Nightmare on Surgery Street

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"Come on Sam or I'm going to leave without you!" Cat said.      

"Wait! You know I only have one leg!" Sam said.

"Haha! I can run and you can't." Dice said.

"That's not funny. Leave me alone. You two are suppose to help and respect me like you two said ya'll would." Sam cried.

"Sam I'm not very patient please hurry up. You're still upstairs and Dice and I are downstairs waiting on your slow a**. We love you but omg hurry the h*ll up!"

"Wait. Please! I'm in pain." Sam hopped away and tried going downstairs. One hop slowly till she fell hard, tumbling down the staires. She hears Cat and Dice downstairs laughing calling her a "One leg f****** freak."

"Stoppp! Help! AHHHH-"


"Sam! Sam wake up!" Cat yelled. Sam opens her eyes, everything is blurry and she's very dizzy.

"You ok Sam?!" Dice asked. Sam still had blurry vision, she thought she was dying and took in a deep breath and than exhaled, and repeated it quickly.

"Sam!" Cat yelled.

"AHHHHH!!!! Help! Stay away from me!" Sam screamed.

"Sam calm down! Calm down! It's just me, Cat and Dice. We're your friends!" Sam's vision was finally clear.

"What happened? Wtf happened?" She asked.

"It was just a dream. You was having a nightmare, you started screaming for help." Cat said.

"Yeah. What was it about?" Dice asked.

"Nothing.. What time is it?"

"6:46. You were sleep for about 4-5 hours." Dice said.

"5 hours of hell!" Sam said. Everyone laughed.

"I don't see what's funny. That felt like a real dream."

"Come on tell us about it!" Dice said.

"My leg was gone and you two didn't care. And I fell and you two laughed at me!"

"That's horrible! I would never do that to you!" Cat said.

"Yeah I wouldn't either." Dice said.

"Hey. Where's Goomer?"

"He's in the cafe'." Dice said.

"Ahhh.." The nurse walked in with the Doctor.

"How you feelin' Samantha?" Dr. George asked.

"I'm ok. Just still tryna snap outta a dream I just had."

"Well then. Did you have a nice nap?" He asked.

"Yeah, until my nightmare."

"I'm sorry. Well here's your new nurse Juliet. She will be taking care of you for now on. Right now she's about to give you medicine."

"Hey there how ya doin' sweetie?" Nurse Juliet asked.

"I'm good." The Doctor turned to Cat and Dice and told them that visiting hours are over early for the rest of the week for cleaning and repairing.

"Thanks doc. See ya Sam. We'll be here tomorrow! Rest well for tomorrow." Cat said.

"Feel better!" Dice said.

"Bye guys!" They left and the nurse started talking to me and gave me two shots and a bit of medicine.

Sam and Cat  [UPDATED 6-12-16] (Lesbian/Bi Story)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now