Letter #10

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Everyone is a little reckless, 'cause falling in love is caused by a slip in our steps we wouldn't make if we were careful, yet I find myself walking willfully on ice, never knowing when I would fall, yet so sure that it will happen. I was reckless, bound to take a leap.

 Begin again.

 It was after your birthday. A stranger I greeted, and you said thank you. 

 At first I had no intention. I was just empty, looking for an equal soul. A person to talk to. But then seconds turned into minutes, and minutes into hours. Suddenly I found myself looking for you as the sun sets and as the sun rises. 

 I never knew I'd meet someone that gets me so much. Someone that knows all my missing parts. You know, you clicked for me, like a sudden realization of what was there. We talked for hours and hours on end, seemingly endless. Crazy, the similarities seem to go on. 

 And here I question, are you my salvation?

 I look at her smile, and her wonder eyes, she takes my breath and I find myself smiling along with her. Despite having no other reason than the fact that she looks like happiness.

 I never knew it felt so good, having someone want you back. It feels so warm. Like a sweatshirt on rainy days, like fire in the winter storm. My heart feels so full. I could never ask for more. I'm limited. Yet somehow, she brings me limitless and terrible happiness. Wandering in the thoughts, exploring in the forest of you. 

 Such a mystery. The radio reminds me of you. And maybe the rain too. You have taken up my headspace and I seem to have no problem with that. You caught me off guard, and maybe, I'm okay with that too. Making me feel like my head's in the clouds. Perhaps it was the 2 AM talks or how the music feels real as the never ending writing of the story of us.

 All I know is that you feel like the sea at sunset and the leaves whirring in the winter winds. That you feel like my state of grace, I never saw you coming. And you come running with my broken plans, turning them into mosaic art. 

 She is a new piece of me. I thought she would be burning, a red love, but no. Iridescence golden. Light reflects and you see the beauty. No where near perfection. Imperfect. She is a broken glass, cracks gleaming throughout. And now she is part of me, a mosaic of every one I ever loved, even for a heartbeat.

 To you.

 With you, my love. Take my hand and we will find what is to be on the foregone. With you, my love. Kiss me until I only feel our lips and yours is the only ones I know of. With you, my love. Hold me close until our bodies tangle into a beautiful mess. With you, my love. Nonsense may be my words, but these feelings will forever and always be a clear sea.

 I wish to know what it feels like to wake up next to you. To see the sun reflect, our bodies tangled, your face, so peaceful. I wish to find such sight, And to see that everyday. A wish granted. 

 But then I thought, what about her? Her, that once took my heart. Her, that was once my world. And I thought, maybe out there, in a different time, a different place, a different universe, we would be for each other, and I'd hold her in my arms for a life time. But for now, her, would be my kiss in the wind. And now, she comes, in my life with such different intentions. You know, I kept thinking — someday, someone will replace her. And she did come, and she loved me they way I wanted to be loved. And I know with she, I would be happier. 

 Much happier.

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