【Emberstar's Journey】Book 1 - Chapter 1

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Ginger felt a gentle night breeze swishing through her fur, she saw a little stream in the moonlight and heard the chatter of crickets singing their nightly song and owls hooting and hunting for prey.

She bounded up to the stream to play in it, but the second her paws touched the stream's water, she felt the world spinning, then felt something poking her.

"GINGER!!! Wake up!"

"Candy...Don't you see that I'm still sleeping?"

It was her best friend, Candy. Candy had always been a morning bird, waking up before any of her owners and family. She knew that cats were supposed to be nocturnal, and she does stay up late, but she always gets exhausted doing so.

"C'mon let's go play! By the way, you were 'walking' and talking in your dreams again"

Ginger sighed. She's been having dreams about the forest, her hunting and cats fighting. If it is about the forest, whenever she touches something in the dream forest, everything will start spinning and the next thing she knew, she was awake. If it is a dream about hunting, the second she pounces on the stalked prey, she will feel herself falling and then she will wake up. And if it is about fighting, she would try to run away or hide, her legs won't move and she can't breath, and after a short moment of terror she would be roused by her mother, Angel, Candy or Pumpkin giving her an accidental kick.

"Ginger!? Are you coming or not? I heard that Stella said that she bought a new type of treat!"

"Okay. Okay, I'm coming! I'll just go and wake Pumpkin and Carrot!"

Ginger pounced on Carrot. She fell back with a giggle as he jumped up on his feet looking like he saw a monster. She heard him mumble "I hate you..." under his breath, but that only made her giggle louder. Now to get Plumpkin. She snickered as she thought of the nickname she and Candy made up a while ago for Pumpkin. They call him 'Plumpkin' because he eats so much, he is almost as fat as Bubblegum! (Bubblegum is another cat that lives in the neighbourhood. He is very old and lazy and most of all is VERY FAT)

She sneaked up on him and tumbled over him. But that didn't work, he is still fast asleep. She started poking him everywhere. That didn't work either. Then she thought of something. She ran up to the kitchen where their bowls are put. She climbed on the table where there were some silver things put there. (Tableware) She took a shiny oval with a matching stick attached to it. She had seen other humans do this with their dogs. She grabbed it in her mouth and jumped down from the table and ran to the bowls. She softly banged the shiny thing to the bowl and a clink, clink sound came out. As she had suspected, Pumpkin came running over looking excited.

"Breakfast is ready? Why didn't you wake me up?"

She and Candy, who was standing a few tail-lengths away, fell to the ground, unable to control their laughs.


Ginger bent down beside Candy, Pumpkin and Carrot with Angel and Pepper on the opposite side. She gobbled up her food quickly, even though it wasn't her favorite. Her favorite was tuna, but they only got it on special occasions, like when they learn a new trick.

When she was done she stood up and tried to find Candy. She looked around and saw Pumpkin sleeping in a bunch of pillows, He really is a Plumpkin! And Carrot watching the moving-colour-board (TV) with Stella's little brother. Where is Candy? She was here besides me a while ago! She ran outside to find Candy talking with Oscar, a handsome tom that moved here a week ago. She rolled her eyes. She couldn't believe Candy could drool over this tom. All he knew was to brag and impress she-cats. With Candy spending time with Oscar, what can I do now? I could have jumped in the puddles but there are none.


She turned around and saw her owner, Stella stepping out, "Do you want to learn?"

She excitedly jumped into her arms. Learning with Stella was the BEST. She would teach her things that most other kittens and even grown cats don't know. Hopefully she'll also teach me what that moving-colourful-thing is!

"See that, Ginger? That is a Raincoat! That is an Umbrella. Also, you kittens might think that we have colourful fur, don't you? Actually, these velvety things aren't fur, they are clothes, we wear them, like when we give you those cute little scarfs and mittens and sweaters on Christmas, remember? Now, anything else here you don't know?"

Ginger pointed her paw to the moving-colourful-board.

Stella chuckled, "That is a TV. We can watch cartoons, the news and many other things on there, it is powered by electricity. The thing we learnt about yesterday. Oh, and speaking of..."


Ginger yawned. She stood up and looked around. Yes! I'm the first one to wake up! 

"Looks like you are our first little morning bird here..."

Ginger heard her mother, Angel, 's sweet and soothing voice as she began grooming her.

"Mommy!" she whined and protested and squirmed.

"Shush. There are clumps of fur sticking out of your pelt everywhere. I also want my only daughter to look as pretty as she is..."

Maybe you should call me Princess or Beauty instead of Ginger... She hated when her mom overreacted about her.

When Angel was finished, Ginger gladly escaped her mothers grasp. Behind her, she heard her mother murmuring things like "I don't understand why Ginger just can't be a normal she-cat" she shook her head annoyed. But it was true. She really wasn't a normal she-cat. Normal she-cats would have been really cowardly and super sweet. However, Ginger is the total opposite, she is Brave, Adventurous and has the personality most toms have. She would get dirty while playing, having little adventures in the garden...

Will I ever find my place in the world?

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