Book 1
So in the 6th grade, we kinda developed a group (which had 4 members), and then there was five and then six. That was it. But Blanket noticed that her best friend, Winter, knew that she weren't as close to the group as she was in the beginning, because of Snow. She did'nt tell anyone what she believed was going on in with her best friend, but it keep getting worse each day.
I don't know how it started and can't even predict how it will end, but one day where it was just me and Blanket outside of school, and Blanket has already noticed that her best friend and another person was starting to be really good friends. She couldn't hold it in any longer and told me how her and Winter were not as close as they were before. I couldn't believe it, I was totally in shock, I can't believe i didn't notice! When I starting witnessing what Blanket told me (that Snow was not with us a group), we had to tell Polka Dot. So since it was happening frequently, we had to come up with a code name, so they won't suspect anything. At last, we came up with OPPA.
So day after day, it continued more and more and more, it kind of irked us that they didn't realize that we were not a group anymore. We started being more dramatic about to just let out our feelings through OPPA, but also for a little entertainment. Like I didn't even know where Snow came from, nor have i have i remembered how i met her.
It has been a week, that we have been using the code, OPPA, and they didn't suspect anything yet! But now we feel like Snow mimics everything Winter does, which isn't good. Also they are now being really mean to Polka Dot, like when Winter says 'Stop Polka Dot' or 'Be quiet Polka Dot', Snow always backs her up and says stop or be quiet too.
Does she really have to do that?
It's really annoying, so every time that happens Blanket and I just go up to Polka Dot and say WE LOVE YOU POLKA DOT, WE LOVE YOU:), because she our friend and we would never hurt her like that. OK, so yeah we are not nice to Polka Dot at times, but if some people knew it's kind of normal to just to regularly insult her and she will do it back, Vice Versa.
What Happened?
So, I guess Snow won't talk to Blanket and I, because she now saying that she is such a burden to the precious "group", but group means any collection or assemblage of persons or things; cluster; aggregation and we are that or were that. OK, First things first, she's taking this either way too far or the wrong way like, WTF did we do. Winter understood, why didn't Snow understand? See the thing is the only reason I did it on line is because some people are sensitive and I don't want to hurt their feelings.
You see, this problem may would have been solved if Snow came to us about what she sent us on line. But that's *NOT* the case. And I really don't want to keep going on and on about this problem, but it looks like I have to. And another thing, no one the bad guy here, where the fuck did u get that, I don't even know what that means. Blanket, Polka Dot and I just wanted us to stay together and be close to one another, since there are stuff in this school like: fake bitches, annoying teachers, ratchet hoes, fake thugs, unnecessary drama, and annoying ass people in our school.
I do care too, i care enough that I write this story and tell you what happened from day 1. I was never against Snow, there was nothing that Snow did to me. Vice Versa. Listen, If i hurt someone or someone hurt me, i'll talk to them and work it out. But we don't do that, with each other and that's a BIG problem that's what started OPPA, and that's how I'm gonna finish OPPA.
The Story Of OPPA...
AdventureSo it was hard at first for Blanket, because was worried that her and her best friend,Winter, weren't as close to each other as they were before, but now she's got us right beside her to help her fix this problem. Then things got worse and worse. Wi...