Chapter Three | Demon Juice

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Hailey felt a giddy grin spread across her face as she stared out her window. "I forgot just how beautiful it was here..."

"It is really pretty."

Hailey turned herself around to see that the club's singer was the source of the voice. Hailey was surprised to see Jake staring out the window with an awed expression that was similar to what she had previously held.

"Okay, everyone," Zander's mom announced, "Let's get out of the car. We only have about an hour before it starts getting dark."

Listening to the purple-haired woman, everyone made their way out of the car, carrying their bags out, placing them on the grassy grounds, not yet ready to make their way onto the site. After getting all of her stuff out of the car, Hailey took a moment to take in the place that would be her home for the weekend. The site was divided into two similar parts -- one lower, and one up on higher land.

"So which one is our part?" Milly asked, staring at the two sections.

Turning towards the guitarist, Hailey answered, "Ours is the lower elevated one."

Suddenly Bethany ran out and into the middle of the lower site part. "I like it here!" the small girl beamed, "I want to stay down here with them too!"

Stepping out towards his daughter, Hailey's dad replied, "I'm sorry, sweetie, but you're going to be staying with us up there," he finished, pointing to their part of the site.

"But I want to stay here!"

"Come here, Bethany," the blue-haired man said, picking up the small girl in his arms, "I'll show you up to our site."

"I don't want to stay there," Bethany whined, placing her head onto her father's shoulder.

"But hey, if you stay up there you get your very own tent," Hailey's dad appealed, trying to convince the girl.

"Fine. I'll go." In hearing that agreement, Hailey's dad walked away, carrying Bethany to the site.

Upon her family members' departure, Hailey announced, "Well, we should start setting things up." With that, everyone gathered their bags, and within minutes all of the club's materials were spread out onto the picnic table their site held. "Since we have limited time, is everyone okay with pitching our tents first?" the club's leader asked.

Zander, who had sat down next to Luke at the table seat, lying against his arm, agreed, "Yeah, that seems smart."

"Okay, so here is what I'm thinking arrangement wise," Hailey declared, preparing to lay out her plan, "Sean and Milly's tent could go over here, off from the campfire," Hailey said, pointing towards the flat patch, "Zander and I's could go near those trees, and then Jake and Luke's in-between."

"Oh..." Zander uttered, his face dropping.

"What?" Hailey asked, turning herself toward her sibling.

"It's nothing," Zander mumbled, awkwardly averting his gaze, "Just, um... I think Luke and I kind of assumed that since we're dating and all, that we would share a tent."

"Oh," Hailey gaped, feeling her cheeks lightly flush in embarrassment to the fact that she hadn't taken Luke and Zander's relationship into account. She had a bad habit of just assuming things would go a certain way, and after she first heard Sean and Milly planned on sharing, she assumed she would pair up with Zander since the two lived together. "Well, that's fine!" Hailey assured. Despite Milly's original plan, Hailey directed herself towards the guitarist, thinking alterations could be made, "I guess then, Milly, maybe we could share?"

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