The Day My Life Took A Turn Down A Cliff

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Cori's Pov

"Long ago, in a kingdom far from here, a beautiful young boy was born. He seemed like one of the many babies in the kingdom at first. However, as time went on," -

Drrrrrinng drrrinng

A loud sigh of relief came out my mouth at the sound of the bell. Maybe a little too loud.


Everyone started snickering as Mrs Lee stared at me furiously. She said," That was the bell for the seniors, Ms. Amira. I will see you in my office at noon sharp. You've had one too many slip-ups." I started to say, " But Mrs"-

"That is enough. I will see you in my office. The matter is closed." I sat down, muttering under my breath. That was my first fatal mistake. If there is anything Mrs Lee hates more than people making noises, it's people muttering under their breath. She asked me in a threatening voice,"What was that Ms. Amira?".

If I just said," Nothing, Mrs Lee.", I would've been fine.

"I said, 'That is not fair'. I mean, seriously, just cause you hate me you cant make my life miserable. Was giving me detention the whole year for something that wasn't even my fault not enough for you?!"

Randomly, the papers on my desk burst into fire, scaring the shit out of Jenny, who sat next to me. A lighter (which did not belong to me; in fact, I had never seen it before) dropped to the floor next to me.

The look she gave me made Medusa seem like an innocent 2-year old.

Just then, our bell rang.

I got up in relief, thinking the bell had saved my life. But Mrs. Lee said," Ms. Amira, you will stay behind. The rest of you, out. And don't forget to finish your English project.".

"Wait, Miss, it wasn't her fault, i lit the papers on fire.", Jenny jumped up, almost screaming. 

Mrs. Lee looked at her incredulously, "Fine, you may stay behind as well."

I sat down, feeling a whole lot of emotions- confused, because of the lighter, angry, because of how mean the teacher was being, annoyed, because I was behind everyone else in terms of school work, sad, because I knew that my family was counting on me not get into trouble and disappointed, because I really thought that I would be able to make it through this year. My teacher said something about how I had been given too many chances and it was time I left the school.

I had been home-tutored for most of my life, but 2 years- well actually 1 year, 11 months and 14 days ago, when I was 10 years old, my mom enrolled me in St. Helen's Prep boarding school, because for my birthday I had asked to be able to go to a real school. I don't actually know why I didn't go to a normal school. I wasn't so rich that people would jump at the chance to kidnap me or anything, or so poor I couldn't afford school. Whenever I brought up the subject my mom or dad would start talking about random things like news and other stuff. So I eventually just stopped bringing it up. But I was getting frustrated. The only classmate I had was Jennifer, my best friend. I had started feeling restless. So when my birthday came around, I asked to join a real school. My parents looked at each other, sighed, and finally agreed. And since my parents agreed, Uncle Sawyer and Aunt Mia- Jenny's parents- agreed. More on that later.

But when I came to St. Helen's, strange things started happening. One night, my roommates- Themis and Riya- woke up to find my bed on fire and me peacefully sleeping in it. According to them, every time I breathed out, the fire became larger and every time I breathed in, it became smaller. But Jenny- Jennifer -who was also my roommate, said there was nothing and they were probably imagining it all. Maybe Jenny could fool some people, but she was my best friend, and I could tell she was lying. But I didn't say anything, because I didn't understand how I could be on fire and not feel a thing. And naturally, since I couldn't understand it, I ignored it.

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