Chapter 2

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A/N= Credits to my bff for giving me ideas bc i ran out😗✌Lol i didn't think people will actually like my work pfft.😂😂😂

~The Next Day~(Y/N)'s POV~

I woke up exactly 5:00am to do my daily routine. I took a shower and got dressed. I wore a white tank top over a (F/C) hoodie with Black Joggers and black nike shoes. I did my morning jog around campus.

After my morning jog i went back at my dormitory. I went inside my room and took a shower.

After I showered I got dressed, I was wearing a (F/C) beanie, Purple Sweater, Ripped Jeans, and red converse.

It's currently 6:25am. So I went in the kitchen and made breakfast for me and my roommates. I was making eggs and bacon for breakfast. As i was cooking I heard someone walk inside the kitchen. "Foods not ready yet. Go do something else." I said as I feel the person leave the room.

After i made breakfast i went in the dining room and saw selever playing with his phone.

I placed the plates of food down the table then walked towards Stacey's room and knocked on her door. I told her that breakfast was ready. I did the same to Grey.

We went inside the dining room and started eating our food.

~Time Skip~

After we ate, Stacey and Grey went in their room to change their clothes. Me and selever waited at the couch sitting together awkwardly. I then decided to talk."So what's you're first subject?" I asked." I dunno... Hold on imma check my schedule" He said as he pulled out a sheet of paper from his book bag.
"Here" he said as he handed me his schedule. "Oh! We have exactly the same schedule!" I said while pulling out my schedule from my book bag and handed it to selever. "Heh looks like you'll have to take good cere of me from now on" Said selever as he proceeds to hand me back my schedule.

"Alright Bitches enough flirting we gotta go" Said stacey behind me. I turned around around and said "We weren't flirting Stacey. We were just talking" i said. "Hmm. Sure ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )" she said. A little irk mark appeared at the side of my head. "ISTG that face is annoying" i thought to myself.
We then walk out of our dormitory and started walking our separate way.

Me and selever arrived at class and sat down on the 4th row and started listening to to our lecture.

~Time Skip~Lunch Time

"Finally lunch time!" I said as i walk out of my classroom. "Come on selever. I'm starving." I said as i drag selever into the cafeteria with me.
We both ordered our food and sat at an empty table.
"So selever are you free today?" I asked him." Hmm. Yes, I'm free today." Selever responded. "Why'd you ask princess?" Selever asked while stuffing his mouth with his food.
"Well me and Grey are going to the skate park. Wanna come?" I said. He gulped the food on his mouth and said "Sure. What time are you going?" "Great! Were going at the skate park at 5:35pm later." "Cool" Selever said as well heard the bell ring signaling us that lunch was over. "Time to go" I said as we walked towards our next class.

~Time Skip~After School~3rd Persons POV~(sorry for the many time skips😅 I just don't know what to put in)

After class (Y/N) and selever went back to their dormitory. Grey and Stacey were already there sitting on the couch watching TV and eating popcorn. "Hey Grey! Selever said he'd join us to the skate Park." (Y/N) told Grey. "Cool. You guys only need to change and we can get going. I'll wait for you guys here." Grey responded. With that (Y/N) and selever went in their perspective room and changed their clothes.

After (Y/N) changed their clothes. They went out of their room with their skateboards in their hand. (Y/N) was wearing a Pink crop topped hoodie with gray sweat pants and pink shoes.

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