my thoughts were mixed up when my dreams came true, he is here my dream guy! I had a crush on him since middle school, I still cant belive its alex's brother... his name is andrew, he was like the prefect boy in middle school, high school, and even collage almost every girl dated him in school, exept me and his sister of corse, and he walked up to me and said,"hi, um do you wanna hang some day? I think your pritty cool." of corse I said yes, now I have love in my life! I never felt so happy in my life! (maybe because i was single all my life) and after I selabreated in my head, he made a staghit move and kissed me on my lips, I thought I was gonna cry from happyness, his lips where so soft, it was a dream come true, so after I was day dreaming, he said,"cool thanks! your cool, so when do you wanna hang? I alreaddy know where to go so all you need to do is say when and I will make it happen ;)" I said "um wow! how about this sunday?" and also I think I acsedontoly mumbled "god he's hot"I knew because he blushed, I try to hide my face, but he just moved my hands and said,"pika boo,I see you, no need to hide, I thank you for your honesty, to be honest I think you are too, babe ;)"I thought I was dreaming, I pinched my self to make sure but its not a dream, he saw me pinch my self, implying that I think I'm dreaming, he did the same. after he pinched him self saying"oh no I think im dreaming! oh well might as well make the most out of it right?;)"then he started getting closer to me and kissing me, but this time it slowly became a 'make out'. im dreaming right? or is he dreaming? I dont know any more! but I knew I loved it so I started making out back, wich I think surprized him because I can feel his mouth moved in a surprized way. when we stopped (wich was an hour later :P).
he said, "wow! ooohh mama! are you sure you never dated? because you are good!" I felt like I just got an A+ on a test I never even studyed on. well thats not the end of that...
the wonder of magic part 2.
Teen Fictionkids this is not for you, unless if you like sceary stories and love stuff with curse words... this one I find my self stuck, :P(some spelling maybe worng)