Chapter 1 : It's Only The Start

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This story is dedicated to a friend of mine.

- Flashback-

Y/n's POV:

It was a sunny day, a few days, and summer break's coming. This is the day Y/n, you have to tell him. It took you a whole month to figure this out. Well, maybe I've been thinking about this ever since the start of the school year, but who cares anyway. I'm graduating and moving to my first year. I can't just graduate and leave myself unaccomplished. Going to first year is great, at least I can check if there's any girl confessing to him or something like that. I couldn't imagine another girl dating him, I mean he's only nice to the people he has use of. But hey, maybe he's nice to me because he has taken a liken to me, and totally not the fact that I'm a Suoh and his best friend's sister.

Okay, quit it Y/n, you're overthinking again. It's all good, all is fine. If he somehow rejects you, just move on. Come on, it's young love, you'll grow over it. Okay, no sweat. Wait, what time is it? Wh-What!? I'm late, oh goodness I asked him to be early there but I'm the one who's late.

Kyoya's POV:

I saw Y/n hurriedly running in my direction. Should I even be surprised, it's this Y/n we're talking about, who knows what she's so tensed up about these past few days? I hope it's nothing too serious, or else, I may cut my connections to her. That would be awful, I've grown quite fond of her presence.

Y/n's POV:

"I'm so sorr- AAAAHHHH!" I tripped and landed on someone's arms, oh dear, these arms are nice though. W-wait, who- "Are you okay Y/n-san?" A tall black-haired male said while helping me stand up straight. "Goodness, I never thought you can be this clumsy. You literally just tripped in mid-air." The boy said with a matching grin on his face, oh shoot, so it was Kyoya! "Geez, is tripping a new thing to you now?" "Yeah, it's been a while since I saw someone that dumb. Imagine tripping on nothing?" He chuckled, that boy, I swear I'mma throw his notebooks off a building someday.

"Well, I don't want to get too out of topic, why did you need me here anyway?" He asked, changing his grinning face into a quite nervous but confused one. " Oh yeah about that..." I chuckled nervously, I never knew it would be this hard. "Well, I called you here because I have something important to tell you." "And that is?" "I-I..." My cheeks started to grow red, I can totally feel it. Gosh Y/n, just tell him! "I-I l-like you Kyoya-san!" I declared, wait, was I too loud? Kyoya was stunned, I think he never expected this to come from me.

"I-I've liked you since this school year started, o-or maybe earlier than that. I don't really know..." I covered my face in embarrassment, yet I could still see him flustered and acting out of character. "I-I've never expected that Y/n-san..." He said in a small voice, looks like he's still processing what the heck is happening here. Even I can't determine what to feel right now. "But still, are you joking again Y/n? Is this one of your pranks?" The boy asked in disappointment. "Wh-what!? It took me a long time to build up this courage so I can confess, why would I joke about this?" I said, I was kind of mad but, he does have a point. I mean, I always pull pranks on him, so I think he has grown accustomed to it. "So you're really serious about this Y/n-san?" "Y-yeah, I am!" "Oh, I see..." He murmured, still having the disappointed look on his face. There was an awkward aura that was all around, there was silence, is he gonna reject me? Why is he taking so long? "Y-y/n-san, I hate to say this but. I'm sorry, I can't return your feelings. I still can't commit to having relationships." He said. I knew it. He's gonna reject me anyway, it's always been like this. Do people really hate me or something?

Kyoya's POV:

"O-oh, th-that's okay Kyoya-san. U-um, if you'll excuse me, I have to go now." She said as if she was already choking on her words. She ran fast, I wanted to chase her. I wanted to say much more things to her, but I just can't. It's like something is chained on me, locking me up from the world. Why does it have to be like this? Why...?

- End Of Flashback -

Y/n's POV:

"Y/n-chan! Come on, just this once. Pretty please?" Tamaki whined as he played with my hair. "Tamaki, I told you already, I can't. Who know what you might do, we're both dead if people found out I'm your sister." "Eh? What do you mean we're both dead, you're the one who doesn't want to, I mean no one's asking you to hide it." He replied. " I just don't like to keep a reputation. Unless our father wants me to not keep it a secret, maybe I won't hide it anymore." "You really hate this family so much?" "Gosh, you're talking as if we didn't get so much disrespect from our so-called family. If only mother was still here, maybe things will work out better..."

"H-hey, don't worry now, at least you got me, right? Big brother will always stay by your side no matter what!" He said while hugging me from behind. He's got a point, we only have each other now so it's better if we stick together always. "Hey, back to the topic, will you please visit the host club?" He said going back with those puppy dog eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, goodnight!" I said as I walked up the stairs. I've had enough of this, just a way to break the mood. "Does that mean you will?" "Wha- No! Oh boy, just sleep already, we'll be late tomorrow if you sleep late." "Ugh fine, maybe another time. I won't give up on asking you!" "Oh, really princEy? I'll watch you try." I scoffed going to my bedroom. "Hmph, you meanie!"

_ The Next Day _

"Yo Tamaki! Don't want to tour me to your club? Fine then, sleep mo-" "Wh-What!? Hey, wait for me!" I heard his distant screaming voice behind the door, yeah, as if I'll come there. It's not like I hate his host club or something, okay I lowkey hate the attention they get, but that's really not the point now. I just don't want to see a certain person there, that-

"Y/n-chan, wait for me!" Just as I was, ugh nevermind. "Did I hear that right? You want me to tour you to the club?" "What? I never said that, quit dreaming." I lied, what is he saying? That was just a bait for him to quickly wake up, woah, he truly believed that? Pft. "What? I clearly heard you said that? Eh, maybe I was half asleep that time." Wow, how gullible.

We arrived at school quite faster than usual. And as always, I'm wearing this large yellow dress that I clearly hate. Why? Because I'm blonde already, and this darn dress is yellow. I literally look like a living balloon walking around the school. As I walked inside the classroom, I saw a familiar face sitting there between the twins. I can't remember who he is but I know that I know him. What a girly, boy... Yeah whatever, this school is already weird to start with.

_ A Few Classes Later _

That's odd, the atmosphere seems livelier than usual. Oh right, the host club's back in business. But something tells me it's more than that, whatever like I should care. "Hey Y/n-san, wanna come with us to the host club? You'll surely love it there." Himari (OC) asked together with some other people. No can do ma'am. It's just torture to see that man again, I would rather die than seeing him, it's just embarrassing and sad and things like that. "Um, sorry guys. I can't, I'm really not into those kinds of activities." "Oh, I see. Well, it's okay, we'll go ahead then. Goodbye!" "Yeah, bye!" I said as I waved to the group walking away.

"Welp, I am of- AAAHHHHHH" "Yeah right Y/n-san, no way you'll say no." "What the- How did you get here Himari? And why are you dragging me? Hey, somebody help!" "Gosh shush your mouth for a moment will you? It's not like I'm kidnapping you or something." "I swear when I had the chance to take my hands on you, I would drag you around like what you're doing to me right now!"

We arrived in front of the club's door, this is it. This is the end, my dreams, shattered. I'm being dramatic again, why wouldn't I be, ugh forget it. "Stupid Himari, you just had to drag me here to see that guy." "Just because he rejected you once doesn't mean you don't have a chance anymore!" "That's your life motto, not mine." "Why so stubborn? Did that guy really hurt you that much?" "Wha- No!" "Hey, are you guys gonna come now or what?" A friend said, maybe I'm not the only one who's stubborn today, or are we really just annoying? "Yeah, we're coming!" Himari yelled while opening the door slowly. "This is it Y/n, be brave!" "Wh-Wha-" I was about to finish my sentence when I saw 7 guys standing in front of us. "Welcome." The boys said, with sweet smiles on their faces.


Author's Note: If anyone's confused, Himari is an Oc I added here. This fanfiction is also based on the anime and not the manga, there's a difference there. Another note, only Kyoya and Tamaki knows that you're a Suoh, your friends doesn't know. I'll give more information about Himari and other things I need to work on. Thanks for reading, see you on my next update. {❀}

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