The Sleep-Over

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3rd Person
Adrien just got sent to his room as a punishment for sneaking out to eat ice cream with his friends. He only did this because last time his dad made him skip, Marinette was really sad. "That's it!" Adrien thought, I should go visit Marinette. She might help me feel better. This thought brought a smile to Adrien's face. As soon as he got in his room he said, "Plagg Claws Out!" "WHAAaaaaaaa" Plagg yelled before getting sucked into the ring. Adrien who is now Cat Noir jumps out his window and is now headed to the Dupain-Cheng bakery. Marinette was writing about her day in her diary and talking to Tiki when she heard a thump on her balcony. Tiki immediately hid as Marinette put her diary in it's box and went to go open up her trapdoor. After she opened it Cat Noir waited for her to step back before jumping into her room. "What is an ally cat like you doing here?" Marinette questioned. "Well I just wanted to visit my purrty purrincess. Whats so bad about that?"he retorted. Marinette could tell he was lying but didn't push it. They just talked and talked but eventually that got boring so they started playing Ultimate Mega Strike lll. They were so caught up in their game they didn't notice that it started to rain. Of course Marinette won every single time, and this was starting to annoy Cat Noir. So he decided to use his charms to his advantage. He kissed Marinette's cheek, she stoped playing and started to turn pink. While she was distracted by telling herself in her mind she is blushing from anger. Cat Noir wins and says, "Cat Noir style, boo-ya!" "Y-you cheated!" she says as calmly as she could. "Did not" "Did too" "Did not!" "Did too!" They continued their argument until they heard thunder. Cat Noir immediately jumped up with his claws digging into the ceiling. Marinette giggled at him as his claws retracted and he fell. His hair was still standing straight up though. Marinette hugged him to try and calm him down. This caused them both to blush. She went into her bathroom got a hair brush and brushed his hair back down neatly. He quickly ruffled it back up again and tried to regain his calm demeanor. Marinette's giggles turned into laughs as she watched him breathe in and out trying to calm down. She pet him to help him out, but stopped when he started purring. He immediately clamped his hand over his mouth as the purring stopped. This caused Marinette to go back to giggling again. She started petting him again and he once more started purring. He again put his hand over his mouth, but that only muffled the noise. They stayed like this until once more, thunder ripples through the air. This time instead of hopping up onto the ceiling, Cat Noir holds onto Marinette tighter. "Are you scared of thunder kitty cat?" Marinette asks trying to keep in anymore giggles failing miserably. Cat Noir just grumbles as a response. "Well we can't have you going home in that weather you could get sick." Cat Noir slightly loosens his grip on her to look up at her. She takes this chance to unwrap his arms from around her and stand up. She heads to her closet and gets a blanket, then a pillow from her bed and sets them down on her chaise. "I guess we're having a sleepover than purrincess." Cat says. "How about we wach a movie first kitty?"Marinette suggests. "Are we going to watch a movie every time I come over?" he states sarcastically. "I guess so kitty cat." Marinette says while patting the spot on her bed next to her. Cat Noir climbs up there as Marinette puts her  laptop on her lap.(No pun intended) She starts the movie and a half an hour later Cat Noir falls asleep. She can't bring herself to wake him up so she just closes the laptop puts it on her desk and lays down next to him. She feels him snake his arms around her while pulling her into his chest. She feels her face getting warmer, but this time she can't brush it off as the cold or anger. She falls asleep with warm cheeks and a smile on her face.

In The Morning (It's now Sunday)

Marinette wakes up snuggling what she thinks is a pillow but is really Cat Noir. As she opens her eyes and realizes who shes snuggling she turns a slight pink and lets go of him. She was about to wake him up until she heard her mom Sabine yell, "Marinette Alya's here!" She immediately covered Cat Noir with her blanket and put a pillow on his face. As soon as she finished, Alya came through the trapdoor. "Hey girl!" Alya says, this wakes up Cat Noir. Marinette feels him start to move and immediately said, "Hey Alya!" to alert him that she was there. It worked, he stopped moving. Alya throws her phone on the bed about to climb up there. When she heard a muffled "ow" she froze. "Girl is someone else up there?" she asked. "What no why would there be someone up here other then me of course." Marinette says nervously. Alya's reporter instincts take in as she climbs up to the bed. Once she gets up there she pulled of the blanket revealing Cat Noir in Marinette's bed. Alya just stood there, mouth agape and at a loss for words. "OMG OMG, MARINETTE WH-"Marinette covered Alya's mouth cutting her off. "Shhhh Alya, don't let the world know!" she whisper yelled. When Marinette takes her hand off of Alya's mouth she takes some deep breaths. She gets off the bed and asked, "Okay okay, first question. Did you guys make out?" Alya interrogated. Marinette turned beet red but Cat Noir's blush was covered by his mask as they both shook their heads profusely. "No no we're just friends." they both say. "Okayyyy, I'll believe you...for now. Next question, have you gu-" before she could finish Cat Noir's ring beeped cuting her off. He headed into the bathroom, drtransformed, gave Plagg some cheese and came out. When he did he saw Marinette with a red face and Alya laughing. He decided to interrupt by suggesting, "How about we all forget about that and just hang out?" Marinette nodded in agreement. "Bu-" Alya tried "No buts" Marinette said. "Okay then could you at least tell me what you guys were doing in bed together?" she asked." Cat Noir answered, "Me and Marinette were playing a game when it started raining. So I stayed over, not wanting to get sick. We watched a movie and I fell asleep in her bed, that's why there is a blanket and pillow on the chaise. I was supposed to sleep there."he explained. "Okay, if you say so. Now what are we going to do?" Alya said enthusiastically, "Oh, how about we paint each-others nails!" Marinette suggested. "Noooo"Cat Noir wailed, "yes, it's two against one kitty cat."Alya said sarcastically. "Nail painting it is then!" Marinette exclaimed excitedly. Alya went to Marinette's desk and got a few bottles of nail polish. Once they all sat down, Marinette painted Alya's nails orange, Marinette painted Cat Noir's claws green, and Cat Noir tried to paint Marinette's nails pink. He didn't fail, he just made the tops of her fingers pink. Once Alya and Marinette started laughing at his terrible job he scoffed and said "Excuse you, I think I did pawsitivly purrfect." he said pretending to be offended. Everyone but Cat Noir used nail polish remover. They did a few more activities and had fun before Alya had to leave.
Cat Noir decided to take his leave too.

I know this was pretty long but I hope you guys enjoyed anyway.

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