chapter 17. a new type of friend ship?

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I hope that I don't have a crush on luna,because I hardly know her and I did not believe the "love in first sight"thing but I guess its not technically, because she had a crush on me since middle school. the thing is I hardly know her any ways even if its not "love in first sight". so today me and luna talked at lunch together and well... me and her got a little bit closer then expected, and we became friends. a few things I learned about her she likes minecraft,sims,unicorns,mithycal stuff, and girls, I liked her sooooooo much. oh my god did I just say that? I guess to know for sure I got to ask her out not because I wanna kiss her lips so badly that I started dreuling, defenetly not... so I said"hey luna! um so I know for a fact that you like me and it just happens that I like you too, so lets make this happen! you wanna hang some day? how about this sun day?" and then luna said"OMG!!! ummmm is this happening right now? is this a dream? if it is don't wake me up!! YEASSSS I WOULD LOVE TO HANG WITH YOU!!! OMG THIS IS A DREAM COME TRUE!! oops I mean... ya, that would be cool..."

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