Chapter 1 - Good Morning..

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Neptune's POV:

I wake up to smell of coffee, and breathing in the cold morning air. I turn over to see Ariel making     breakfast. I hear myself say-

"Hey cupcake, what's cookin?"

She doesn't even look over from whatever she's making, "Just Pancakes, your favorite" her voice is calm and cheery. I close my eyes for little longer. Then I feel something scurry across me and a loud screech. I jolt up to see what happened, only to see Buggy and Pickles fighting (My dog and one of my cats) I pick Pickles up by his foreskin and place him on my pillow. I shoo Buggy off the bed and into her Puppy space. Amethyst, (my female cat) struts out from under the bed. 

"Oh great." I say "More mess to clean up" I say under my breathe..

See, I knew that she had peed under my bed from the way she cleaned her paws on our dusty rug. I scream at the top of my lungs-


Amethyst jumps from the floor onto my work desk knocking off one of my incense burners. I jump out of bed and stumble on the rug hitting my head on the floor, my dog jumps on top of me and starts licking my face.

"Gahhhh-! Buggy- off!" I say stuttering- trying to get up

After that whole catastrophe, I step outside the van and sit by the lake. I see a white fluff ball zoom past, and jump into the water. Ofc, Buggy isn't the smartest dog and trips while running. I sigh and pull her up by her collar-

"Buggy. You really have to stop doing that!" and I let go of her collar-

As soon as I do, she darts straight towards the lake 

As I turn around I admire the Van and all her colors and rough edges.

(Author's note: Sorry! I can't tell if the picture loaded in for you or not, because it said it did but yk nothing's there 😃🔫)

I hear a scream come from behind me and a I turn around quickly!

Authors End part: HEYYY! sorry if this was short 😰 This is kinda my first time writing a watt pad so lmk if you like it 😫

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