A Few Words

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"This has been really fun. But can I ask you something?" Vicky asked.

"What's up?" I said.

"You've been acting sorta frantic. Can you please tell me what's wrong. I am starting to think you saw something that scared you at Forever 21, and that's why you wanted to leave."

"Well, it's this girl that used to date my friend, the one's that in surgery now. Well she broke up with her and now I think that she's after me after her heartbreak, or after Sam. I don't know. But I think she's following us. Don't worry about it." I said.

"Well if you say so." She said. I saw someone peaking around the corner. I told Vicky I will be outside for some air. What I am trying to do is to get Carly away from me for good, and of course she popped up out of no where.

"What do you want with me?" I asked.

"I want to see what was so important about you that made Sam ignore me." Carly said.

"Maybe because you're an crazy freak. If you really wanna know why Sam is ignoring you, than talk to her about it, but currently she's not with me but I think you already know this. So don't come harassing me and my sister because we don't know why Sam isn't interested in you anymore. I thought she stopped talking to you when she dumped you." I said.

"Well I will do so!" Carly said.

"So just please leave us alone! If you continue this you will regret it I promise." I said. 

"Fine, I'll leave you alone! But whenever I get a chance to talk to Sam I will." 

"Ok, now please leave." She didn't say a word she just turned around, got in her car, and left. Still don't know why she's here in California. I joined my sister again.

"Vicky! She's out we're safe now." I said.

"Yes! Finally." She said.

"Let's go get Starbucks and go back to Forever 21." I said

"Good choices because we weren't even done yet." She said.



Me and Vicky hung out for five more hours than she dropped me off back at the hospital. I have no idea what's going on since my phone died two hours ago.

"Cat! I called you a thousand times!" Dice said.

"Phone died. How's Sam?" I asked.

"Good, she woke up! She misses you, come on." Dice took me to her room, where Sam and Goomer were playing the guessing game.

"Cat! So happy you're back. My leg is so sore." Sam said.

"Hey, I'm glad you're alive." I laughed.

"So you were hanging out with Vicky? How was it?" Sam asked. I was surprised she wasn't upset! She had the biggest smile on her face about it. I hope it's not fake.

"It was good! We had a lot of fun. But I did have to put Carly in her place for stalking us while we were out. She said she wants to talk to you about something." I said. Sam rolled her eyes.

"Alright. Ugh, tired of that girl." She mumbled.


About twenty minutes later, Dice, Goomer, and I got kicked out because we got caught staying there after we were told to leave. But Dice told me the nurse told them to leave while I was still with Vicky so they really violated the rule. I was so pissed that no one told me about that once I got inside. We almost got arrested. They should of just listened to the freakin nurse. (The hospital is still under cleaning so that's why they've been closing early) We arrived at my house. Since everyone was at the hospital with Sam for days we've had broken sleep for the longest, so I let Goomer and Dice spend a night. 

Dice's POV~

Cat and Goomer are now sleep, and I just cannot stop thinking about Sam. Not too much about her leg but about when we kissed. I just wished we were together. She's not even dating Cat and they kissed at the hospital. I love Cat, she's one of my best friends, but I just wish Sam was in my arms instead. Especially since I'm actually a boy. The way it should be. 

How do you feel about Dice secretly being against lgbt+ people?

Sam and Cat  [UPDATED 6-12-16] (Lesbian/Bi Story)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now