The Meetup

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"Are you sure about this?" Michael asked. "I can do it if you want."

He followed me around the room while I got dressed and ready, then he followed me downstairs where Clarissa waited.

"Michael," I said, turning around stopping him in his tracks. "I got it, trust me!"

He let out a long sigh. "I trust you, I just don't trust anyone else."

"Everything is going to be just fine, you'll see." I reassured him.

The doorbell rang and shortly after Nigel had walked into the living room with Roxanne trailing behind him. "Everyone's all set Ms. Kennedy." He stated.

"Good" I exclaimed, clasping my hands together. "Let's get going."

We headed towards the door to leave when Michael pulled me back. "Do you have everything?" He asked.

"Yes, Michael." I sighed. "I'm prepared for whatever."

He looked me over before finally planting a kiss on my forehead and letting me go. "Alright, If you're not back in an hour, I'm coming looking for you and ain't nobody gonna like it."

I smiled as I backed away from him to leave. "I love you and I'll be back soon!" I rushed out the door and ran to the SUV where Clarissa and Roxanne waited for me. "Lets go.' I told Richard who was in the driver seat. He gave me a nod before pressing a button to open the gates for us to leave.

It didn't take long for us to get to our destination. The meeting was taking place inside of a small, family owned Italian restaurant. It happened to be one Michael and I's favorite places to eat. Every time we walked in we were always treated with the utmost respect and they always knew what we were going to order and where we wanted to sit. This was partially due to the fact that Michael was real close with the owner's son, so it was no surprise to me at all when I found out they were in business together.

"Mrs. Jackson!!" Ronnie greeted me with open arms. He pulled me into a hug and kissed both my cheeks. "Usual spot tonight?"

"No, Ronnie, I'm actually here to see Buddy, we have a meeting." I smiled. He already knew what that meant. "Well, head on to the back!"

I thanked him and we walked to the back of the restaurant towards the restrooms. There, the hallway curves slightly and at the end of it there's a door with a huge office sign above it. I knocked three times and heard a small click before the door swung open revealing a rather spacious office area. It reeked of cigar smoke and even though I've been here before with Micheal, I still couldn't get over the smell.

"Kennedy!" Buddy stood from his chair to greet me. He walked around his desk and gave me a hug. "Sit, sit!" He pulled out a chair for me to sit then walked over to a small table to pour himself a drink. "Would you like one?"

"No, thank you." I smiled.

"What, Michael doesn't let you drink on the job?" He questioned, turning around to face me.

"Oh, I'm just not thirsty." I chuckled, attempting to keep the mood light.

"Well, let's get to it then!" He said, as he made his way back over to the chair behind his desk. He snapped his fingers and a rather large man walked over with a suitcase and sat on the desk in front of Buddy.

He opened the suitcase and shook his head and laughed. "I know how bold Michael can be but I have to say, you've got him beat." He laughed, shutting the suitcase and shaking his head.

I furrowed my brows. "Excuse me?"

He wagged his finger at me and asked, "You really think I'm going to pay you a dime when you," He pointed at Roxanne. "Owe me?"

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