don't leave me when we go our separate routes." he smiles a little as I hear his voice crack from tears.
"Shut up Blake" I nudge his shoulder and laugh. I'm always hard on him but I mean no man should cry! Let alone a girl.
"I'm serious Jay" he holds my arm in place and kind of laughs a long with me. I release my elbow from him and laugh even harder at how much of a baby he sounds like right now.
"Blake you know where I'll be!" I say as we walk out the campus doors. He pulls his keys out of his pockets and jingles them around and sniffs in his tears.
"Yea that's what you always say" he smirks at me as he steps into the car. I stop smiling and immediately put my serious face on.
"I will Blake! I'll prove it to you!" I shout and slam his car door on him. I hear him get out, but I'm already close to my old-run-down-car.
"Jayden!" He shouts as I hear him running lazily beside me. I walk faster but he keeps up with his jog. "I didn't mean it like that." he laughs like it's silly. I stop and look at him.
"Fine. But watch on ESPN I'll be there on a pro team!" I point my finger at his face. He just pushes my finger away and laughs. I know that he doesn't believe it, he thinks I can't be on a professional soccer team because "it's only for boys", and that's why I'm here to prove him wrong.
"So this is bye" I take a shaky deep breath. I'm not so much gonna miss Blake as much as I'm gonna miss everything that I'm just leaving like I did leaving for college.
"I guess so" he smiles and I see tears in his eyes. "Bye Jay-dog" he laughs quietly.
"Don't cry!" I point my finger in his face again and laugh. Blake is so emotional, at least compared to me, I'm what they call a "brick". We hug and walk the opposite directions. I can hear Blake's car door slam.
This is the last time I'll see him. Where do I go now?
I end up waiting in the drive-thru to Taco Bell and getting a soft taco and a large Dr. Pepper. I feel my phone buzzing in my jacket pocket and I see who it is; thinking it would be Blake, it's and unknown number which I usually don't pick up but I'm so bored right now that I figure it's worth the try.
"Hello?" I ask in a monotone voice as I crunch down a piece of the taco. My voice always sounded a little like a man but I didn't care it was a voice and if people are gonna seriously make fun of me because of my voice, go ahead I'll just laugh at you.
"Hello this is Bill Anderson with the Professional Soccer League Association" I perk up in my seat and immediately choke on the piece I had in my mouth "We'd like to have you come to our tryouts Next week on Saturday at 6:00 am to 5:00 pm. Hosted in Los Angeles."
"Oh my god I'd love to!" I say while turning into a hotel parking lot so I could scream and do anything to let my feelings out.
"Great! We'll send you an email that your coach gave to us about the details." He says and hangs up. I suddenly feel a rush come through me and I suddenly burst into laughter and screams. I place the car in park and I turn up my rap music that I already had on loud, I sing to the lyrics super loud and feel the car booming and rocking. I turn my head rocking out to the music, and see a couple staring at me petrified by what they just saw. I laugh and wave awkwardly at them and head onto the highway again.
"Your In Phoenix Arizona, Home Of Camelback Mountain!" A sign reads as I enter the interstate of Phoenix. I had to stop at a small motel over night but I've been driving 8 hours today and now I have 5 more to go!
"5 hours and 39 minuets till Los Angeles" My phone's Siri reads to me in her digital voice.
Phoenix was so much prettier and scenic-looking than St. Louis. Don't get me wrong I LOVE St. Louis but it was starting to get boring and change is fun for me. I turn up the radio and suddenly I hear my phone go off, it reads "Coach C".
Coach C was my favorite coach that taught both the boys and girls team for SLUH.
I answer it,
"Ayee" I say in what you can say my "black voice". I know it gets really annoying when boys try to act like black people because they think they're cool, but it's hard not to do it when you hang out with boys a lot.
"Jay! Nice hearing from you! Have you checked you email?" He says as I hear shuffling of papers in the background, he's always working.
"I'm on the road on my way to LA, so that's a no. But I did get a call from Bill Anderson!" I say in excitement "thank you so much by the way for hooking me up!"
"Oh I didn't hook you up, Bill saw you play in the game we had against NCU the Tarheels, he said you were amazing!" Coach exclaims in his broad deep voice. It almost sounded like he smoked a pack a day.
"But how? I'm a girl? No man is gonna look at some girl from St. Louis and say 'hey! Let's put her on a pro league, her being the ONLY girl!" I say in disbelief and mockery.
"So who says I didn't do some bribing?" He says chuckling a little.
"Well anyways thank you." I say kind of disappointed to be proved wrong. What if Bill just thought I was good, like all the other girls on any college team? What if Coach C just bribed him to get me on a tryout?
"Anyways wanted to tell you the tryouts have been moved to Monday" he says as I swivel my car in shock "something came up with the schedule and they moved it up."
"But it's Saturday?" I say confused "they can't just move it up when they JUST NOW told me?!" I freak.
"Jayden, you'll be okay I booked you a really nice hotel and got you a trainer for tonight and Sunday morning! You'll be all set!" He says in his charismatic shout "and Jayden there's another thing about being the only girl"
"Yea. Yea Be nice blah blah blah" I say rolling my eyes. Why are girls so underestimated? We have to be so much more polite and have to look appropriate and pretty so people don't think bad of us. Why can't we just be... Ourselves?
"Not that" he laughs "your gonna get put down and mistreated, not only by the players but by the coaches and maybe refs. You need to keep your cool, you know don't blow up."
"I never blow up?! What do you mean by blow up?! I'm not that stupid?!" I scream through the phone as I honk at someone that probably wasn't even doing anything wrong but got on my nerves.
"Jayden, you tend to get mad easily, not so much as emotional but just keep what ever you have to say to yourself. Don't argue with the refs or coaches, they're here to make you quit show them wrong." He takes a deep breath worryingly.
"Fine." I say like Coach was my dad not letting me do something "I'll talk to you when I get to the hotel."
"See Ya Jay."
"Thank you again!" But he hangs up before he could hear me.
I take a deep breath. Monday? I got this.

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