006: 𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚖 𝚍𝚖𝚜; 𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎

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yes jordannn

can we ft?

as in you want my number?

that is how you ft love💀

don't be a tease😐

anyways can we?
it's fine if you're still not ready

no we can
i wanna see your ✨face✨

i wanna see yours too😭

no you don't i look a mess rn😭

i highly doubt that

whatever you sayy
anyways here's my number xxx- (xxx) -xxxx
READ 10:56 PM

ANDREAMOR whatever you sayy ANDREAMOR anyways here's my number xxx- (xxx) -xxxxREAD 10:56 PM

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I answer the face time call with my face not fully in the camera. "Hey." I hears a deep voice.

My eyes widen off screen at the sound of the deep voice that comes through my phone speaker. "Hi." I say, smiling off screen.

"Don't do that to me Drea, I wanna see you." Jordan says. "I told you I look a mess right now Jordan." I laugh a little.

"And I told you you didn't, now let me see you baby." He tells her. My eyes widen once again at him calling me baby, which I quite liked not going to lie.

I slowly put my face into the camera and shyly smiles at him. A smile appears on Jordan's face as he sees me. "Stop smiling like that dude." I whine as I laugh.

"What? You're pretty, what was I supposed to do?" He asks. "Maybe not make me blush." I smile.

"My bad, my bad." He apologizes with a smirk.

That's when I notice the tattoos on his body. "Wow your tats really are cool." I say. "Where all do you have them?" I ask.

"I have the snake one on my neck, a bunch on my arms and the ones on my hands." He says showing me his hands.

"Can I see the ones on your arm?" I ask. Yes I'm actually interested in his tattoos but am I using his tattoos as an accuse for him to take his shirt off? Yes, yes I am.

"Then I'll have to take my shirt off." He laughs. "Not my fault you're wearing long sleeves." I shrug.

He gives me a look before stifling a laugh but eventually pulling his shirt over his head. I let a smirk onto my face while he can't see me.

He turns his arms around letting me look at the tattoos on them. He explains each one and I can't help but notice how cute he looks when he's talking about how important each one is to him.

"What about the one on your neck, what does it say?" I ask, seeing the words written on his throat.

He chuckles before touching it. "It says 'bite me'." He laughs. I join in and laugh at him. Once our laughter dies down I look at him. "Why?" I ask, still controlling my laughter.

"I mean it's pretty self explanatory." He smirks. I playfully roll my eyes at him. "Idiot." I say.

"So yeah, that's all of them." He concludes. "That's cool Jordan, they're all cool." I smile at him. "Thank you." He smiles back.

"You have a septum? No way I have one too, I just don't have it in right now, I just have in my stud." I say pointing out his septum piercing.

"Yeah, i've had it for a while now." He confirms.

"Andrea, what is that noise-." Lily walks into my room, Camille following suite.

"Oh, i'm just talking to Jordan." I say to them. "Say hi Jordan." I tell him.

"Hi." He says. Both of their eyes widen off camera when they realize how deep his voice is. I hold the camera off my face for a second and mouth an 'i know right' before facing him again.

"That's Lily." I say pointing to her. "And that's Camille." I say showing her.

"Hi Andrea's future boo!" Cami exclaims waving at him. I let out a gasp as I kick her lightly with my foot. "Shut up!" I tell her.

She laughs and I hear Jordan let out a deep chuckle from my phone. "I hate you guys." I tell them. "You've talked enough, you can go." I signal for them to leave.

"Ok then, have fun, but not too much fun." Lily smirks as they rush out of the room and slam the door before the stuffed animal I threw hit them.

"Sorry about them." I say, putting my attention back onto Jordan. "Nah, I like them, they know what's up." He smirks.

I roll my eyes at him. "Whatever." I say trying to hide my smile.

ᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴀʟᴋ
school update besties😌

but they finally talked over the phone yayyy lmk how you liked this chapter, love y'all and stay the baddies y'all are😌🥰.

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