017: 𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎

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*WARNING!! slight and i mean VERY SLIGHT mature content i guess idk😆 but if i see hate i'll just delete my existence so go read now ig🙄🤞🏽*

I rub my eyes after waking up. I rub the left side of my bed, surprised at the emptiness i feel. I open my eyes, looking around for Jordan. I look over to see my bathroom light on.

"Jordan?" I call, sleepiness in my voice. He doesn't respond right away, shutting my light off, his body coming into view as he steps out of the bathroom. He was shirtless, wearing nothing but grey joggers, most of his tattoos on display.

I pull the sleeves of Jordan's sweatshirt over my hands, smiling when he notices me. "Good morning birthday girl." He smiles, sitting on the edge of my bed, peering over at me.

"Morning." I yawn. "How does it feel to be 19?" He asks. "No different then when I was 18 yesterday." I sleepily laugh.

I realize that my curls were probably a mess, so I start to pull my hair up into a ponytail, until Jordan stops me. "Don't pull it up, I like your curls." He says.

"But they're a mess, I don't you to see them like this." I laugh shyly. He laughs, shaking his head.

"I've seen every other inch of you baby, i'm pretty sure your curls are the least of my worries." He points out. I gasp at his comment, a blush covering my face.

"Jordan!" I laugh, hitting him with my foot. He bursts out laughing, knowing I would blush.

He moves to hover over me, our faces inches apart now. "Happy birthday, baby." He says lowly, his breath fanning across my face. I smile, letting out a content sigh. "Thank you." I reply, matching his tone.

My eyes flicker down to his lips momentarily, quickly looking back into his eyes. He clearly notices, a small smirk coming across his face.

"I was gonna save one of your presents for later tonight, but it's your birthday." He sighs innocently, now resting his elbows on either side of my body, his chin on top of my stomach. "You can have it whenever you want." He teases, playing with the waistband of my pajamas shorts.

I lightly laugh, covering my slight wavering breath at his simple action. Anything he did gave me butterflies honestly. I put my hands in his now long raven hair, watching as he placed light kisses on my lower stomach.

"Jordan...." I warn him. I watch as he moves slightly upwards, kissing my midsection. "Mhmm?" He hums against my skin.

"Somebody could walk in." I say. He spreads my legs, maneuvering his body between them. He reaches my face, his lips brushing over mine. "I don't mind. They can watch." He smirks. He leans down, capturing my lips in a sensual kiss.

The kiss started off slow, but he got hungrier after a while, soon taking control. I subconsciously wrap my arms around his neck, playing with the hairs on the back of his head. I wrap my legs around his torso, pulling him closer to me.

I could tell he wanted to slip his tongue into my mouth, but I wouldn't make it that easy for him. Noticing my resistance, he groans. Suddenly he moves his tattooed hand from under my thigh, sliding it under my shirt. Just to my luck, I wasn't wearing a bra, so he had easy access.

He takes my breast in his hand, slighting massaging it, causing me to gasp, letting out a small moan. He takes that opportunity, slipping his tongue in my mouth, deepening the kiss. He removes his hand, placing it on my backside, his hands roaming.

Knowing he successfully won our little competition, he smiles into our kiss. "There we go, baby." He mutters against my lips.

He attached his lips to my neck, kissing, licking, and biting away. I can't wait to cover these marks up.

He rises, his face hovering over mine. He glances down at my neck before looking at me again. "Wanna play a little game?" He asks. I nod my head, not sure I was capable of getting words out.

He shakes his head. "What did I tell you? I need words, baby, tell me." He says, his raspy voice sending chills down my spine. "Yeah." I breath out.

"Good, it's called Let's Find Your Sweet Spot." He whispers, running his fingers down my neck. "I'm gonna kiss your neck until I find your spot, but you can't make any noise until I find the spot, okay?" He instructs.

I nod and he speaks again. "Every time you make a noise, I'll do anything I want to you." He says, scanning my body.

I could feel myself flush under his gaze. He smirks, grabbing my jaw, moving my head so that he could have better access to my neck. "Let's see...." He trails off, scanning my neck.

"Is it here?" He leans down, kissing just above my collarbone, leaving a wet mark. I try my best to surpass any type of sound.

He moves on to another spot, thankfully getting no sound out of me. He looks at my neck one more time before smirking. "I knew I missed a spot." He teases.

He attached his lips right under my jaw, sucking on the spot. I let out a light moan, confirming that was in fact my sweet spot. He lifts up, a smile on his face. "Bingo." He whispers.

"I hate you." I breath out. He drags his thumb across my bottom lips, staring at his movement through his eyelashes. "Yeah okay." He laughs lightly. "Last time you said that, you couldn't get out of the bed without my help, remember that." He whispers the last part in my ear.

I kiss my lips, pushing his face away from mine. "Idiot." I mutter as he lays beside me, pulling me into his body. He lets out a deep laugh, rubbing my back.

"So what do you wanna do today?" He asks, staring up at the ceiling. "Stay right here with you. That's it." I sigh.

"As much as i'd love to, it's your birthday and Lily and Cami would kill me if I let you stay in bed all day." He sighs.

"I know." I reply.

"One more hour?" I suggest, looking up at him. He meets my eyes, eventually sighing.

"Fine, but only because it's your birthday." He says. I smile, leaning up to place a light kiss on his lips.

This year might actually be a good birthday.

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heyyy yall.....

anyways that's the closest y'all are getting to smut from me and i kinda hate it but it's whatever😆 don't clown me too hard that's my first time writing stuff like that so don't mind it too much.

but i'm school rn so i'll ttyl stay bad my loves<33

𝚚𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚎 ~ 𝚓𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚊𝚗 𝚙𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚕Where stories live. Discover now