Tuna Fish Jump

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"I won this time I'm so surprised!" I said jumping up and down.

"Awh man!" Dice said.

Sam laughed.

"I will be back." I said

"Kk." Sam said.

I went inside the bathroom. I bet they like each other. But I liked Dice for a longer time now! I hope they don't like each other. I hope Sam likes me, or Dice likes me. I'm always left in the comer, in the middle of a big hole.


Dice turned on Katy Perry "Dark Horse".

"Dude I love that song!" I said.

"Woah! Me too!" He said.

"We're gonna be great friends." He said.

"I know."

"Do you have a lot of things in common with Cat?"

"Not really, but that makes us closer."

"That's sweet."

"That's what she said."

"Well actually it's true."

"How tall are you?"



He laughed and blushed.

"So Sam you have a motorcycle?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"I have a crazy idea, that someone who rides motorcycles can jump over tuna fish."

"Are you serious?! That's awesome!"

"Yeah I know right! It's neat!"

"Can I do it?"

"Yes please because I can't find anyone."

"I'll love too, and wait. Where did you get all that tuna fish from?"

"Well I was playing poker with 5 different guys, and I won, and the tuna fisherman said he was gonna give me all the 'Tuna', but it was actual tuna!"

"Ha, and Tuna fish aren't dangerous right?"

"They're Kansas razor tuna fish. They act terrible and eat anything! Including humans."

"Wow! That is horrible, but it sounds so fun to jump over them."

"We should tell Cat."


Cat came out quickly as if she was eavesdropping. She looks disappointed.

"What's the matter kid?" I asked her."

"Nothing." She said.

"Hey Cat! Sam is gonna jump over tuna fish tomorrow night."


Dice and I looked at each other.

"That's dangerous! I will not let you do that! You can get seriously hurt!"

"Cat I'll be fine. I jumped over things before."

"But not dangerous things like that."

"It's ok Cat. I'll make sure she's safe." Said Dice.

"No! I'm responsible for her safety."

"What is wrong with you?" He asked.

"I don't want Sam to get hurt that's all."

"Ohhh that's all. Stop worrying."

Dice got a text.

"Hey Sam, I can show you where it's at and what it's in. You down?" He asked.

"Of course." I said.

"No! Sam and I are hanging out." Said Cat.

Dice and I didn't say anything as we walked out the door. On our way there we talked.

"Does Cat like you?" He asked.

"You know I'm not sure. But I do like her. And I like you a little too." I said.

"Really. I kinda like you too."

"Well this is awkward because the only boy I dated was a guy named Freddy."

"How many girls did you date?"

"Four. One girl name was Carly."

"From Icarly?!"



"Well now you can date a boy."

"What do you mean?"

Dice grabbed my face and kissed me on the lips.

"Wait I wanna go too! I wanna see how dangerous it is......."

Dice pushed me back. We looked back and it was Cat.


"We're screwed." He said.

"I know."

I can't believe I kissed him. That was amazing. But I feel bad for Cat.

"Dice I like her too!" I said.

"I know. I'm sorry."

"Now I have to explain  to her."

"That you like me and her?"


Cat ran in the house. I don't think she heard us because she looked angry. I kissed Dice back, and told him to wait in the backyard while I try to talk to Cat.

Sam and Cat  [UPDATED 6-12-16] (Lesbian/Bi Story)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now