Nothing good ever comes out of a science class

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dedicated to authorninja for the cute trailer she made a while back!

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"You should tell Agent Harlin to stop walking by our house so much," I called out to Elijah while peeking out the window. "People are going to start asking why he only walks up and down this street."

Elijah appeared behind me and looked out the window as well, watching Harlin pause in front of our house and pretend to speak into his phone. He caught our glances before turning away and stalking off. I wouldn't even give him five minutes before his next stop at our house. 

"Tch," Elijah scoffed. "Amateurs." With that, he returned into the kitchen, where Alec was currently doing dishes. As  punishment for letting me get in trouble, Alec had been doing dishes for the past two weeks. I was in charge of dinner every night, since Elijah figured that being thrown into a car and being cooped up in the house was enough retribution. 

Right before I was about to head down the hall, a knock on the door was heard. Despite the fact that I was literally five feet away from the door, Elijah and Alec collided with each other as they raced down the corridor, knocking each other into the wall as they stopped at the entrance. 


The knock belonged to Logan, much to our surprise. Alec let go of the recently-bought cane he grabbed after Elijah swung open the door to reveal my bodyguard. 

"Morning," I greeted. "I didn't realize you'd been released." 

The sky thundered, and a flash of white appeared amongst the coal-colored clouds. Elijah moved me aside and ushered Logan into the house. His complexion was much less pale and the shadows under his eyes had faded considerably.

"I thought I'd surprise you. Also, I didn't trust Darkwood to deliver you to school on a stormy day. He'd probably lose you in the rain or something." Logan grinned as he dodged Alec's blow. 

"Just because you're injured doesn't mean I won't hit you, Cross," Alec threatened. "Besides, we've been followed by agents for the past two weeks. Even if I did lose your precious princess, she'd have to through those guys."

"I don't know," Elijah muttered. "She managed to escape a Dragon member once."

The sky gave another grumble, the noise trembling through the walls of the house. All of us made our way into the kitchen. Alec slid me a cup of coffee before he returned to his dishes. Elijah placed his empty plate by the sink and was then doused with a good amount of soap water. 

"How are you feeling?" Logan asked as he took the seat besides me. Then, just as the volume of Elijah and Alec's bickering crescendoed, Logan leaned in lowered his voice. "You didn't visit me after the first week, what's going on?"

It was hard to visit Logan. One, because the fresh surplus of agents my father had hired to be stationed around Cimeria made it practically impossible for me to go anywhere. I wasn't allowed at the coffee shop anymore. I couldn't even walk out to the mailbox without seeing seven different agents stare me down. 

Two, the fact that I had to fight Sophia to make it into the hospital began to exhaust me. Nothing says fun and enjoyable more than arguing with Sophia Missers while having agents breathe down your neck, ticking down the time you had left before you were forced to go back to the house. 

"I wanted to visit," I said, offering him an apologetic. "It's just been hard for me to get out of the house. And I mean impossibly difficult."

Logan nodded. "James told me how on guard everyone's been. I'm sor--"

Before Logan could finish his sentence, the doorbell rang again, prompting Elijah and Alec's routine of grabbing the closest weapon. They inched towards the door, with Alec clutching a soapy butcher knife while Elijah held up a broom. Logan took a protective stance in front of me, but I just sighed in exasperation. 

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