-questions + answers-

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Will there be a sequel?

-Yes. It's titled I'll Defend You.

When will you post the sequel?

-Unknown. I'm taking the last two months of 2015 to focus on senior things because I'm a senior in high school and this is the prime time of doing senior stuff. Whoop whoop. Hopefully--and I say hopefully because you all know how I am--I'll be able to get the plot outline of "I'll Defend You" done by the end of 2015 and will be uploading sometime in.... January/February. Again. Hopefully.

You called "I'll Protect You" as part of a series. Does that mean a third book/how many books will you be writing?

-I am planning on three books (partially because books come in either singles, threes, or a number above three--never two). So, technically, it's a trilogy.

Why did you rewrite the original?

-Because I wasn't happy with my writing in the original. I wasn't happy with the way Park started out. I didn't like the dynamics between Logan and Park. I didn't like a lot of things because I knew I could do better. And it couldn't be fixed through simple editing. It required a rewrite.

Will you ever make the original public?

-Unknown. Wattpad has this policy where once a story goes private, I have to resubmit all the chapters for them to become public again and that's a lot of work. Also, because I'm still terrified people will read the original before the revamped.

Is there any way I can read the original?

-I used to be able to send you the link and as long as you were following me and had the link, you could read it but now I can't even find my own story on the site, so it's gotten a little complicated. Ask me again in a month.

I don't like some of the changes/I don't like the revamped version. Why did you change certain things?

-Because they either made sense or they set back the story or they just...didn't make sense. Half of the changes I made were based off of suggestions readers commented on the original. Hence the name change on Park, how the Unholy Trinity found out about who Park is, Vincent becoming a Cimerian rather than an English boy, the passwords--they were all things that many people noted were inconsistent, unrealistic, or just plain lacking in sense/wrong.

What made you write "I'll Protect You?"

-I love cliches. I love common tropes being written out because they're fun and when I first started the original, I wanted to have fun. I wanted to write a princess story where the princess could kick ass and still be a princess. I wanted to see how far I could go with the cliche "princess and bodyguard." (look at me now).

Where did I get my inspiration to write "I'll Protect You?"

-The Princess Protection Program tbh.

Are you planning on writing other stories?

-Absolutely. When I'll be writing them is something I haven't a clue about.

Will Alec ever get a love interest?

-His love interest is himself, guys, you should know that by now (but in all honesty, I doubt I will add a romantic subplot for Alec since there will be a lot going on).

Thank you all once again! I love each and every single one of you, and I cannot believe the support you've given me and this story throughout the years. I'm a very lucky individual, so thank you, thank you, thank you. If you've got anymore questions you need answered, just comment them and I'll answer them as best as I can!

I'll Protect You (Re-Edit #2, 2016)Where stories live. Discover now