23- Y/n Uchiha

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I turn my head to naruto he looks focused. I looked around and noticed a purple barrier surrounded us with the ten tail beast. I started to run to the ten tails I jumped up and punched it in the head I keep doing it until it started to form a tail beast bomb I jumped back to my original spot.

"There's no way we can doge" I whispered I look at naruto getting into a fighting stance. I can't lose naruto not now not ever, as a tail beast bomb came towards us we put up walls but there's no way we can stop that. I saw a flash of yellow cloud my vision I look to see the tail beast bomb gone and see minato.

"Hello y/n I see your taking care of my son" minato said naruto grinned at his dad I turn my attention back only to see the hokages I smile. Minato walk to my side "you grown y/n I'm proud of you" "thanks minato but maybe wait until take them down" I said. Obito was right in front of us talking about pain and hatred I dashed behind him "SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY YOU DAMN UCHIHA!" I screamed while punching him to the ground.

Tobirama POV
"Who is that" I ask calmly looking at the girl fight with her own power. "That's y/n senju your granddaughter" Hiruzen said "OoOOoo woww you have a granddaughter Tobirama!!!" Hashirama shouted smiling.

I stood up "who the hell do you think you are coming in here acting like your god, hate to tell yah your not no is god and no one will ever be you think your the only one to feel pain and hatred your not so suck it up buttercup Bc we don't have all day for you to get your shit straight!" I yelled Obito looked at me with a shock looked soon replaced with angry look. I jump back and ran back to the other side "mom wow your so strong" Naruto smiled I couldn't help but smile back.

"So your my granddaughter" I turn to the person who said that Tobirama standing there trying to size me up "yeah I am but that's not important right now" I said turn around and walk to minato. I turn my head to see neji in naruto arms with blood coming out of his mouth I felt tears going down my eyes "y/n did you get hurt your eyes have blood coming out of them" kakashi asked I open the and looked at kakashi "you have the mangekyou sharingan in one eye and a rinnegan in the other your a Uchiha" kakashi said while piecing it together.

"You crossed the line OBITO UCHIHA" I ran smacking him in the face. We started to fight back and forth "I never knew you where part of the Uchiha clan and senju" he said landing a punch on me "well neither did I" i hissed swinging my leg to hit him the face. He went flying back I ran to him and activated my mangekyou sharingan black flames consumed his left arm. He rips the sleeve off and punched me in the stomach.

I went back a few feet I need a break I walked to naruto and minato "mom your a Uchiha senju how cool is that" I smile and pat his head I walked to Sakura "hey hulk can you heal me I need my body back to the top shape you can get it" I said she nods and started to heal me. "I see my granddaughter is a Uchiha w-" I rise my hand in his face "if you where about so make some Uchiha comment I'll have your ass on the ground don't underestimate me" i looked at Tobirama he looks at me and nods I turn my head to see Sakura is done healing "all done lady y/n" she said i just nod and walk away.

"Wait" I felt someone grabbed my hand I look and saw sasuke "your a Uchiha  yet you almost killed me Bc I am one" he hissed in my face I growled and looked at him my rage aura all around me "You think I knew I was a Uchiha, I wanted to kill you Bc you don't understand the pain you put my son threw and everyone else you think your all that back you have the mangekyou sharingan guess what bitch your not, also the chidori isn't yours so stop acting like you own it" I said backing way. 

"You need to stop being so tough on him mom" I nodded I look over to see hashirama dealing with his boyfriend. Heheh sasuke is kinda like naruto boyfriend "hehe I ship it" "ship what mom" I shake my head.

Sorry this chapter is all over the place I'm just ready tired for writing this chapter so sorry if I got some things wrong pls don't come after me for it.

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