■ Chapter 12 ■

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Turns out Casteel did infact know about the locations

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Turns out Casteel did infact know about the locations. How? He didn't tell me. That hoe. He just smirked at me and said,

'Casteel Effect.' I wanted to stab him right then and there.

Thankfully I was able to keep contact with the other team members to see whether everything is still going according to the plan.

It was now afternoon, all of us workers were sitting together and having lunch. Sitting on my right was of course your one and only Casteel, on my left I had Liam.

Oh,I probably didn't introduce him.

Liam was Jackson's roommate. He was nice in both personality and looks. He had brown eyes and brown hair and he was somewhat tall heighted, no where near to Casteel though. Wait. Why the heck am I comparing both of them. Nevermind.

Liam was trying to be friends with me. Why? I had no idea. I guess he just had a friendly, kind nature. He always tried to talk with me. I always just offered him a smile.

Too bad I didn't have the most friendly personality.

Casteel hated him.

And he left no chance to make it clear. Casteel always and by always I mean literally always looked at Liam with a deadly glare.He didn't talk to Liam ofcourse. Like come on, we are talking about THE CASTEEL ALARIC AUGUST, he never talks to anyone.

I remember one incident that stood out in my mind. Casteel and I were cleaning when Liam showed up, Casteel ofcourse was glaring at him but Liam didn't notice, he was too busy talking to me and he said something like how he wasn't interested in cooking but he had to do it as it was his job. As soon as Liam  was out of our sight Casteel said and I quote,

'He doesn't even have morals. Doesn't he know that we should never half ass anything. Whatever you do, always use your full ass.'

I remember how hard I laughed at this while Casteel just stood there watching me like a creep with a slight smile and an emotion on his face I couldn't understand.

Casteel Alaric August sure had a good taste in humor.

Even now he was glaring at Liam or should I say 'Lima' as he likes to call him.

I kicked him under the table and gave him THAT look and then turned back to Lima. Shit. I mean Liam smiling.

'Oliver taste this, you have no idea how good it is!' He said.

I politely declined. I was full and really not in the mood of eating anymore.'

'Oliver, come on.Take it.' He forced it.

'No, it's really okay, I really don't want to eat.' I insisted. I had no idea how Liam wasn't aware of  Casteel's glare which was turning deadly as every second passed. His hands holding my shirt tighter with each passing second.

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