1 | Best Friends, Your Honor

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May 14th, 2012

"Clay! That's so unfair!" Arabella exclaimed, hitting Clay's character in the game.

"What? Is it really unfair that I found diamonds before you?" The taller boy chuckled, crouching at her character. He looked to his left where the girl sat, focused on her computer screen.

"Bella! It's just a game—"

"Can I at least have like— 3 diamonds?" She looked at him with a fake frown on her face.

"Hmm," Clay hummed, pretending to think, though he knew he couldn't say no. "Fine. But you have to ask your mom for permission the next time we have a sleepover."

Arabella groaned, "Fine!"

But the girl had an idea.

"WHAT? HOW— Why are you so good at the game?" She screamed. "How do you do that? The lava was right there!"

Clay was in a fit of laughter as he managed to not fall into her trap of lava, instead pushing her into it as he watched her burn. "We're gonna need it when we grow up and become streamers, Bel. I'll be the one who's good at the game, and you'll be the moral support!"

"I hate you."

"No you don't," He tried to say, though you could barely understand his words through his breathy laughter.

December 18th 2012

"Fuck— oh!" Arabella muttered under her breath as she nearly spilled the ice cream Clay bought for her.

"Did you just swear?" Clay gasped.

"What?" Bella said. "Oh my god, uh, don't tell mom. Please."

"Oh I am so telling your mom," He laughed, nudging Bella in the side as she looked at him with a panicked expression.

"Clay!" She begged. "Come on, I'll come beat the ender dragon with you! We've never done it together before. Just don't tell mom! She'll ground me and I can't play minecraft with you for like— a week!"

"Fine, fine."

"It's not like you don't swear either." Bella raised her eyebrows.

"You can't say that, you haven't ever heard me say a bad word!" Clay defended himself. They were both far too young to be using such language, but the internet has its effects. "And I'm a year older than you."

The younger girl groaned in defeat.

December 11th, 2013

Clay :)

Bella 👎🏼👎🏼
My dog um
died today
Can u come over?  lol

Clay :)
Oh my god im so sorry
Ofc i can come over ill give u a million hugs
ill bring the ice cream

You know me so well :,(

June 20, 2014

"Clay! We're finally free, oh my god! We'll have the best summer together." Bella ranted excitedly, holding both of his hands as she did little jumps around the parking lot in the Florida heat. The boy smiled, chuckling at her excitement. He adored her smile, and the way she was so thrilled about the random little things like ice cream and dogs in minecraft, or in this case, their summer break they were for sure spending the whole of together.

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