The Walking Dead - Chapter 2 - Family's Important.

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   Family's Important

Previously on The Walking Dead:

Daryl : Who the hell are you, and what do you want from me !?

Officer : I'm Sheriff Rick Grimes, and I'm just looking for my family... 


Daryl: They may be in a camp outside of Atlanta - Daryl said.

Rick : What... !? How do you know that !?

Daryl : While I was repairing my truck, I turned on the radio for some news. Heard that they are going to evacuate the city. Thought that it's some kinda prank.

Rick got excited. He heard something for his family after 2 weeks of silence. Those words of Daryl gave him hope. He asked him. :

Rick : Are you coming with me ? You gave me the good news. You deserve more that a lift in my car.


Daryl was planning of searching for his brother, Merle in Atlanta. He was arrested before all happened, and there were rumors that many prisoners escaped from a lot of prisons. He looked at the officer, and said :

Daryl : Nah. I'm a go to look for my brother. Maybe after that we can come to that camp.

Rick : Okay... Are you armed ?

Daryl : Yeah. I have a crossbow, a hunting knife and a Beretta Pistol.

Rick looked at his bag which was full of guns, ammo, food, water and survival gear. He took few cans of food, 3 bottles of water and put them in young Dixon's backpack. He also gave him a shotgun Mossberg 550 with a lot of shotgun shells and a Glock 17 pistol. The officer looked at Daryl and said :

Rick : Take these thangs... You will need food and protection while searching your brother. . I know how it feels to search for someone from your family.

Daryl thought "The man has a family, and needs those things more than I do... I can't take them.".

Daryl : Keep 'em, man. You'll need 'em more than I do. You've got a family to take care of. Plus I have moonshine and some cooked venison. I'll survive

Rick refused to take it back and said:

Rick : I've got enough stuff and thangs for surviving at least 2 weeks. Don't worry.

Daryl thanked Rick, and gave him a bottle of moonshine. Daryl liked it more than the famous brands which were sold in the markets.


                                                                     2 Hours Later 


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