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--Your POV--

I woke up sitting in a dark room not being able to move. I was tied to a chair in the middle of the room. I yelled out for help but all I heard was my echo.'Where the hell am I?' I thought to myself. Trying to get myself untied I saw a shadow on one side of the room. I suddenly froze when the shadow came to light and I saw it was the same man that had crashed into me at the park.

"Why am I here? Who are you?" I was pretty freaked out.

"I'm someone you shouldn't be afraid of.You are here because you're of great value to me." He was so intimidating. His posture and tone of voice made me fear him more that before. In my head I'm thinking about Steve. He must be so worried. Is he out looking for me? Is he ok?

"Please let me go." I was crying my eyes out and begging him to let me go free. I wasn't involve in anything bad, so why am I here?

"If this is about money, I don't have anything to give you. Please let me go. I'm not the one you want. I'm worthless." My eyes were tired from all the crying.

"It's not about money (y/n). This is about power. With you in my hands I can get anything I want in return for your safe return. Captain Rogers will do anything to save the one he loves. So you aren't worthless, you are the most valuable thing I possess." He then walked into the shadows and disappeared out of where I was being held.

--(Back in S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters)Steve's POV--

Everyone was still wondering where (y/n) had been taken. Tony and Banner where trying to pinpoint the last place her phone gave out a signal. Tony had turned the tracking on on (y/n)'s phone to keep her safe. He knew that sooner or later she would be in trouble due to who he was. Natasha and Barton where trying to calm me down but it wasn't working.

"Steve she will be ok. We will find her soon but you need to calm down." Nat always looks out for me no matter what but right now I can't listen to anything she is saying.

"Captain you should go hit the punching bags to calm down a bit. It would really help." Barton's suggestion sounded good but I didn't want to leave and miss something in where (y/n) could be.

"Rogers, go. We will come get you if anything comes up. I need you in your right mind so we can get (y/n) back safe." For the first time Tony was serious. He knew how important (y/n) is to both of and we both need to think before we acted. I decided to go and push some bags as Clint suggested. All I could think about was how scared she was and how all this is my fault. I couldn't lose (y/n). I had already lost Peggy and I wouldn't be able to lose another girl I loved.

--Your POV--

I must have passed out from all the crying because when I woke up I was in another room. I was no longer tied to the chair. Now one of legs was chained to something on the wall. I was happy to be able to move around a bit. Maybe now I have more of a chance to get myself out of here. I tried screaming for help again but nothing. After a while I heard steps coming towards the room and I quickly went to sit in the corner of the room. 'Where the hell am I?' I thought to myself again. The door soon opened and there he was again. Staring me down with those piercing green eyes of his. Something about them seemed familiar. Then I remembered who he was.

"I know who you are now." I said as I looked closer into his eyes. I've seen this man before and something inside made me feel safe again.

"Really? It was about time you remembered. I knew you wouldn't forget about me." He said as he reached for the key to unlock me from the chain.

"Loki?" I  asked.

He helped me up on my feet and hugged me.

"I knew you would remember me beautiful."

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