Chpater One

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Violet, Klaus and Sunny Baudelaire worked tirelessly on the marble floors of Esme Squalors penthouse as their new guardians berated them.
Ever since Himlech Hosptial when they'd been caught and forced to return into the care of The cities sixth most important financial adviser and the notorious count Olaf their orphaned lives had become rather dull.

By now Violet was already 17 which meant only one year reminded until Olaf would finally get his hands on the Baudelaire fortune, something which the siblings no longer cared much for.
All they truly wanted now was freedom, a fresh start away from Esme Gigi Genevieve Squalor and Count Olaf. They certainly didn't make the children's lives easy.

Although each of Baudelaire was smart, creative and talented in their own way their skill set had been reduced to those of doing grungy house hold chaired and waiting on their guardians hand and foot.
Esme in particular loved to boss the children around and seemed to pick on Violet more than the others. She would treat the young girl like a slave and boss her around while the others endured torture at Count Olaf's hands.

Despite their circumstances however the Baudelaire's where still sharp, capable young people, something they often used to their advantage.
But their wits and intelligence didn't always work well for them as proven by the lecture they were currently receiving.

"These floors are filthy!" Count Olaf yelled despite being able to see his own reflection in the polished marble.
"I want them to be spotless," Esme demanded, "you should be able to eat if these tiles once your done orphans."

Violet groaned at the impossible request.
"we've been cleaning for hours." She pleaded, "these floors as as clean as they'll ever get."
Esme snapped her head in violet direction, fire burning in her eyes.
"Did I say you could speak, orphan?" She barked pointing a long and well manicured finger at the girl.
Violet worked her jaw before returning her gaze to the floor, Klaus however had no such restraint.

"We're done slaving away for you." He shouted, "your rich Esme, why don't you hire someone to clean your floors."
"Well because that wouldn't be any fun!" She retorted hastily, "and besides what fun are having Orphans if you can kick them around a bit?"

The two elders Baudelaire children rolled their eyes at the woman in disgust, Sunny muttering something along the lines of "your awful."

"Esme's right!" Olaf declared, "I'm fact I think we've been far to get out with you orphans. It's about time you earn your keep, work a little."
The Baudelaire's all dropped their jaws at once. Ever since they'd been kidnapped and taken back to the penthouse on Dark Avenue all they'd done was work. Chores came in lists and lists which they were always expected to do all of. If they didn't they'd suffer the consequences, which one might call torture to a certain degree.

"What more would you have us do?" Violet asked trying to disguise her fury.
"Well to start you could learn what things are in and out!" Esme snarled placing a hand on her hip.
She was always going on about what was in.
"And you could help me with my theatre." Count Olaf added.
"Isn't that what you have an acting troop for?" Klaus asked incredulously.
"Hench people," Olaf corrected, "and they can hardly play a bride like you sister can."
Violet recoiled in disgust as she recalled the time Olaf had tried to marry her. Surely he wouldn't do it again now that he was with Esme?
Though as the Baudelaire's had quickly learned there was no limit to count Olaf's treachery, nor was there an end to Esme's shoe collection.

"Well excuse me if I don't want to take part in another one of your theatrical performances but last I checked you weren't very good." Violet said.
"And you weren't very bride like!" Olaf hollered stomping his foot like a child on the the floor.

"Darling..." Esme said soothingly as she pulled him away from the Baudelaire's, "remember not to do anything rash dear, we still need them alive for their money."
Olaf calmed down at the mention of cash.
"Right of course, thank you Esme now orphans if you'll excuse me I have to go and brood."

After Olaf stormed of so Violet, Klaus and sunny could finally get back to their chores.
"Not so fast." Esme said and pointed a finger when Klaus stood up to leave, "your not going anywhere until these floor are cleaned."
"These floors are clean." The boy replied, "and I thought you said to clean your powder room?"
"I said for violet to clean the room!" Esme clarified with a snarl, "it's no boys aloud darling."
"That's ridiculous." Violet said without realizing it, though as soon as she did she regretted it.
"Are you questioning me orphan?" Esme hissed approaching on Violet.
The eldest Baudelaire cried out in pain as Esme grabbed her ruffly by her long brown hair and forced to her feet. Esme then proceeded to drag violet to the empty elevator shaft and pushed the button.
"One more word and you'll go splat." She threatened menacingly as Violet shook.
"Stop it!" Yelled Klaus, "your gonna kill her!"
"And what a pity that would be." Esme said sarcastically.
"If you kill me now you'll never get the money!" Violet shouted hastily in a frantic attempt to save herself.
"That's true," esme said thoughtfully "but there's always your siblings."
Violet struggled against the older woman's firm grasp but it was no use, she either had to do as Esme said or die.

"Okay, okay just stop! Please stop." Violet begged.
"Ask nicely Violet." Esme sneered as Klaus and Sunny watched in horror.
"Please let me go!" Violet cried out, "I'm sorry okay."

A snarky smile spread across Esme's ruby red lips.
"Good enough." She said tossing violet to the ground.
"The rest of you orphans finish the floors, if they're not polished over three more times by the time I'll return violet here will take a trip down the shaft."
She kicked Violets side once with a sharp stilettoed heal before strutting of.

Klaus and Sunny immediately rushed to their sisters side, helping her up.
"Are you alright?" Klaus asked as violet dusted herself of.
"Yes I'm fine," she replied, "she's done worse."
"So has Olaf." Klaus admitted.
"Do you think she really would've thrown you?" Klaus asked as they knelt back down to work.
Violet shuddered at the thought. "I don't want to know." she said truthfully diverting her gaze from her brother.
"All that matters is that she didn't."
Klaus smiled meekly at his sisters misplaced optimism, it seemed so bleak in this place.
But maybe...just maybe Violet was right. Only of course time would tell but the Baudelaire's did know one I guess for sure.
They weren't getting away from Count Olaf anytime soon.

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